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<br />ARDEN HILLS CITY COUNCIL - March 31,2008 <br /> <br />5 <br /> <br />B. Motion to Approve Change Order #4 in the amount of $6.271.44 and Final <br />Pavment (#8) to Arnt Construction Companv. Inc. in the amount of <br />$38.563.73 for 2006 PMP Proiect. <br /> <br />City Engineer Deb Bloom stated that the City of Arden Hills awarded this project to Arnt <br />Construction Company, Inc. on June 12,2006 and change orders #1, #2, and #3 were approved <br />by the Council resulting in a current contract amount of $1,809,791.62. Currently they are <br />asking the City Council to approve a final change order and the final payment. The final change <br />order is for work that resulted in coordination with residents regarding rain garden and drainage <br />issues, and driveway work. The amount of this change order is $6,271.44. The project is <br />complete except for some final landscaping that will be done yet this year. <br /> <br />Councilmember Holden asked who would be responsible for the remaining $15,000.00 in <br />landscaping. <br /> <br />City Engineer Bloom explained that they would be looking at having this be a separate bid by a <br />landscape contractor and getting new prices. <br /> <br />Councilmember Holden stated that because this was a PMP Project she would like to know the <br />total cost of the final project. <br /> <br />City Engineer Bloom stated that this information could be found on page two of the report. <br />This amount is $2,279,101.15 including the expected $15,000.00 budget for the landscaping to <br />be done this year. <br /> <br />MOTION: Councilmember Holden moved and Councilmember Grant seconded a <br />motion to Approve Change Order #4 in the amount of $6,271.44 and Final <br />Payment (#8) to Arnt Construction Company, Inc. in the amount of <br />$38,563.73 for the 2006 PMP Project. The motion carried unanimously <br />(4-0). <br /> <br />C. Presentation of the Final Draft Inflow/Infiltration Report. <br /> <br />City Engineer Bloom stated that last year the City had contracted with Bonestroo to complete <br />an infiltration and inflow report. She then presented this report to the City Council using a <br />PowerPoint presentation. The initial steps that the City has taken to identify the problem areas <br />has been to review MCES flow data, install temporary flow meters to subdivide analysis areas, <br />review and evaluate the data collected, and then prepare a plan for the next steps. It was <br />concluded from the data collected that the City had mainly inflow problems and each metershed <br />was showing 1/1 issues. Meter areas M051, M3, M052, and M059 will need to be evaluated for <br />direct inflow sources, as well as possible private sources, and private property sources may be <br />the major contributors in meter areas MI and M051. She then stated that the next steps that <br />should be taken would be additional temporary flow metering (reinstalling meter MI), calibrate <br />lift stations to supplement temporary metering data, and continue to televise pipes to document <br />pipe condition for future rehabilitation planning. Additional steps would be to initiate "direct <br />inflow investigations" (smoke testing, roof leader inspection, and dye testing), initiate private <br />
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