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<br />Ramsey County-Wide Emergency Operations Plan <br /> <br />Revision 5.1 June, 2005 <br /> <br /> <br />Guarded Condition (Blue). This condition is declared when there is a generat risk of 1erroris1 <br />attacks. In addition to the Protective Measures taken in the previous Threa1 Condition, <br />departments and agencies should consider the following general measures in addi1ion to the <br />agency-specific Protective Measures thaI they will develop and implement: <br /> <br />Government <br /> <br />. Check communications with designated emergency response or command locations; <br />. Review and update emergency response procedures; and <br />. Provide the public wi1h any information that would strengthen its ability to act <br />appropriately. <br /> <br />Businesses <br /> <br />. Complete recommended ac1ions at lower level <br />. Be alert to suspicious activity and report i1to proper authorities <br />. Dialogue wi1h community leaders, emergency management, government agencies, <br />community organizations and utilities about disaster preparedness <br />. Ensure emergency communication plan updated to include purchase of needed <br />equipment <br /> <br />Schools <br /> <br />. Complete recommended actions at lower level <br />. Be alert to suspicious activity and report it to proper authorities <br />. Conduct safety training/emergency drills following the school's written emergency plan for <br />all grades <br />. Ensure emergency communication plan upda1ed and needed equipment is purchased <br /> <br />Neighborhoods <br /> <br />. Complete recommended actions at lower level <br />. Be alert to suspicious activity and report it to proper authorities <br /> <br />Families <br /> <br />. Complete recommended actions at lower level <br />. Be alert to suspicious activity and report i1to proper authorities <br />. Review stored disaster supplies and replace items thaI are outdated <br />. Develop an emergency communication plan that all family members understand <br />. Establish an alternate meeting place away from home with family/friends <br /> <br />Individual <br /> <br />. Complete recommended aclions at lower level <br />. Be alert to suspicious activity and report it to proper authorities <br />. Review slored disaster supplies and replace items that are outdated <br />. Develop emergency communication plan wi1h family /neighbors/ friends <br />. Provide volunteer services and take advantage of additional volunteer 1raining <br />opportuni1ies <br /> <br />t20 <br />