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08-13-07 Agenda Item 4C
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08-13-07 Agenda Item 4C
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Last modified
8/9/2007 2:29:17 PM
Creation date
8/9/2007 2:22:38 PM
Planning Case 07-017 Deny Variance
General - Type
Agenda Item
3441 Lake Johanna Blvd.
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<br />ARDEN HILLS PLANNING COMMISSION - JULY 11, 2007 <br /> <br />8 <br /> <br />6. The structure shall conform to all other regulations in the City Code, <br /> <br />Variance 2: Nonconforming Accessory Structure Relocation and Rebuilding Variance <br /> <br />Mr. Lehnhoff indicated this variance largely depends on the designation of the western <br />property line. If the western property line is determined to be the primary front property <br />line, then it would be difficult to construct a new accessory structure 40 feet from the <br />western property line, The applicant estimates three to five feet of fill would be needed, <br />which would be around 300 cubic yards of fill for just the accessory structure, A large <br />amount of fill may negatively impact drainage on the property to the south and change <br />the overall look of the property. <br /> <br />However, if the rear property line is designated as the rear property line, then the <br />accessory structure setback from Fairview Avenue is reduced from 40 feet to ten feet. <br />Moving the accessory structure 4.5 feet farther east and 3.25 feet farther north would <br />eliminate the need for the variance, though it would increase the need for fill. More <br />specific calculations would be needed to determine how much additional fill is required <br />to construct the accessory structure in a conforming location. <br /> <br />Since it appears to be possible to move the accessory structure into a conforming location <br />without significantly altering the topography, staff is unable to recommend approval of <br />variance number two. It may, however, be reasonable to table the application to allow <br />the applicant more time to determine how much additional fill would be needed to <br />construct the accessory structure in a conforming location. The application should only <br />be tabled ifthe additional fill information would affect the final decision of variance <br />number two, <br /> <br />To approve variance number two, the findings would need to be re.stated for the record <br />to support approval. If the Planning Commissions recommends variance number two for <br />approval, Staff recommends the following conditions be included with the motion: <br /> <br />L The project shall be completed in accordance with the plans submitted as amended by <br />the conditions of approval. Any significant changes to these plans, as determined by the <br />City Planner, shall require review and approval by the Planning Commission. <br /> <br />2, The applicant shall use best management practices (BMPs) to control erosion at all <br />times during construction, <br /> <br />3. The detached accessory shall not exceed the dimensions of the existing accessory <br />structure, including height and eaves. The applicant shall submit detailed dimensions of <br />the existing structure prior to receiving a demolition permit. <br /> <br />4, The rebuilt accessory structure shall have similar exterior treatments as the principal <br />structure. <br /> <br />5, The applicant shall obtain approval from the Rice Creek Watershed District prior to <br />the issuance of any building permits. <br /> <br />Variance 3: New Gravel Driveway Variance <br />
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