<br />2006 PMP
<br />3/25/2008
<br />Page 2
<br />
<br />Change Order #4 includes payment for additional work and/or materials incorporated into the
<br />project during the completion of the punch list. Attached to the change order is a detailed
<br />explanation of the additional work/items. A change order is how we add, delete, or revise the
<br />work included in a contract. By approving the change order we change the total contract price.
<br />Change Order #4 increases this contract by $6,271.44, revising the total contract price to
<br />$1,816,063.06.
<br />
<br />Payments are made for work actually completed. While the contract price, including Change
<br />Order #4, would be $1,816,063.06, the final contract cost is less, al$'1 ,775,340.44, this is the
<br />result of some project quantities being less than what was anticipated.
<br />
<br />The final construction contract amount, $ 1,775,340.44, is $85,446.28 more than the amount
<br />anticipated at the time of award, $1,689,894.16 (this reduction in contract amount was the result
<br />of Change Order #1). The items included in all four change orders were necessary for the
<br />successful completion of this project. The majority of the increases in cost were the result of
<br />changes due to unanticipated conditions in the field and concerns expressed by residents
<br />throughout the construction of the project.
<br />
<br />The original budget amount for the project was $1,764,000, based on the feasibility report, which
<br />included engineering fees. At the time of the award this amount was amended to $2,083,200.
<br />The following table shows final costs allocated to each ofthe funds, including construction costs,
<br />URS and Roseville engineering costs, legal fees, the additional work completed at the Siems
<br />Court intersection, and $ 15,000 that has been budgeted in 2008 for additional landscaping. Staff
<br />will be bringing the additional landscaping plan to Council later in the spring.
<br />
<br /> Feasibility Amt TA
<br /> Report Construction URS Roseville Legal Fees Schifsky Landscaping TOTAL
<br />Roadway $1,]00,000.00 $1,039,267.53 $214,634.48 $30,825.44 $13.822.23 $5,723.00 $15,000.00 $ 1,319,272.68
<br />Storm
<br />Sewer $ 410,000.00 $ 474,948.86 $144,731.59 $ 6,165.09 $ 625,845.54
<br />Sanitary $ 82,000.00 $ 80,118.17 $ 19,039.59 $ 2,055.03 $ 10],212.79
<br />Watennain $ 160,000.00 $ ]81,212.]9 $ 49,502.92 $ 2,055.03 $ 232,770.14
<br />Roadway
<br />Easement $ 12,000.00
<br />Total $1,764,000.00 $1,775,546.75 $427,908.58 $41,100.59 $13,822.23 $5,723.00 $15,000.00 $ 2,279,]01.l5
<br />
<br />
<br />Approve Change Order #4 in the amount of$6,271.44 and Final Payment (#8) to Arnt
<br />Construction Company, Inc. in the amount of$38,563.73 for the 2006 PMP Project.
<br />
<br />\\Metro-inet. us\ardenhills\PR&PW\Enginccring\2008\Council_ Actions\3-31-08Memo2006PMP _PaymentS _ Final.doc
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