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<br />CIP Discussion <br />8/16/2007 <br />Page 4 <br /> <br />resurfacing, Goodpointe is scheduled to do a trail assessment this fall. After receiving this <br />report, staff can determine what trails need to have surface work. AIl resurfacing work (hard <br />court and trails) would be considered maintenance and therefore would come from the general <br />fund. Current cost estimate for this project is $15,000. <br /> <br />Trail Signage: The PTRC recommended trail signage in 2007. However, that was delayed for <br />the official Elmer L Andersen Memorial Trail designation and until the trail inventory had been <br />completed. The naming guidelines were established in 2007; the Elmer L Andersen Memorial <br />Trail has been offIciaIly designated. The trail inventory is near completion. Therefore, staff has <br />slated trail signage to be done in 2008. City resident Derrek Hames, who designed the City logo, <br />would prepare the design of the signs. This would be budgeted to come from the Special <br />Revenue Park Fund. Current cost estimate for this project is $25,000. <br /> <br />CP Rail Bridge Improvements (Old Highwav 10): This was originaIly scheduled to take place in <br />2007. However, at the July 16th City Council Work Session, Park Funding was discussed at <br />length. The PTRC was charged with working on a proposal for a possible park referendum <br />project and bringing back for City Council review and discussion. Within that discussion, the <br />City Council seemed in favor of delaying the CP Rail Bridge Improvements until after the <br />referendum proposal came forward. Staff would like to reconfIrm that the City Council would <br />like this delayed until that time. Current cost estimate for this project is $230,000. <br /> <br />South Water Tower Repair: Based on the December 2005 water tower inspection report from <br />KTA Tator Inc., repairs were identifIed to be needed in the next three years. StaffwiIl be <br />reviewing this report and preparing projects as needed. It is estimated that these repairs will be <br />approximately $79,500. <br /> <br />2009-2012 Proiects <br /> <br />2009 Toro Groundsmaster Replacement: Staff is reviewing all of our current equipment as weIl <br />as our future needs. We have identifIed that a large area lawn mower would provide better <br />efficiencies to our mowing operations. We are exploring replacing the existing 1998 <br />Groundsmaster (6 foot cutting width) with a large area mower (11-16 foot cutting width). This <br />item wiIl be evaluated in 2008 with a fInal request to the Council anticipated for 2009. Estimated <br />cost $60,000. <br /> <br />2010 Countv Road E Bridge Improvements and trail on north side: This was originaIly <br />scheduled to take place in 2008. However, the MnlDOT Cooperative Agreement for the bridge <br />improvements has been unsuccessful. As stated earlier, during the Park Funding discussion, the <br />City Council seemed in favor of delaying this project until the PTRC has brought forward a <br />referendum proposal. Therefore, this has been moved to 2012. Current cost estimate for this <br />project is $679,600. <br />