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<br />Ramsey County- Wide Emergency Operations Plan <br /> <br />Revision 5_1, June, 2005 <br /> <br />Sheriff's existing Community Watch program. This program <br />uses automated voicemail, email, and faxes to distribute law <br />enforcement information. When enhanced, each community <br />will be able to contact all public and private schools with <br />information and updates. <br /> <br />b) Public Schools <br /> <br />Control of Ramsey County public schools in an emergency <br />generally rests with the Superintendent of the School <br />Districts and school principals. Principals will implement <br />protective actions as they deem necessary, or as directed by <br />the Superintendent. Established procedures are available at <br />each school, and parents are informed of the emergency <br />arrangements through normal school orientations and <br />brochures. Emergency alerting and warnings will be <br />supplemented by broadcast announcements over the <br />Schools' public address system. <br /> <br />EMHS has an ongoing program working with the schools, <br />law enforcement school liaison officers and local emergency <br />managers to develop, enhance and exercise school <br />emergency plans. <br /> <br />c) Private Schools <br /> <br />The senior school administrator or his/her designee upon <br />notification will initiate implementation of protective actions <br />by emergency alerting and warning by an Incident <br />Commander, by the Superintendent of Public Schools, or by <br />the Board of Education representative in the EOC. <br />Transportation will be augmented by pre-arranged transport <br />from the public school Board of Education. <br /> <br />d) Colleqes and Universities: <br /> <br />The largest University in the county, the University of <br />Minnesota, has a full-time dedicated emergency <br />management department and maintains its own means of <br />contacting and alerting staff, students and employees. <br />EMHS and the cities that border the University (Lauderdale, <br />Falcon Heights, and St. Paul) are able to contact the <br />University's PSAP 24/7 and trigger the dissemination of <br />emergency information. <br /> <br />The other colleges and Universities within the county <br />maintain their own crisis and emergency plans. EMHS is <br />active with these entities to review and exercise these plans <br />and procedures. EMHS is also involved with the International <br />Association of Collegiate Law Enforcement Administrators <br />Minnesota Region, which is the professional association of <br /> <br />105 <br />