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COVERED PORCH ENCROACHMENTS AND COVERED PORCH <br />ENCROACHMENT DESIGN GUIDELINES <br />0 <br />I . Applicant reviews proposal with City Planner before plans are finalized. <br />2. Applicant submits application and submission documents to the City. <br />3. Community Development Director or their designee reviews application and <br />review the findings to determine compliance with City regulations <br />4. The Community Development Director or their designee provides a written <br />review of application to the City Building Official'and the applicant. <br />5. If the Community Development Director or their designee has approved the <br />porch addition the applicant may submit an application fora building permit. <br />WRITTEN STATEMENT <br />1. The applicant shall <br />porch encroachment including <br />materials, exterior wall materi <br />column materials, spindle and <br />accurate descrinfion of the 1 <br />description of the proposed covered front <br />;neral style and form of the porch, roof <br />-s and interior materials, ceiling materials, <br />nd base materials, to provide an <br />front porch encroachment and <br />demonstrate compliance with the City's covered porch encroachment design <br />guidelines. <br />OTHER CONSIDERATIONS <br />1. Photographs showing the location of the proposed covered porch encroachment. <br />2. Elevations or renderings of the proposed covered porch encroachment. <br />3. Other plans, as, appropriate to request. <br />SURVEY <br />The applicant shall provide the City with a survey showing the property lines, existing setbacks and <br />proposed setbacks so that City staff may determine if the proposed covered porch encroachment is <br />compliant with City Covered Front Porch Encroachment Design Guidelines and Zoning Code <br />Regulations. Surveys shall include the following: <br />1. The date, north point, map scale, name and address of the applicant, owner, <br />operator, surveyor, engineer and designer, including their license numbers and seals; <br />2. A correct boundary survey and legal description of the subject property made and <br />certified to by a registered Land Surveyor indicating total acreage of site; <br />3. Depiction of all watercourses, lakes, marshes, wooded areas, rock outcrops, power <br />transportation poles and lines, gas lines, single trees with a diameter of eight (8) <br />