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inches or more as measured three (3) feet above the base of the trunk, and any other <br />significant existing features; <br />4. Delineation of topography of subject property with contour intervals of not more <br />than two (2) feet and supplemental of one (1) foot in extremely flat areas, the data <br />for which shall be derived from the fifth general adjustment of 1929; <br />5. The location, right-of-way width, dimensions and names of existing or dedicated <br />streets or other public lands, permanent buildings and structures, easements, section <br />and corporate lines within the subject property and withina distance of one hundred <br />(100) feet from the property boundaries; <br />6. Descriptions, reference ties and elevations of all benchmarks; <br />7. Location of all monuments existing at the time of the survey, and those which the <br />surveyor shall have located at the comers of the subject property; <br />8. Reference to and relations of municipal, township, county or section lines to lines of <br />the subject property by distances, .angles, radii, internal angles, points and <br />curvatures, tangent bearings and lengths of all arcs; and <br />9. Boundary lines of adjoining property within one hundred (100) feet, identifying <br />owners. <br />SITE PLAN <br />Sufficient detail to clearly show the conditions of the property, the location of the proposed <br />porch, and the area surrounding the proposed porch. This may be shown on the survey or <br />included as a separate document. Plans should be drawn to scale (engineer's or architect's <br />scale) not less than '14 inch to one foot; and the scale shall be listed on the plans. Please also <br />include the following: <br />1. Principal' building location(s), dimensions and setbacks. <br />2. Accessory buildinglocation(s), dimensions and setbacks. <br />3. Calculation of total building coverage. <br />4. Calculation or impervious/hard surface coverage. <br />5. Driveway and sidewalk location. <br />6. Fences and retaining walls. <br />7. Shoreland boundaries, if applicable (including official OHW elevation). <br />8. Wetland boundaries, if applicable. <br />DRAINAGE PLAN <br />1. Existing and generalized proposed drainage facilities <br />2. Potential ponding areas <br />STRUCTURALPLANS <br />Sketches or illustrations indicating the architectural treatment of the proposed <br />