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08-20-07 Agenda Item 2D, PMP Philosphy
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08-20-07 Agenda Item 2D, PMP Philosphy
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8/16/2007 3:53:36 PM
Agenda Item 2D, PMP Philosphy
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<br />CIP Discussion <br />8/16/2007 <br />Page 2 <br /> <br /> <br />. Improve neighborhood aesthetics, property owner's quality oflife, and property values. <br />. Use the Pavement Condition Index (PC1) as a guideline to determine the appropriate <br />maintenance strategy. <br />. Neighborhood approach to annual maintenance/improvement projects where feasible. <br />. Budget management- how the project is funded (Assessments, Municipal State Aid <br />Funds, Enterprise Funds, etc.) <br /> <br />In 2006, the City contracted with GoodPointe Technologies to develop a database for pavement <br />management and perform a detailed, multi-year network level budget analysis on the City's <br />pavement network. At the May 2006 Work Session, staff presented the results of GoodPointe's <br />report; the meeting minutes are attached. Four scenarios were discussed: <br />. Scenario 1: Spend $] million per year on street improvements. Over a 20 year period, the <br />average pavement condition index (PCI) rating would increase from 64 to 77. <br />. Scenario 2: Maintain current average PCl of 64. Over a 20 year period, this would cost <br />$14.5 million. <br />. Scenario 3: Increase the average PCI from 64 to 75, an average benchmark PCl for cities <br />in the metro area. Over a 20 year period, this would cost $16 million. <br />. Scenario 4 modeled the existing five year CIP, which resulted in a PCI rating of 65 after <br />the fIve year period. <br /> <br />The general consensus at the May 2006 Work Session was that Scenario 3 was the most desired <br />option. Staff requests that the City Council discuss whether the consensus still exists and <br />consider formalizing the 20-year goals as part of the PMP policy update. Scenario 3 included an <br />aggressive approach, budgeting more projects in the fIrst five years to increase the PCI to 75, and <br />then maintain that rating for the rest of the 20-year period with a lower budget. Stafflessened the <br />intensity of the early "spike" in spending, and presented a revised Scenario 3 as the 2007 -20 II <br />CIP, which was adopted in January, 2007. <br /> <br />Staff had GoodPointe run the 2007-2011 CIP to see how it impacts the PC!. Based on the current <br />CIP, the average PCI rating will increase from 64 to 72 by 2011, increasing to 75 in the next five <br />years and then maintaining a rating of 75 to the end of the 20-year period. The cost of this <br />scenario over a 20 year time frame is $19.9 million. <br /> <br />CONCLUSION <br /> <br />Staff is requesting questions and comments from the City Council regarding the PMP <br />philosophy. Once we receive feedback, we will proceed with revising the 2001 PMP philosophy <br />and bring it to the City Council for review and approval. <br /> <br />
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