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<br />Ramsey County-Wide Emergency Operations Plan <br /> <br />Revision 5.1 June, 2005 <br /> <br /> <br />High Condition (Orange) - Continued <br /> <br />Families <br /> <br />o Complete recommended actions at lower levels <br />Be alert to suspicious ac1ivity and report it to proper au1horities <br />. Review disaster plan with all family members <br />" Ensure communication plan is understood/practiced by all family members <br />+ Exercise caution when 1raveling <br />. Have shelter in place materiais on hand and unders1and procedures <br />. Discuss children's fears concerning possible terrorist attacks <br />. If a need is announced, donate blood at designated blood collection center <br /> <br />Individuals <br /> <br />. Complete recommended ac1ions at lower levels <br />. Be alert to suspicious activity and report it to proper authorities <br />. Review your personal disaster plan <br />.. Exercise caution when traveling <br />. Have shelter in place malerials on hand and understand procedures <br />If a need is announced, donate blood at designated blood collection center Prior to <br />volunteering, contact agency to determine their needs <br /> <br />123 <br />