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<br />City of Arden Hills - Comprehensive Plan - DRAFT <br /> <br />Segment T rail location Distance <br /> Feet Miles <br />A Cleve~ndAve ICountyRoad-O"loSloweAve.) 2,623 0.5 <br />A2 Cleveland Ave (TMmCtto existir>gpath off CtyE2) 1,672 0.32 <br />8 County Road 0 (Cleveland to New Brighton Road) 2,644 0,5 <br />C NewBrightonRoad(CounlyRd.DloStoweAve.) 2.957 0.56 <br />C.l New Brighton Road (Stowe Ave. to County Road E2) 5,333 1.01 <br />D County Roed E2 (New Brighlon Rd,to Old Hwy. 10) 3,309 0.63 <br />D.l CoontyRoa<JE2{ClevelandAve.toNew8righ1onRd.) 671 0.13 <br />E R.C.OpenSpace(fromCtyRd,E210Venus) 686 0.13 <br />E.l R.G. Open Space (from segment E path 10 MVHS) 1,925 0.36 <br />F "lonySchmidlUnderpasslrailNonhloCountyRoadE2 (lift slation rd.) 1,560 0.3 <br />F.l PerryPar1< Pavilion to Underpass "lrail Head 1,399 0.27 <br />G County Road E {Indian PI. toLk,Johanna Blvd.) 739 0.14 <br />G.l Lake Johanna Blvd. (COunlyRd.Eto"lonySchmidIUnderpass"lrail) 979 0.19 <br />G.2 Lake Johanna Blvd. (F,om Segrnent G.1 to Old 10 Snellir;g) 2,854 0.54 <br />H CountyRoadE(Old10-SnellingtoConnellyAve.) 2,185 0.41 <br />I Snelling Ave, (Highway 51 to County Road E) 4,376 0.83 <br />1.1 Old Highway10-8nelling (CtyRO<lo E2through CP Rail) 1,056 0.2 <br />1.2 Old Highway1G-Snelling (from CP Rail to CounlyRd. E2) 2,415 0.46 <br />1.3 Old Highway 10.Snellir;g (from Cty. Road E2 10 Kwy. 96) 3,115 0.59 <br />J LekeVatenfine Road IMounds View H.S. 10 Old 1G-Snelling) 2,258 0.43 <br />K Par1<sl1oreDr. (from Old Kwy10-SnallingtobaginningofRd,Lake"lrail) 2,025 0.38 <br />Kl Gateway Blvd. (from proposadsegmantKto Round Lk. Road) 2,165 0.41 <br />K2 Round Lake Trail (Complelethe looplhal hasagapbehind NoUCo.J 2,421 0.46 <br />L CounlyRoad 96 (Complele trail weSlfrom existing palhto 35W) 3,941 0.75 <br />M NonhSnelling Ave. (From County F./oad 96 to Briarknoll) 2,827 0.54 <br />1'1 CounlyRoadF(FromlexingtonIoHamline) 2,534 0.48 <br />1'1.1 HamiinelFromCounlyRoadFtoFloralDrive 605 0.11 <br />0 Lexir;glonA.e, {From Counly Road F 10 CounlyRoa<J E) 5,280 1 <br />0.1 Lexington Ave, (From County Roao E 10 Sllore,ne Lan.) 5,212 0.99 <br />0.2 lexinglonAve. (From "langlewood to County Roao I._Wast Side) 7,890 1.5 <br />P Crepeau Preserve (F,om Cannon 10 Crepeau Nature Preserve) 838 0.16 <br />P.l Pine Tree Drive(From Cty RoadE to existing grass trail imo Crepeau) 1,266 0.24 <br />0 Highway 51 {From Old Hwy. 10lSn.llingtojust past GI.nhill Ro) 1,373 0.26 <br /> Total Future Trails 83,133 15.78 <br /> <br />The above list is not a ranked priority list of proposed path expansions and <br />uporades. The City has identified certain trail seoments that are crucial for <br />developino needed north-south and east-west path connections that are divided <br />bv maior hiohwavs: G. G1. G2. H. I. 11. 12. and 13. In coordination with the capital <br />improvements plan (CIP). the City may benefit from settino specific trail priorities <br />to take advantaoe of orants. road reconstruction proiects. and other opportunities <br />as they arise. It is understood that as time ooes by. priorities may need to be <br />chanoed or rearranQed. <br /> <br />Seoment D and E are planned pathways alono County Road E2 and a <br />connection throuoh Ramsev County open space from the nearby neiohborhood <br />(Venus Ave.) The City was successful in obtainino a orant for $175.000 for these <br /> <br />DRAFT <br />5/15/2008 <br /> <br />57 <br /> <br />