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Item 4D, CUP for Ballfield at 1900 Lake Valentine Road
City Council
City Council Packets
Item 4D, CUP for Ballfield at 1900 Lake Valentine Road
Entry Properties
Last modified
5/22/2008 4:31:10 PM
Creation date
5/22/2008 4:29:02 PM
Cond Use Permit for Ballfield
General - Type
Agenda Item
1901 Lake Valentine Road
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<br />Mr. Schneider stated that he would also like the item to be tabled. <br /> <br />Mr. Wacker stated that the reason the field is proposed for that location is to keep <br />the north end ofthe field open for other activities; to keep the soccer fields as they <br />have been historically; and because of the preferable angle of the sun for the <br />baseball games. <br /> <br />Chair Larson inquired if they have discussed fencing the facility. Mr. Wacker <br />stated that fencing the entire field hasn't been discussed and the entire baseball <br />area is fenced. He stated it would have gates that could be locked to prevent <br />people from accessing the interior of the field. <br /> <br />Commissioner Holewa stated that it would make sense to have the person who is <br />collecting money be able to lock the fence. <br /> <br />Ms. Wikelius stated that there would be a system set up to collect the fees. She <br />stated there is a system set up for the double gates near the football field to <br />eliminate a way to access the game without paying. <br /> <br />Chair Larson inquired ifthe people parking on Gramsie have access to the <br />football games without paying the fees. Ms. Wikelius stated that the gate is <br />adjacent to the school. She stated that the people who park on Gramsie need to <br />walk around to enter the football stadium. <br /> <br />Commissioner Modesette inquired about the location of the concession stand and <br />the ticket taking area for the football field. Ms. Wikelius demonstrated the <br />location of these. <br /> <br />Commissioner Holewa requested that the message be heard by the school that the <br />relationship between the school and the community has been good and they would <br />like it to continue. Ms. Wikelius stated that she has heard that message and the <br />school also values the relationship. <br /> <br />Commissioner Stodola inquired if the school has explored all of the options for <br />the location of the field or if some of the concerns that have been expressed could <br />be further considered. Ms. Wikelius stated that she has a high degree of <br />confidence that they can address communicating with the community and their <br />opponents' community about how to enter the fields. She stated they would be in <br />favor of creating signage to identify the location of parking. She stated that <br />attendance at the football games is between 3,000 to 5,000 spectators. She stated <br />that the attendance at the basebaII games would not be that high. <br /> <br />Mr. Wacker stated that he thinks with the proposed fencing is safe for the foul <br />balls. He stated the dust from the in-fields is specified and wind can kick up the <br />dust. He stated there haven't been accommodations for wheelchairs at this time, <br />
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