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City of Cloquet <br /> Fund Balance Policy <br /> Fund Balance and Net Asset Guidelines(Fiscal Year End) <br /> Reserved Fund Balance and Restricted Net Assets- Portion of fund balance that is not appropriable <br /> for expenditure or is legally segregated(restricted net assets)for specific future uses. <br /> The City has several items that are legal restricted to a certain use such as: police forfeiture funds,federal <br /> and state economic development revolving loans,park dedication fees,and bond proceeds. The City has <br /> several amounts unavailable for appropriation such as: advances and deposits,inventories,etc. These <br /> types of items will be reported as reserved fund balance and/or restricted net assets as required. <br /> Designated Fund Balance—Designations represent management's intended use of resources. <br /> Designation for cash flows—This designation will be established for the General Fund and Special <br /> Revenue Funds that are funded largely from local government aid,property taxes,and market value <br /> credit. The amount will be 50%of these items since the majority of these revenues are normally received <br /> in July. <br /> Designation for capital projects—All amounts in the Permanent Improvement and Public Works Reserve <br /> are used to fund the capital improvement program. The fund balance in these funds will all be designated <br /> for capital. <br /> Designation for economic development-The City has grants and property tax levy dedicated for <br /> economic development. These funds will be designated for economic development. <br /> Designation for revenue stabilization—Revenues can fluctuate greatly from year to year,especially <br /> interest earnings, and, in previous years,local government aid. This designation will be used if <br /> determined to be needed by the City Administrator and Finance Director. <br /> Undesignated Fund Balance and Unrestricted Net Assets—Current resources available for which <br /> there are no government self-imposed limitations or set spending plan. <br /> General Fund—To provide for emergencies or contingencies, such as revenue shortfalls,that the City <br /> may encounter as part of its operations,the unreserved undesignated fund balance shall be set at ten <br /> percent(10%)of the ensuing years General Fund operating expenditures(not including capital outlay, <br /> debt service or transfers to other Funds). The unreserved fund balance should be at a minimum of 35%to <br /> 50%of fund operating revenues or no less than five months of operating expenditures according to the <br /> Office of the State Auditor(this includes the designation for cash flows). The City's goal will be to <br /> follow this recommendation. <br /> • <br /> Approved <br />