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<br />tlIrthcr cast. This results in a Il-ont yard structure setback of approximately 49 il2 lj---far in <br />excess of the 40 n that is the City's generic lj.ont-yard setback. <br /> <br />Proceeding independently since thG July 11 meeting, the City Planner (acting as Zoning <br />Administrator) has issued a declaration that a 45 n setback is approptiate f,)r my fj'ont yard, and <br />that this setback cannot be encroached upon by any portion of the structure, including decks. <br />Unl,)j'tunatcly, this amount of setback now rcnders my revised site plan unworkable, due to a <br />wrap-around deck on thc northeast comer of an upper floor, which would extend approximately <br />7 1/2 leet eastward into the lhmt yard---to a point 42 tlli.Otll the Jj'ont properly line. It is my <br />understanding that ordimuily, such a deck is allowed to project into a setback area. J also lind it <br />interesting to note that the newly-constructed house next door (3433 Lake Johanna Blvd) was not <br />subject to any similar setback requirement as to distance or exclusion of decks. <br /> <br />This 45-I,)!)t Ij.ont yard setback determination is said 10 have been based on review of the <br />existing structures along Lake Johanna Boulevard between County Road E and Lake Lane. Such <br />an analysis must have been interesting, (although ofacaclcmic intercst only, since tbc applicable <br />zoning code text refers to the "prevailing setback in the immediate vicinity" only) as it would <br />have revealed building setbacks ranging !i'om over 50 Ii to under 10 Ii. This analysis would also <br />ha',.'-.; revealed that ill Inany cases, ground-level or elevated decks extend considerat-.:1y into the <br />fi-ont yards. The pleasant variation of the neighborhood alignment is further complicated by the <br />J\l(:t that the l.akc Johanna Boulevard right-ol~\Vay width is not of uniicJrll1 width. Consequently, <br />even if all lh" structures were 10 hal"; the same setback the right-ol~way line, the structures <br />still would not be in alignment. <br /> <br />To hring this convoluted proceeding to a detinite conclusion, I am requesting that the Planning <br />COlnmission approve a variance t'l-Jr an IS ft rear yarel setback, and recognize that a generic front <br />y,lrcl sethack of 40 n is ::lPJ11ic(1hk~. or al1crnativelYl a 45 ft selLae]\: \Vilh the nOlll1ally-permissiblc <br />6 It deck encroachment. <br /> <br />If the Pl~1l1l1ing C'ommission denies this renlainipg variance request, I will of course adjust 111Y <br />building plans to c()nj~)nl1 in every detail to the interesting cOlnbinatit)J1 of ~;ctbacks the City hus <br />f,mmtlatcd ]()r thi" property. Ironically, one possible outcome is that 1 could construct a <br />de{uclu.:,d gar,lge within 10 n qfthc rear lot line without a variance, ev(;n though 1 an1 only asking <br />in my variance application for penl1ission ~'() build at an 1811 setback. <br /> <br />Thank youl{,r you" continued attention to lhis matter, ] Icok tClrward to :.esolution of this <br />rehi?lg;lJil1Ce ,'equest at your urcol1lin~ meeting. <br /> <br /> <br />/y\,t /~ <br /> <br />Richurd Gonzalez <br />