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<br />Subdil'isiou OrdbulIIce Fiudiugs: <br />5. The proposed parcel layout meets or exceeds all of the requirements of the City of <br />Arden Hills Subdivision Code. <br />6. The internal drives will be private roads that are maintained by the proper1y owner. <br />7. The parcel is adjacent to the public right~of~way and capable of suppot1ing a separate <br />driveway. <br />8. The necessary drainage and utility easements have not yet been detem1ined, but will <br />be required as part of the site plan review for Phase One of the PUD Pennit. <br />9. The park dedication fee is applicable based on the requirements in the March 27, <br />2001, Master PUD conditions of approval. The applicant proposes to construet <br />$153,400 worth of on~site trails and construct a 1,900 foot sidewalk along Gateway <br />Boulevard at a cost of $126,600, for a total value of $280,000. <br />10. The proposed trail improvements reduce the impact on the City's park and recreation <br />system. <br />11. The proposed trail improvements contain much of the potential increased demand on <br />the CMK Arden Holding's property that may otherwise have been felt on the City's <br />park and recreation system. <br />12. The proposal has been submitted to the Rice Creek Watershed District for rcview. <br />13. No subdivision variances are required for this application. <br /> <br />Recommendation <br /> <br />The Planning Commission reviewed Planning Case 08~005 and recommends approval (6~O) of <br />the Preliminary and Final Plat based on the findings of faet and the submitted plans as amended <br />by the following nine conditions: <br />1. Final grading, drainage, utility, and erosion control plans for the property shall be <br />subject to review and approval by the City's Public Works and Engineering <br />DepaI1ments, and the Rice Creek Watershed District prior to the issuance of building <br />or grading pern1its. <br />2. The projeet shall be subject to City Erosion Control permits. <br />3. The utility plans for each lot shall be subject to approval by the City Engineer and <br />Public Works Direetor prior to the issuance of any building permits. <br />4. Easements shall be granted to the City, subject to review and approval of the City's <br />Public Works and Engineering Departments, for all public utilities, prior to the <br />issuance of any building permits. <br />5. The applicant shall obtain all necessary permits from the Rice Creek Watershed <br />District, NPDES, Ramsey County, the Metropolitan Council, the State of Minnesota <br />Department of Natural Resources and any other goveming agencies where applicable <br />prior to the issuance of any building permits. <br />6. The park dedication requirement shall be fulfilled by completing the following: <br />a. The applicant shall construct an eight foot concrete pathway along Gateway <br />Boulevard to standards set by the City Engineer and Public Works Director. <br />The applicant shall be responsible for all site preparation, grading, <br />relocation/replacement of City signs, site restoration, and other work related to <br /> <br />\\;\!ardel1hillsiP/oI/Jlillg:P/ol1l1illg Ca.H's12008\OS-005 fi"(JI'e/"se Prelim/l/ol)' & Filla{ Pia! olld Vacafio/l (PC ApprOl'Cilj',O.J2b'08- CC <br />Report ^ ]i-{l\'('J'S(, Plal,doc <br /> <br />Page 60f7 <br />