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<br /> <br /> <br />Features <br /> <br />. Remote Control for Horizontal Beam Steering and <br />- OneStap Ahead for _rand Easi'l'llplimi2llllon; No Need fur <br />- Preclsll Patlllm Comrol <br /> <br /> <br />. <br /> <br /> <br />. Compact Size and Ugllt Welght <br />. Lower Wirnlload with Cylindrical Shape Radome <br />. Zoning Ffiendly <br /> <br />. Capacily Increase <br />- Traffic load Balan", by Horlzonlallll!am StooIil1lJ <br />- Minlmlre Cll-Co'nnelllllertllreool b~ Adi"slabl~ v..1l:aI DllWil- <br /> <br />. Minimum Optimization Burden <br />-Optimlla1ion reqUlllJSAdjusling Oownllll.nd_ Diredloo <br /> <br />. Predictable Ceil Planning <br />- Malntalnlng Sam. Beam _m Shape when 5leerlld and <br /> <br />. Increase Average RevenDe Per User (ARPU) <br />. Rapid Return On Inveslment (ROI) <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />Direct Remote Control Option <br /> <br />. No Additional Device in between a Controiler and an <br />- Blvlroomant FrUlrnl~ AJlllroaclJ <br />- Blhan"d Reialliby bOcause of no !\ewe Componel1iS In 111. <br />. CllslEff,ctiva.sollJ1ion <br /> <br />. On-site Remote Control with PorlalJle Controller (at <br /> <br />. Central Remote Control with Main Controller <br />(at O&M Center or other Remote Central Location) <br /> <br />A1SG Compatible Option <br /> <br />. Enhancing Commonalily <br />- AI5G ComjlaJ~~ RET <br /> <br /> <br />. On-site Remote Control wllh Portable Controller (at <br /> <br />. Central Remote Control with Main Controller <br />(atO&M Center or other Remote Centrallocalion) <br />