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<br />City of Arden Hills - Comprehensive Plan - DRAFf <br /> <br />In 1996. the City created an Economic Development Authoritv (EDA). The <br />Mavor is the President of the EDA while the four Council members serve as <br />the Board of Commissioners. The EDA was created to assist the Citv with its <br />economic development and redevelopment efforts. <br /> <br />14.4.2 Commissions <br /> <br />The Planninq Commission is a seven member appointed citizen bod v that <br />reviews all planninq cases and makes recommendations to the Citv Council. <br />The Commission is comprised of seven residents that are appointed for three <br />vear terms bv the Citv Council. The Planninq Commission is responsible for <br />reviewinq site plans. variances, conditional use permits, rezoninqs, <br />subdivisions. Comprehensive Plan amendments, zoninq code amendments, <br />and other planninq related issues. <br /> <br />Economic Development Commissions... <br /> <br />14.4.3 Committees <br /> <br />Parks. Trails, and Recreation Committee.. <br /> <br />Communications Committee... <br /> <br />Financial Planninq and Analvsis Committee... <br /> <br />14.4.4 Task Forces and Other Groups <br /> <br />14.5 Intergovernmental Coordination <br /> <br />14.6 Future Comp Plan Amendments <br /> <br />As a policv and planninq document. text andlor map amendments to this <br />Comprehensive Plan will be needed. This Plan is meant to be a dvnamic <br />document that can respond to unforeseen chanqes. priorities. and opportunities. <br /> <br />Amendments will be needed for the TCAAP redevelopment and mav be needed <br />for the B-2 District Small Area Plan. a future Lexinqton Avenue (Red Fox-Grev <br />Fox?) Small Area Plan. and for redevelopment of the former Citv HalllPublic <br />Works propertv. Private propertv owners mav also need an amendment to allow <br />a chanqe in propertv use at some point in the future. <br /> <br />DRAFT <br />4/18/2008 <br /> <br />109 <br /> <br />["~~~~:g;~~~~~t~ 'L~ft;""'O.6g.;;----'~ <br /> <br />- lfu;;'-;tt;d-:-O~tii~e numbered + "_.......1 <br />I Level: 3 + Numben~g Style: 1, 2, 3, I <br />... + Start at 1 + Alrgnment: left + ] <br />Aligned at: OS' + Tab after: 1 ~ + I <br />,~ at: 1", Tabs: 0.69"~~ <br />t~_or~atted: Font: Bold -= <br />Formatted: Indent: Left: 0.69", <br />Tabs: 0.69", left <br /> <br />l Formatted: Bullets and Numbering J <br />r-f:~~f.i:,:~.t~~~'t;'"l'~ft;""'"O:69;;:--'- ~'-l <br /> <br />t.Formatted: Bullets and Numbering" <br /> <br />r Formatted: Indent: left: 0.69", <br />I Tabs: O.69~, left <br /> <br />["Formatted: Indent: left: O~, Tabs: I <br />L_~~~~_,__L~f!____________~_._j <br />{"F~;;tt;;d~-~-~t:B~----! <br /> <br />! Formatted: Outline numbered + I <br />i level: 2 + Numbering Style: 1, 2, 3, I <br />! ... + Start at: 1 + Alignment: Left + "I <br />I Aligned at: 0.25~ + Tab after: O.56~ <br />l + Indent at: 0.56~.~~ <br /> <br />j Formatted: Font: Bold i <br />i';'''''"'';'"'''''''''~''''"~'"='"'"'~"='=.'"==~--==:; <br />I Formatted: Outline numbered + i <br />level: 2 + Numberi~g Style: 1, 2, 3, I <br />I m + Start at: 1 + Ahgnment: Left + i <br />I Aligned at: 0.25" + Tab after: 0.56" I <br /> <br />r..,:~~~~~;~~~~~':~~:'~';;~~b~i <br />l~~?::," .~:~""._.._""_"..._,,__._""__________, <br /> <br />