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<br />City of Arden Hilts - Comprehensive Plan - DRAFT <br /> <br />8. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AND REDEVELOPMENT <br /> <br />Goal: Promote the development. redevelooment. and maintenance of a viable, <br />innovative, and diverse business environment serving Arden Hills and the <br />metrooolitan area_ <br /> <br />To achieve this economic develooment and redevejooment Goal. the followinq <br />policies are proposed: <br />o Work to strenGthen existinq Dartnerships between public and private <br />aqencies. <br />o EnqaGe the private sector to encouraqe development and redevelopment <br />proiects that are beneficial to the City. <br />o Encouraqe communication and cooperation between businesse~ <br />educational institutions, and the public sector. <br />o Promote business retention and expansion to enhance the existinq economic <br />base and provide applicable and appropriate resources. <br />o Capitalize on existinG strenGths. such as location, freeway access. and a <br />well-educated population. <br />o Identify marketinq and promotion tools and techniGues to attract commercial. <br />office, residential. and industrial uses. <br />o Review and update the public financinG poli9' to maximize private <br />investment and public benefit. <br />o Identify incentives or prOGrams that promote private sector investment <br />o Identify incentives or proGrams that promote in affordable housinq. <br /> <br />Arden Hills has been fortunate to have a stronq local economy supported bv a mix of <br />small. medium. and larqe size businesses. Arden Hills has a hiqhly educated <br />population. desirable residential neiGhborhoods. a central location in the north part of <br />the metropolitan area. and relatively easy access to the freeway svstem. With more <br />than 12.000 iobs in 2008. Arden Hills has more iobs than residents. While the City <br />places a hiGh value on its residential neiGhborhoods. the business community is an <br />important component to the City's lonG-term success_ <br /> <br />The lonG-term economic health of Arden Hills is not without its challenqes. While the <br />City's economic base is relatively stronq. the City recoqnizes the need to maintain <br />and enhance the economic base over the lonG-term. Except for the TCAAP <br />redevelopment. the City has few vacant commercial or industrial properties <br />remaininq. Furthermore. some of the commercial and industrial buildinqs may <br />become or already are obsolete for certain types of uses. Redevelopment in certain <br />parts of the City is almost certain to occur. <br /> <br />DRAFT <br />5/15/2008 <br /> <br />47 <br /> <br />------ --------------"-------- <br />Deleted: the residential, business <br />and regional community. <br />-- <br />