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<br />Ramsey County-Wide Emergency Opera/ions Plan <br /> <br />Revision 5.1,June. 2005 <br /> <br />and identifies training and educational programs for responders and other <br />personnel, and will provide information and outreach to the public. <br /> <br />The Director of EMHS is tasked with coordinating all counter- and anti- <br />terrorism planning and activities for the county and for ensuring or <br />conducting hazard and vulnerability analyses and the gathering and <br />dissemination of terrorism related information. <br /> <br />GENERAL RESPONSIBILITIES OF DIRECTOR, EMHS <br /> <br />. Chief staff to the Incident Manager and county Incident Manager <br /> <br />. Coordinating plan development and maintenance <br /> <br />. Serves as Liaison between municipal Emergency Managers, <br />and between them and county, state and federal support <br />agencies. <br /> <br />. Initial coordination and requests for county assistance at local <br />scenes <br /> <br />. Coordinates disaster funding requests within the county <br /> <br />. Emergency Services Unit mobile communicationslcommand <br />vehicle and personnel <br /> <br />. Emergency Services Unit mobile on-site television surveillance <br />vehicle, equipment and personnel <br /> <br />. Mobile generators and lights <br /> <br />SPECIFIC TASKS: <br /> <br />. Ensure 24 hour Duty Officer position is staffed at all times <br /> <br />. Be prepared to respond to emergency scenes and make initial <br />assessment <br /> <br />. Notify the County Manager as necessary <br />. Make initial dispositions of county resources as needed <br />. Notify the State Duty Officer if not done by municipality <br />. Suggest andlor arrange for outside assistance as necessary <br /> <br />45 <br />