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<br />Ramsey County-Wide Emergency Operarions Plan <br /> <br />Revision 5.1 June, 2005 <br /> <br /> <br />Elevated Condition (Yellow). An Elevated Condition is declared when 1here Is a significant risk <br />of terrorist attacks. In addition to the Protective Measures taken in 1he previous Threa1 <br />Condl1ions, departments and agencies should consider 1he following general measures in <br />addition 10 the Protec1ive Measures that they will develop and implement <br /> <br />Government <br /> <br />Increase surveillance of critical locations; <br />Coordinate emergency plans as appropriate with nearby jurisdictions: <br />Assess whether the precise characteristics of the threat require the further refinement of <br />preplanned Protective Measures; <br />Implement, as approprla1e, contingency and emergency response plans. <br /> <br />Businesses <br /> <br />Complete recommended actions at lower levels <br />Be alert to suspicious activity and report it to proper authorities <br />Contact private security firm for security risk assessment and to determine availability of <br />supporIlrelnforcement <br />Contact voluntary organizations you support to determine how you can provide <br />assistance in case of emergency <br /> <br />Schools <br /> <br />Complete recommended actions at lower levels <br />Be alert to suspicious activity and report It to the proper authorities <br />Ensure all emergency supplies stocked and ready <br /> <br />Neighborhoods <br /> <br />Complete recommended actions at lower levels <br />Be alert to suspicious activity and report it to proper authorities <br />Have neighborhood meeting in order to iden1ify neighbors who are elderly or have special <br />needs. Assis1 them in development of a personal disas1er plan and disaster supplies kit if <br />requested. <br /> <br />Families <br /> <br />Complete recommended actions at lower levels <br />Be alert to suspicious activity and report i1 to proper authorities <br />Ensure disas1er supplies kit is slocked and ready <br />Check telephone numbers and e-mail addresses in your family emergency <br />communication plan and update as necessary <br />If not known to you, contact school to determine their emergency notification and <br />evacuation plans for children <br />Develop alterna1e routes to/from school/work and practice them <br /> <br />Individuals <br /> <br />Complete recommended actions at lower levels <br />Be alert to suspicious activity and report it to proper authorities <br />Ensure disaster supplies kit is stocked and ready <br />Check telephone numbers and e-mail addresses In your personal communica1ion plan <br />and update as necessary <br />DevelOp alternate routes to/from work/school and practice them <br /> <br />121 <br />