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5/1/2008 2:01:05 PM
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City of Arden Hills - Comprehensive Pian -DRAFT <br />1. INTRODUCTION <br />Incorporated in 1951, the City of Arden Hills lies approximately eight miles north of <br />downtown Saint Paul and downtown Minneapolis (Map) in the northwestern portion <br />of Ramsey County. The City covers 9.4 square miles and is home to an estimated <br />population of 9,787 people in 2005. The residents of Arden Hills enjoy a high quality <br />of living with access to neighborhood and regional parks and trails; superb access to <br />regional transportation; nearby commercial services; and stable neighborhoods. <br />In addition to the City's high quality neighborhoods, Arden Hills is home to a number <br />of large corporations, many small businesses, two private colleges, a high school, an <br />elementary school, and more than 12,000 jobs. Arden Hills is a strong community <br />that attracts residents and businesses because of its close-knit neighborhoods, <br />parks, responsible government, and open spaces. Additionally, the Twin Cities <br />Army Ammunition Plan (TCAAP) property provides the City with an opportunity for <br />new development to help service the City's current and future residents. <br />While Arden Hills is a stable community with a bright future, the City does face some <br />challenges. The median age has risen dramatically in recent years, a large percent <br />of the City's land area is tax-exempt, fewer families with children are able to afford a <br />home in the City, and the regional transportation infrastructure is at or beyond <br />capacity in many places. With one million new residents expected in the Twin Cities <br />area between 2000 and 2030, Arden Hills will undoubtedly feel the pressure for <br />development and the impact of development in other communities. <br />1.1 Comprehensive Planning <br />The Comprehensive Plan is a policy document that asks where are we now, where <br />do we want to go, and how do we get there. The document reflects the City's value <br />system and creates a framework for the future by providing an overall vision for the <br />City. As a guiding tool, the Plan provides a system for measuring progress, direction <br />for day-to-day and long-term decision-making, and a framework for setting priorities. <br />This Arden Hills Comprehensive Plan guides the City in several key areas that are <br />vital to the successful and efficient functioning of the community: <br />• Land use <br />• Housing <br />• Transportation <br />Infrastructure <br />Parks and recreation <br />• Open space <br />• Public facilities <br />DRAFT <br />5/1/2008 <br />Formatted:, Not Small caps <br />Formatted: Font: (Default) Arial, 10 <br />Pit <br />Formatted: Font: (Default) Arial, 10 <br />pt <br />
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