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<br />Line 27: <br /> <br />Provide a detailed description of the current conditions for the students <br />walking and biking to and from school. Include descriptions of any <br />infrastructure deficiencies and policy barriers. If appropriate provide an <br />attachment of captioned photos <br />Valentine Hills Elementary is a neighborhood school with no trail or sidewalk <br />connections. The school is surrounded by very busy roads with posted speed <br />limits that of 40 mph on County Road E2 and 45 mph on Old Snelling. There is <br />a school zone in front of Valentine Hills that reduces the speed to 30 mph when <br />children are present. The lack of off-road pathway connections and high speed <br />traffic has resulted in few school children biking or walking to school. <br /> <br />Currently, County Road E2 has an eight foot shoulder or parking lane on both <br />sides of the road, but no sidewalks or trails. The shoulder and parking lanes are <br />often used for parking during school hours and evening hours when there are <br />special events or activities at the school (Attachment B: photos 2,3,4). If a <br />walker or biker decided to utilize the shoulder during those times, parked cars <br />force the biker or walker to walk around the car, into traffic. In particular, during <br />the winter months, this situation becomes very dangerous as the shoulder lanes <br />are often covered in snow with no protection between the cars and the <br />pedestrian. The hazard increases before and after school during twilight. In <br />addition, road shoulders are not designated as bike or pedestrian lanes. It is <br />rare to see youth walking on the shoulder of this road. These unsafe walking <br />and biking conditions prompt parents to drive their students to the school, thus <br />increasing automobile traffic at or near the school. <br /> <br />The Ramsey County Arden Hills Library (identified on Attachment A: Project <br />Map & Attachment B: photos 5,6) is located on the north side of County Road <br />E2 at New Brighton Road. Currently, there is no trail or sidewalk to safely allow <br />for students and residents to walk or bike from school or the neighborhood to <br />this location. <br /> <br />The neighborhoods (Attachment A: project map) north of the elementary school <br />have very little trail access to the school. Neighborhood children cutting through <br />Ramsey County Open Space have developed an informal route to school. This <br />foot path is not maintained therefore, is vulnerable to weather and other <br />variables. During the winter and spring months, it is often not usable. This foot <br />path links the northern Valentine Hills neighborhood from Venus Avenue, <br />consisting of 325 households. However, it is not safe as a pedestrian or bike <br />path and is not ADA compliant. The school recognizes the current use of this <br />community connection, however, is very concerned that there are no crosswalks <br />at any of the trail heads, making crossing the road from the north very unsafe. <br />The foot path is also very popular with recreational walkers. <br /> <br />The neighborhoods (Attachment A: Project map) south of the elementary <br />school, which consists of 155 households has limited trail connections to the <br />school and library. The trail along County Road E2 and identified crosswalks <br />will provide a safe off road connection to these locations. Providing a safe <br />connection for the surrounding neighborhoods to the school for both walkers and <br />bikers is critical. <br /> <br />Minnesota Safe Routes to School <br />2007 Grant Application Instructions <br /> <br />11 <br />