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<br />City of Arden Hills - Comprehensive Plan - DRAFT <br /> <br />14. IMPLEMENTATION (IN PROGRESS) <br /> <br />Implementation is required to have an effective comprehensive plan. The Citv must <br />use this Comprehensive Plan to help Quide decision makinQ, set priorities, and <br />develop new policies. The vision, qoals. policies. and information in this document <br />are meant to support the Citv and provide a strateqic framework for accomplishinQ <br />Citv qoals and maintaininq a healthv. vibrant. and stable communitv_ <br /> <br />Most of the other chapters include implementation strateQies specific to the chapter <br />thev are in. This implementation chapter includes broader implementation <br />techniques that mav include multiple chapters and topics. <br /> <br />~Capitallmprovement Plan (CIPl <br /> <br />The Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) is the financial planninq mechanism used <br />bv the Citv to plan for 10nQ ranQe and siQnificant expenditures. Arden Hills has <br />adopted a five-vear CIP that is updated on an annual basis. Each vear the CIP <br />is reviewed and revised as priorities chanqe. more details are known. and funds <br />become available for capital projects and purchases. The CIP is an important <br />tool for the annual budqetinq process because it helps Quide the allocation of <br />funds for the upcominq vear. <br /> <br />The Comprehensive Plan sets forth overall direction for the Citv; the five vear <br />CIP and the annual budqet implement the qoals and policies contained within <br />this Plan. Each vear. all items in the CIP should be evaluated in relation to the <br />qoals. policies. and direction in the Comprehensive Plan. This allows spendinQ <br />decisions to be made within the overall context and future planned environment <br />for the communitv. While it is important that the Citv's financial tools implement <br />the intent of the Comprehensive Plan, the Comprehensive Plan cannot predict <br />every future need, project, or constraint. The Comprehensive Plan is a dvnamic <br />document that can be amended. with careful review. to respond to unanticipated <br />chanqes in the Citv. <br /> <br />14.2 Ordinances <br /> <br />One of the primarv tools for implementinQ the Comprehensive Plan is <br />ordinances. The City currently uses a number of ordinances, includinq Zoninq. <br />Subdivision, Floodplain. Shoreland. and Siqn ordinances. Ordinances can be <br />developed to facilitate manv of the qoals and policies in the land use. housinQ. <br />and protected resource chapters. Ordinances are the requlatorv tool for QuidinQ <br />development so that it is in conformance with the City's plans and overall vision. <br /> <br />DRAFT <br />4/18/2008 <br /> <br />107 <br /> <br />-~ <br />(~~~!~~: ~~_~~~_r.:~:~_"'__'_______J <br /> <br />Deleted: Summary of <br />implementation measures from other <br />chaptersll <br />',' , ,i _~~_atted: ~~nt:_ Bold <br />, 'C~~_~~'~~~~__________________""'_J <br />f~~_~~~~';"-F~;;t~"'-B~"ld'-"-~=~:.:::; <br /> <br />Formatted: Outline numbered + I <br />Level: 2 + Numbering Style: 1, 2, 3, i <br />... + Start at 1 + Alignment: Left + ! <br />Aligned at: 0.25" + Tab after: 0.56" ! <br />+ Indent at: 0.56", Tabs: O:.~?'! j <br /> <br />U~r;:~~~~._~~_~.~.~.~_~.._~~~.~ 0", T~_bS: J <br /> <br />r Fo~a~~-I-~~~t;-L~ft: 0", Tabs: <br />,0.69", Left <br />;-- <br />1 Formatted: Font: Bold <br />Formatted: Outline numbered + <br />level: 2 + Numbering Style: 1, 2, 3, i <br />... + Start at: 1 + Alignment: Left + <br />Aligned at: 025" + Tab after: 0.56" <br />_:_.~~~..~.~~:.._.~~.~~:~.!~~-~.~~-j <br />