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<br /> <br />May 6, 2008 <br /> <br />Greg Hoag <br />City of Arden Hills <br />1245 West Highway 96 <br />Arden Hills, MN 55112 <br /> <br />RE: Engineering Joint Powers Agreement <br />2007 Summary <br /> <br />Dear Mr. Hoag: <br /> <br />The Joint Powers Agreement (JP A) for Engineering Services has been in place since January 2006. The <br />agreement, as approved by both City Councils, detailed the expectations for providing engineering services. <br />Initially, we anticipated the minimum shared employee hours as ] 670. In crafting the IP A, we anticipated <br />that a majority ofthe hours would be provided by the Civil Engineer position, currently held by Kristine <br />Giga. We have put together this summary of2007 IPA Engineering Services based on what was anticipated <br />in the original agreement: <br /> <br /> IPA Agreement Actual <br />Billing for Civil Engineer $95,357.00 $59,127.05 <br />(excluding 07-02, 07-07, 07-13 and 08-07) <br />Billing for other employees NIA $39,404.80 <br />(excluding 07-02, 07-07, 07-13 and 08-07) <br />Total 2007 JP A Engineering Services billing $98,531.85 <br /> <br />Over the last year, we have worked with Arden Hills staff on many different projects. On the whole, there <br />was an additional cost of $3, 174.85 above the anticipated employee cost share. The additional employee <br />hours were linked to the following projects: <br /> <br />. City Engineer Designation: When we entered into the agreement, we had not made a decision to <br />designate Roseville as the City Engineer for Arden Hills. This designation expanded the agreement to <br />include Municipal State Aid reporting and oversight of projects. These hours were not documented as <br />project related, but rather as job codes 300 & 309, General Engineering and State Aid Reports. <br /> <br />. CIP Development: As requested by the Council we have been working to update Arden Hills' 5-year <br />and long range Capital ImprovemeIlt Plan. To accomplish this, we have been utilizing the City's <br />ICON pavement management database to establish fi.mding scenarios for the managing the City's <br />street infrastructure. Along with the development of this database, we utilized Roseville's GlS <br />technician to provide graphical representations of the proposed ClP. These hours were not <br />documented as project related, but rather as job code 300, General Engineering. <br /> <br />. Project No. 06-10- Infiltration and Inflow: This project is a high priority; we understand the City <br />Council's concerns about the surcharge and finding the source ofthe City's III problems. The Civil <br /> <br />2660 Civic Center Drive ..:. Roseyillc, 1-Iinnesota 55113 <br />651-792-ROSE .:.TDD 651-792-7399 .:. "\ <br />Recycled paper - 30%, posl-consumer content <br />