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PC Packets 2008
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2/22/2008 3:10:43 PM
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The 2008 Comprehensive Plan is divided into the following chapters (the organization of the <br />chapters may be modified in the final version of the Plan): <br />1. Introduction <br />2. Community Profile* <br />3. City Vision <br />4. Active Living (Blue Cross/Blue Shield Grant) <br />5. TCAAP <br />6. Land Use* <br />7. Housing* <br />8. Economic Development and Redevelopment <br />9. Parks and Recreation* <br />10. Protected Resources* <br />11. Transportation* <br />12. Environmental Sustainability <br />13. Public Facilities and Services* <br />14. Implementation* <br />*Required by the Metropolitan Council and State Statutes <br />Each of the Chapters 4-13 has a proposed all-encompassing goal statement. The goal statement for <br />each chapter is intended to be somewhat of a general, positive, and, for the most part, <br />uncontroversial statement. Each goal statement is then supported by a series of policies and <br />background data that are designed to advance the goal statement and, ideally, the overall City <br />vision. The policies can be specific or general; short-term or long-term; easy or difficult; and may <br />in some instances be controversial. Some of the policies will require a great deal of research and <br />effort to fully implement, and, ultimately, some may not be workable. Since the Plan is meant to <br />guide the City until 2030, it is not necessary to fully evaluate the potential or possibility of each <br />goal or policy. However, each statement should have a desirable result and be within the realm of <br />possibility. <br />If you have a specific idea that you think should be in the Comprehensive Plan, or notice that <br />something is missing, please either mention it at the meeting or let me know. When making a <br />request for an item to be in the Comprehensive Plan, it is helpful to take a step back to see what the <br />ultimate goal of the request is and how it advances the vision statement and goals within the Plan. <br />If you notice specific grammar or punctuation errors, please mark them in the Plan and provide your <br />copy of the Plan to Staff for review. Your copy will be returned to you. <br />It is important to remember that while a Comprehensive Plan is meant to take a long-term look at <br />the community, and it should not be a static document. The City should work to implement the <br />Comprehensive Plan over time; however, this Plan does not exclude the possibility of exploring <br />new projects, goals, policies, priorities, and strategies down the road if new opportunities or issues <br />arise. Although the Plan is intended to go 2030, all cities in the metropolitan area will review their <br />comprehensive plans again in 2018. <br />Planning Commission Work Session for February 28, 2008 <br />IlMetro-inet.uslardenhillslPlanninglComprehensive P1anlMemos1022808 - PC Report - Comp Plan -Vision, Policies, and Strategies.doc <br />Page 2 of 4 <br />
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