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<br />City of Arden Hills - Comprehensive Plan - DRAFT <br /> <br />This Comprehensive Plan calls for the updatinq of manv ordinances. most <br />notablv the land use and shoreland ordinances. These ordinances require <br />continuous review to ensure that thev are advancinq the Citv's vision and <br />Metropolitan Council requirements. Furthermore. as State Statutes are <br />updated, thev too must be reflected in the City's ordinances. <br /> <br />14.3 Small Area Plans <br /> <br />While this Comprehensive Plan provides overall policv direction for the Citv. <br />additional planninq detail is needed in select areas. In April 2008, the Citv <br />embarked on a small area plan for the Countv Road E corridor. The small area <br />plan will address land use. future redevelopment. and transportation issues in <br />qreater detail in this area. The small area plan is anticipated to be completed bv <br />the end of 2008 and mav result in an amendment to this Comprehensive Plan. <br /> <br />The City mav also move forward with a small area plan for the Lexinqton <br />AvenuelRed FoxlGrev Fox business area. Althouqh there has been some new <br />development in this area. many of the buildinqs are aQinq and are Iikelv to be <br />redeveloped in the near future. A small area plan to address issues in this area <br />mav be warranted. <br /> <br />14.4 Community Involvement <br /> <br />Communitv involvement is an important part of implementinq this <br />Comprehensive Plan. While the Citv can adopt policies and proqrams, <br />successful implementation requires solid communication as well as input and <br />partiCipation from residents and businesses. The Citv currentlv utilizes a <br />number of methods to facilitate communication between the residents. elected <br />officials. and Citv staff. includinq survevs. direct mailinqs. reqular Citv <br />newsletters, public comment times at Council meetinqs, Town Hall meetinqs. <br />cable television. the Citv's website. Each proiect requires a different <br />communications and involvement approach and the previous list is onlv an <br />example of techniques. <br /> <br />The Citv also uses commissions, committees, and special task forces to include <br />residents and businesses in the proiect development and decision-makinq <br />process. These qroups allow more direct involvement and participation from the <br />communitv to help advance and create proqrams that work toward implementinq <br />the Comprehensive Plan. <br /> <br />14.4.1 Economic Development Authoritv <br /> <br />DRAFT <br />4/18/2008 <br /> <br /> <br />[~~~~~~_.,~~_~~~~~~:~~~~:~_~_~::J <br />(.m_._..__.m__...............____.' <br />- Formatted: Font: Bold I <br />f.".~..~,.".....".."..,..."..,,~'-''''.'''''-''--''''.'. <br />Formatted: Outline numbered + 1 <br />Level: 2 + Numbering Style: 1, 2, 3, i <br />... + Start at: 1 + Alignment: Left + 1 <br />Aligned at: 0.25" + Tab after: 0.56" I <br />+ Indent at: 0.56", Tabs: o~ <br />l Fo. r~atted,; Indent: Left: 0...25. "'... ..1 <br />Tabs. 0.69, Le~______""_._ ....._._.....~") <br /> <br />[-......."""....".........--..----.---: <br />Formatted: Indent: Left: 0.25", i <br />Tabs: 0.69", Left j <br /> <br />, [C.f.e.:.;.f.:;.:.f. j.~.t.:.~i.~~.'.~I~1.!.:;:.:f..~.. <br /> <br />:.I~~.~~ ~!:"" 0.56", Ta~s: 0.6?.:!__--< <br /> <br />L;~~~~.:..~:~_~~~_._~~.~":".~~:~~~~~J <br /> <br />r Formatt~: F~~t~"B~id~'~'-:.~.'.:~~~~'.~~~~~-= <br />Formatted: Outline numbered + <br />Level: 3 + Numbering Style: 1, 2, 3, <br />... + Start at: 1 + Alignment: Left + <br />Aligned at: OS' + Tab after: 1" + <br />Indent at: 1", Tabs: 0.69", Left <br />Formatted: Indent: Left: 0", Tabs: <br />0.69", Left <br /> <br />108 <br /> <br />, <br />J <br />