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<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> ~ SS=N 5. <br /> <br /> PROCEDURE <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> . . . , . <br /> 1. Before d , ividfng any tract mf land int.ea twa ar more lots cir parcels, <br /> <br /> an owner,or subdivider slal3, vnle:ss_ avariance is authori~ed, file xith the <br /> <br /> Vizl Caerk: <br /> a. copie.~ ~ the preiiminary pian. <br /> <br /> b. A ~ash_fee a~ $25.00 pius one doil~r ($z.a~) for each lot up <br /> 1~ ~a maxi~~ ~unt of $150. t30. Th is,fee wi12 be used for the <br /> e.Vense of the Village in cmmnection with approval or disap_ : <br /> prova.wi. 0f said p2~ a~ ~ fi~2 plat waich sa~q th~et~~er <br /> . . . . iie .~[~JJ9itWed.y . . . . . . <br /> c. If the subdiv3der requests' that wq exist.irap speca3al assessmem~s <br /> which bave besn levitd agxin~~ the premises descr3bed ia the <br /> subdivisiga be divided. an3 ailocated tca the respective lots in <br /> ~ the stbdivisian plat, the Yi31age C1erk sha1l estimte the c1+er- <br /> ica1 cast at' the revis+~d affises at rcrll, ,fiii~ the <br /> sa~e ~t~i fi~ae c~r~ty ata~dit~r, ard naking sach divisi~n am a11o- <br /> catien, anci upon approval by the Counci1 0f such estimated cast <br /> the same shaii be paid ta the Viliage Treastuer in additicm to <br /> the fee mntioned ira subparagraph b abave, ta ccaver the cost af <br /> preparing sand filfsg such revised ~~~~ssmeat, <br /> 2. At its aext meeting foZlawing the fiiinp of auch prelimr- <br /> inary pla, the Vi1.1.age Cowwi`2 sba13: <br /> <br /> a. 5et a p4lic Msarinp om the preliz3nary_plasa, wh3ch heariag date <br /> sba1.1'le not aoaee tfiian farty»five {45} dWs after the date of <br /> such setting. :The Vil3age Cauncfl..may authcarize the Flanning <br /> Comittee to conduct the hear ing. The Vi 11age Counci3 sha3,1 <br /> ~ause actice: of saiQ hearirag to be publi~d 3n the crfficiai <br /> ~Tilla~ ~?~gst~per_at least five (5) d~'~_pric?s to the hearing. <br /> b. Refer twct+ cepies af the prffi2iminary plan to the F]aaning Com- <br /> m3ttee for its exanination and report atd mre copy to the <br /> ViZ3.age Engineer for his examination and report. Capies of <br /> the rsport of the Vi11age_Engis3eer sha12 be gfvea to the Vi1- <br /> lage Couacii and Plarning Cammi.ttese` at 1east ten (10) days <br /> priaar to the dats. of pubiic hearinp. <br /> <br /> ~ <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> 5 <br />