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City of Cloquet <br /> Fund Balance Policy <br /> Special Revenue Funds—The City has several special revenue funds that vary greatly in the type of <br /> activity. The unreserved fund balances of special revenue funds should be at a minimum of 35%to 50% <br /> of fund operating revenues or no less than five months of operating expenditures according to the Office <br /> of the State Auditor(this includes the designation for cash flows). The City's goal will be to follow this <br /> recommendation if determined appropriate for the individual fund's type of activities. <br /> Debt Service Funds—Most of these funds will be reserved for debt service and the undesignated fund <br /> balance should be near zero. <br /> Capital Project s Funds—Most of these funds will be designated for the capital improvement plan or <br /> reserved for a specific project and the undesignated fund balance should be near zero. Specific capital <br /> improvement funds may be negative because they are waiting on funding but should zero out at the end of <br /> the project. <br /> Internal Service Fund-Accrued compensated absences and severances are recognized as a liability and <br /> fund balance should be near zero. <br /> Enterprise Funds—It is expected that unrestricted net assets will be large. These funds have large <br /> • investments in infrastructure that need to be maintained. The City will periodically complete a rate study <br /> for these funds to ensure rates and unrestricted net assets are sufficient to operate and maintain these <br /> activities. <br /> • <br /> Approved <br />