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<br />..-.-.. :', :' ':,' -: - - - "", ',",:,', ,,," ': ':',F"m;j,St{I'I'\-::::<t<' <br />, HUlRIDi!~WAY Jm.J1..I!iTABLE ~I\II'\,IA;,' " . ,':<::'::' rrt.r1f1ltl" ,:":-::;" <br />~" ')~ ~ ~~,'~ j ~ ~ ~ ~, 1 "j xj~ -~" ~:!;)j "'~_-: 1-' "':,,:j:"-~: <br /> <br />Dellveringlnnovatlve, Rellable, and Cost-Effective Antenna SolutiollS <br /> <br />Specifications <br /> <br /> <br />65' <br />7" <br />"'lA:l (;"15.6dB) <br />Ir -16' <br />W' <br />lBdB <br />;"25 dB <br />Dual. Slant ,"45' <br />21BdB <br />;;,(jOdB <br />1M3: -150 dEo <br />(under all downUIls) <br />350 Walts <br />Silohms <br />7116 DIN female <br /><1>5.14 x51.Mlnches (q,1SSx 1319 mm) <br />kg) <br /> <br />KMWlnc. <br /> <br />65YoongC~\lm-Rl, 'OongTan-Myun <br />Hwi.1SU\'l~~}'Do 445-810 <br />Rcpoubl!c Of Koroa <br />TeI:+Sz..:31.3ro;OO74 <br />f<lll~""82,,31.,;37~ <br />E-rr.alI: <br /> <br />KMWccmrn,urileatians,lne. <br />rn:1.Q<aredn~BNtf. <br />&lllill K.l.MGatdon GI'OYcCA <br />92841. U.SA <br />TeI:.,+i~11A;,ij~ <br />.Fax:.f1~1t~ <br />&mwl ;fI1fu@~inrn.cOm <br /> <br />KMWJ.piu!,Jnl; <br />222-OC133~rrolmlrouBI~,t3;7F1 <br />S1nybktlhaitla~1.&'s'i<OuhOktW<u, <br />Yokohal'l'l&<Si, Kanagawa.,l<.r:m iliIpi1tl <br />Tel:1:~1;4S,4-18-22rg <br />Fa1::+61,.4!M~J~ <br />E-mall :..twmI@kmWIoo.C(lJp <br /> <br /> <br />KMWChm1I,fm:. <br />2ndFl~,; 3$1 JftlZ'.;ll'lgR <br />JlfulIOOExpl;)rtProce&$lrtQZ1:3\1l <br />~l'IM~'201206;PRC <br />r~1~...eG-21~a145 <br />FIDt~_+a6-2t.68S~!3 <br />&maii "$hhan@kfflwclJ.imj, <br /> <br />- .1511'f (..,we - .70,\;) <br /> <br />(217.3kph) <br />222 (O.21m') <br />44.5lbl (197.5 N) <br />From 1.6 to 4.3 Inches (40 to 110 mm) 00 ma,ts and tlatsurfacas <br /> <br />Remote Mechanical Steering & Electrical Oowntilt <br /> <br /> <br />. Horizontal beam steering <br />without degrading radiation <br />pattern shape by simple <br />mechanical rotation <br />mechanism <br /> <br />Copyright 2005 J(MW.Inc. All rlgl1to re'erved. The inrormallM herein Is sUbje,t to cllangewJthoul noli'.. J(MW reserveS me tights to, <br />deslgn orcomponants as engfneerlngand matlufJlcturing raqulrtlmillrtsoemand. <br /> <br />bltp:!/ <br />