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<br />City of Arden Hills - Comprehensive Plan - DRAFT <br /> <br />include a mix of business tvpes includinq office. commercial. hotel. and corporate <br />headquarters. <br /> <br />8.4 IMPLEMENTATION STRATEGIES <br /> <br />In order to advance the policies and ideas identified in this chapter. the followinQ <br />implementation strateqies could be used: <br /> <br />o Identify and promote the market strenqths of Arden Hills. <br />o Use the small area planninQ process to develop more detailed lonq-term <br />plans for the business areas to better manaqe redevelopment as it occurs. <br />o Develop desiqn standards to encouraqe the construction of hiqh-quality <br />buildinqs and desiqns. <br />o Work to strenqthen and encouraqe communication between businesses. <br />Bethel University. and Northwestern Colleqe. <br />o Identify infrastructure deficiencies and work to resolve deficiencies. <br />o Identify potential partnerships and/or developments that could enhance <br />the City's infrastructure and/or quality of life. <br />o Identify constraints to development. redevelopment. and retention. <br />o Encouraqe the creation of a pedestrian friendly environment--link mqjQ[ <br />roadways. destinations and businesses to transit and trail options <br />o Evaluate the land use requlations in the commercial zones to provide <br />flexibility for economic development while requirinQ hiqh-quality and mixed <br />use buildinqs and uses with minimal impact on residential areas. <br />o Desiqn and construct qatewav siqns at primary entrance points into the <br />City to help develop a sense of identity for the community. <br />o Construct way-findlnq siqnaqe to direct travelers to specific destinations <br />within the City. <br />o Develop a database to assist businesses in identifyinq appropriate and <br />available locations within the Citv. <br />o Provide information for businesses and developers on the City web site. <br /> <br />The above strateqies should not be considered all-inclusive. New opportunities and <br />strateqies should be identified to further advance the City's economic development <br />and redevelopment qoal and policies. <br /> <br />DRAFT <br />5/15/2008 <br /> <br />49 <br />