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PC Packets 2007
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7/26/2007 1:30:00 PM
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<br />July 23, 2007 <br /> <br />Follow-up Oil <br />Variance Applicatiou for 3441 Lake Johanna Boulevard <br /> <br />Members of the Planning Commission: <br /> <br />Early in JULc] submitted an application Ii,lI' zoning variances to accommodate my proposed <br />homc construction. This application was revicwcd and discussed at the July 11,2007 Planning <br />ComrniSSltHl111eeting. <br /> <br />A t this mceting it was determined that the cast exposure (Lake Johanna Boulevard) is the "ll'ont <br />yard" and tbat the west exposure (Fairvicw Avenue) is the "rear yard". Consequently, it was <br />declared that a 30 rt sClback requirement would apply to the west. The Commission was not <br />able, however, to come 10 a determinatic;n as to what setback requirement should apply to the <br />jj'ont yard, The City Planner was instructed 10 research the topic and provide inlt)rJnation for the <br />Commission's use at the next meeting. <br /> <br />Siuce the July II meeting I have consulted with my architcet regarding possible revi;o;ons to the <br />site plan. Based on these consultations, I have decided to withdraw two of the lhre," variance <br />requests: <br /> <br />to 1 arn no longer requesting permission to rebuild the existing detached garage set hack <br />j~inher from Fairview /\. venue. The .;xisting S-inch sethack is satisLlc{ory to me, lile <br />proposed 5 1/2 ItlOt setback was not endorsed by ti,e Planner or Planning Commissiou, <br />and none of the neighbors expressed any opinion or prCf(TCnCe 0111hc In~ittcr. <br />Consequently, the structure will stay at its present location. <br />03 ] am no lc:ngcr requesting pcrrni~;sion I~)r a gravcl-'~llrf~lccd parking and turn-around area. <br />1 stil1 believe this is a logical and desirable feature~ as it would not only ccono111ically add <br />io convenience and safety, but alsel reduce thc amount of runoff into the ilooding-prone <br />Fnirvic\v ;-\ venue. l!o\Vever~ the Planner and Cummission cle~lrly expressed their <br />ncgalivc pn:)j:'ions on this requc;-:;t, the cily engineer has taken no exception to 111)' '~arlie~- <br />statement !l1m I should be allowed 10 contribute a similar amount ofrunoffinlo Fairview <br />A.venue as has been allowed l~)r my new neighbor immediately to die south, and nOlie of <br />the neighbors o!Tercd any support Itlr this request. <br /> <br />Re~nrr~ing the third variance request, I \vish to proceed, hut with a reduced degree of <br />encroachment requested on the 30-ft rear-yard setback. My variance application was for a <br />setback \11' 13 reel iI'om the lVest property line, which would have allowed thl~ new attached <br />garage to be in alignment with those on the properties tel thc n<mh. I am now requesting that I be <br />allowed to have a sctback "f 18 jeet. This reduced amount of encroachment into ,he 30-1i rear- <br />yard setback can bc accommodated by pushing the cntire f:1ructure (house and garage) Jive lee! <br />
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