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the cost of providing attenuation within the MDS to recover the capacity lost to excessive <br />I/1. <br />The 1/1 goal established for the City of Arden Hills is the allowable peak hourly flow rate <br />as shown in Table 1 and varies based on annual average flow. The Council's metering <br />program shows that the city's 2004 annual average flow at meter M051 was 0.47 mgd <br />thus the current 1/1 goal for this connection point from your community is an allowable <br />peak hourly flow of 1.63 mgd. The current annual average flow at meter M052 is 0.046 <br />mgd thus the current 1/1 goal for this connection point from your community is an <br />allowable peak hourly flow of .19 mgd. The current annual average flow at meter M054 <br />is .2 mgd thus the current 1/I goal for this connection point for your community is an <br />allowable peak hourly flow of 0.76 mgd. The current annual average flow at meter M059 <br />is 0.33 mgd thus the current 1/1 goal for this connection point for your community is an <br />allowable peak hourly flow of 1.2 mgd. <br />Specific Requirements for the Sewer Element of the City's Comprehensive Plan <br />The Council has completed a review of the current information in the city's existing <br />comprehensive plan and has determined that the following information is needed to <br />update the sewer element of the city's comprehensive plan/local sewer policy plan: <br />• A sewer map showing the city's existing service area and proposed trunk sewer <br />system through 2030 and ultimate sewer service area. <br />• A table showing the projected population, households, employment and flow forecasts <br />by interceptor for the city for 2010, 2020 and 2030. <br />• A description of the city's I/1 program. What efforts does the city make in the <br />maintenance of its sanitary disposal system? Does the city prohibit the connection of <br />sump pumps, rain leaders and passive drain tile from the sanitary sewer system? <br />2. Surface Water Management <br />In 1995, Minnesota Statutes section 473.859, subd. 2, was amended to make the local <br />water management plan required by Minnesota Statutes section 10313.235 a part of the land <br />use plan of the local comprehensive plan. Section 10313.235 provides that a local water <br />management plan should be prepared once a watershed plan for the area has been <br />approved. Section 10313.235 also generally identifies the content requirements for the <br />plan. The local water management plan must be submitted to both the watershed <br />management organization within whose watershed the community is located and to the <br />Metropolitan Council for its review. For guidelines on the contents of local water <br />management plans, please refer to Appendix 132-b of the Council's Water Resources <br />Management Policy Plan. <br />Council records indicate that Arden Hills is located entirely within the Rice Creek <br />Watershed District (see attached map). The most recent version of the Rice Creek <br />watershed plan was approved by BWSR in 1997. Arden Hills completed its update to its <br />W-4 <br />