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<br />applicant is proposing to relocate the trees to the adjacent property to the south, which is 1987 <br />Gateway Boulevard. Although the adjacent property is a legally separate property, both <br />properties are owned by Arden Hills Industrial, LLC. <br /> <br />In order to protect the relocated landscaping from future development, the applicant, in <br />conjunction with the property owner, is proposing to create a landscape easement on 1987 <br />Gateway Boulevard. This proposal would provide essentially the same amount of vegetative <br />screening before and after the expansion, assuming the trees survive the transition. A condition <br />in the CUP amendment requires the property owner to create the landscaping easement, and the <br />easement could only be vacated with permission from the City Council. The easement would not <br />be dedicated to the City, and it would be privately maintained. <br /> <br />Finally, along with the parking lot expansion, the applicant will be revamping the stormwater <br />management system to accommodate the existing and proposed expanded parking area. During <br />the preparation of the parking lot expansion plans, the applicant discovered that the stormwater <br />system had not.been properly installed when the property was developed in 1996 and 1997. The <br />Rice Creek Watershed District has issued a conditional approval for the parking lot expansion, <br />and full approval is expected. <br /> <br />Findinl!s of Fact <br /> <br />The Planning Commission offers the following twenty fmdings of fact for review: <br /> <br />1. Celestica's use of the property is a conforming use in the Gateway Business Zone. <br />2. There are currently 408 parking spaces on the property. <br />3. Based on the number of employees, the Zoning Code would require 450 parking spaces <br />on the property. The property is currently not conforming to the parking regulations in <br />the Zoning Code. <br />4. The applicant is proposing to add 74 parking spaces for a total of 482 parking spaces, <br />which would bring the property into conformance with the Zoning Code in terms of <br />parking requirements. <br />5. The proposed parking expansion would encroach 11.28 feet into the required 20 foot side <br />yard parking lot setback thereby reducing the setback to 8.72 feet. <br />6. The proposed parking expansion would decrease the landscaped area on the lot from 38 <br />percent to 34.5 percent, which is .5 percentage points below the 35 percent minimum <br />landscaping area requirement. <br />7. The two new proposed lighting poles will match the existing light poles, and the light <br />source will be hooded as required by the Zoning Code. <br /> <br />On the Conditional Use Permit Evaluation Criteria: <br />8. The parking expansion will not impact traffic conditions; however, it will reduce parking <br />congestion on the site and likely eliminate the need for off-site parking. <br /> <br />\\Metro-inet.uslardenhillslPlanninglPlanning Cases\2007\07-0JO Ce/estica cUP Amendment & Variance (PCApproval)\062507 - CC Report- <br />Celestica Variance & CUP Amendment.doc <br /> <br />Page 2 of5 <br />