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<br />these properties could havc the curb end in the middle of their from yard. These owners have <br />expressed eoneems about this. <br /> <br />. Because of the existing topography. the north portion ofthe neighborhood drains to Arden Hills. <br />We are proposing to construct raill gardens or infiltration trenehes ill the boulevards of the homes <br />in Rosevi!le to collect and intiltrate the storm water. However. a portion of the HmofTwill still <br />drain down the hill into the Arden Hills system. When Arden Hills reeonstructs the portion of <br />the strects in thcir City. the storm sewer system will be constructed to address the runolffrom <br />Rosevillc. By having one project we would be able to have a more comprehensive stonn sewer <br />design. Meeting the water quality goals of both of our Cities. <br /> <br />. \Vith a larger project we may see some cost savings on construction costs. The 2007 project <br />consists entirely of 1\'lill and Overlay projects. With Mill and Overlay projects. the quantities of <br />curb and gutter and storm sewer are lower than in a reconstruction project. With lower <br />quantities. the bid prices may not be as compctitive. If we pursue a joint project. we would <br />combine it with Arden Hills 2008 Reconstruction project. <br /> <br />. lfwe just end at the middle of the streel. Arden Hills will see additional costs "matehing" a later <br />project in with the RoseviIle streets. This could include removing new curb and milling the new <br />pavcnlent for a smooth transition. <br /> <br />. By not involving the Arden Hills residents they are not a part of the decision making process. <br />'!1,ings like street width. parking. curb typc arc all decisions that the Roseville residents have <br />weighcd in on. If we do not include Arden !Jills property owners in the discussion. they will be <br />"stuck" with our decisions. <br /> <br />We are holding a Public Hearing for this project on 1/29/07. At the hearing we are prcsenting two <br />options to the City Council. The first option would be to continue with a 2007 reconstruction projeet, <br />this project would only reconstruct the roads in RoseviIle. The second option would be to delay the <br />projeet to 2008. Allowing us time to work through the public process in Arden HiUs and have the <br />potential for an early 2()(l8 bid. StafT is recommending the second option. <br /> <br />Moving forward with extending th" project would require the Arden Hills City Council to order a <br />feasibility report. We would appreciate it if you could you discuss this option with the City Council at <br />the January work session. It would be our hope that if they are supportive. they could order a Icasibility <br />report at the 1/29/07 meeting. Iflhat occurs_ we could start a public process this spring inviting <br />residents from both Arden Hills and Roseville to the table. If approved we would pursue a 2008 <br />reconstruction project. <br /> <br />We appreciate the consideration of our request. Please contact me at or <br />651-792-7042 with any questions or concerns. <br /> <br />Sincerely. <br /> <br />~~ <br /> <br />Debra M. Bloom. P.E. <br />City Engineer <br />