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7/26/2007 1:30:00 PM
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<br />1. The lot size of 15,241 square feet and the lot dimensions are confonning 111 the <br />underlying R-2 Zone. <br />2. The existing dwelling meetings all property line setbacks. <br />3. The proposed dwelling would be as close as 18 feet to the western property line, which is <br />a twelve foot encroachment into the rear setback. <br />4. The proposed dwelling does not encroach on any other required setbacks. <br />5. The existing detached accessory structure is nonconfornling because it encroaches into <br />the south em side yard and western property line setbacks. The existing accessory <br />structure is inches from the western property line and approximately six feet from the <br />southern side property line. <br />6. Reconstructing the existing accessory structure to the same dimensions or less would not <br />require a variance. <br />7. The proposed new dwelling does not exceed the 35 foot height limit. <br />8. The proposed new dwelling and accessory structure are permitted uses in the R-2 Zone. <br />9. The existing dwelling and the proposed garage are outside of the lOO-year flood plain, <br />wetlands, and easements. <br /> <br />011 the Variallce Request: <br />10. A dwelling with attached garage is a reasonable use within the R-2 Zone. <br />11. The topography of the property is somewhat unique, and that may warrant a setback <br />variance from the rear property line for the dwelling with the attached garage. <br />12. Given the location of the property and development characteristics of adjacent properties, <br />it is unlikely that the proposed dwelling and attached garage would negatively impact the <br />character of the surrounding neighborhood or City. The structure to the south is 40 feet <br />from the western property line while the structures to the north are close as ten feet to the <br />western property line. <br />13. The proposed plans and setback variance for the dwelling do not appear to be based <br />entirely on economic considerations. <br /> <br />Staff Analvsis and Recommendation <br /> <br />The findings of fact for the variance do not specifically SUPPOlt a recommendation for denial or <br />approval. <br /> <br />A single family home is a permitted use in the R-2 Zone and it is a reasonable use for this <br />property. The variance is unlikely to negatively impact the neighborhood or City because there <br />is already a structure on the property and other nearby properties encroach on the rear setback. It <br />does not appear that the variance is based on economic considerations alone. As is often the <br />case, the evaluation criterion that states, "The plight of the landowner is due to circumstances <br />unique to the property not created by the landowner," is the difficult evaluation criterion. While <br />there is an existing confornling dwelling on the property, it is smaller than the neighboring <br />houses and the topography does present some unique challenges for redevelopment. The <br /> <br />City of Arden Hills <br />Plal/ning Commission Meeting/or August J, 2007 <br /> <br />HJfefro-illcr.lls\ardclIhillsIPlnllllillgIPlmmillg Cases\2007107-0J6 Gonzalez Variallce {PC TabJe)I080J07 - PC Report- GOl/zalez Variance. doc <br /> <br />Page 7 of9 <br />
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