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<br />Ramsey County-Wide Emergency Operations Plan <br /> <br />Revision 5.1, June, 2005 <br /> <br />Emergency Services Volunteers from EMHS will respond to assist at <br />the scene as requested by the municipality. This assistance may <br />include: <br /> <br />. Mobile Command Post <br /> <br />. Emergency outdoor lighting <br /> <br />. Emergency portable generator <br /> <br /> <br />EMHS EMERGENCY SERVICES VOLUNTEERS <br /> <br />. Communications net <br /> <br />. On-scene perimeter establishment and control <br />. Expert advice and consultation <br />. Incident command extension <br /> <br />ROLE OF EMHS DUTY OFFICER <br /> <br />The EMHS Duty Officer will take reports of major incidents from the <br />local Incident Commander or PSAP. The Duty Officer will determine <br />the method for notifying other EMHS staff and senior county <br />management and will determine need for response to the scene. <br /> <br />In general, EMHS will respond to the scene (a) if EMHS assts are <br />requested; (b) if the incident is or potentially may become, of such <br />nature as to pose a significant threat to large numbers of persons or <br />the environment or ( c) if the incident might result in the formal <br />activation of either the municipality's local emergency plan or of this <br />county-wide emergency plan. <br /> <br />At the scene, the EMHS staff will be available to serve as staff to the <br />local incident commander. <br /> <br />CONTINUITY OF GOVERNMENT <br /> <br />The term continuity of government refers to the preservation, maintenance <br />or reconstruction of government's ability to carry out its executive, <br />legislative, and judicial processes under the threat or occurrence of any <br />emergency condition that could disrupt governmental process and service. <br />Ramsey County is beginning a more in-depth continuity process in <br />December 2005. The purpose of continuity of government planning is to <br />preserve leadership and authority, prevent unlawful assumptions of <br />authority, assure government direction and control mechanisms, and <br /> <br />46 <br />