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<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> ~ 3. 3n the event t~ CouraciZ has provided _that the pub33c hearing sha2a <br /> . <br /> bt conducted by the P'2..aming Comittee., the F1annirip Comittee _sha11 makm its <br /> <br /> report to the Vil1a~~ Council at the first regu2.ar_metisag of the Vil2age 11 Cal=il folloviag srtch pub2ic hearing, _ <br /> <br /> <br /> In the e"mt the:.Caunci2 daes no€, refer the public hearing to the Flaa- <br /> <br /> a3rg C ittee$, th~n the t^epaart af #.hePlanniag s2ia11 be given to <br /> <br /> the VillaQe ~,Couao31 befwe . the time set for smh public hearing, <br /> _ 4. The Village ~ouncii sba2l act oa t~~ re2i~.i <br /> P nary p2an by _tesoltstican <br /> appreyrrirV or adopting it within thirt3' (30) dWs ~~r receipt. of the report <br /> <br /> Af the P'iatrcing :tte:e,, if the Piannirg, ittee is desigxated to eonduct <br /> - <br /> the pubifc : hearistg. I.f the. Planni-aq Comittee dces, not cmmdwt the ptablic <br /> he"ing, then the Vi13.ape COuMi1 saa11 takm, actian by resolution within thirty <br /> <br /> (3e) dOys, aftsr, the pub1ic : hearing. <br /> <br /> ~ Zf the. repert of the F1asninp itt,.ee bas nct been receiv¢d within <br /> seventY-f3ve +~~s aft-er refex^ral of said matter to the Coa_ <br /> <br /> Aittse, the ~ounci3 may act on the r+~limi~ ' <br /> ~ ~ p2au vith~ such repemt. <br /> 2f the pre1 f ffiinary is aotapproved by ; the Vi 11age Cotanc i l, the <br /> . : <br /> rsason~ ~~r ash actiQa shail be rccorded in the graceedings of the Cov,ncil <br /> , <br /> Ssad transmitted to the. app1icant. Tf the gre2imisaary plan ia a <br /> pproved f such <br /> approval slal1-not coastittat.e fina1 acceptance ef t~ subdivision. <br /> (B) <br /> , . . _ <br /> 10 Thi Owner or subdivider sha1l file w3th the Vi3lage C1erk seven- <br /> , ccpies of the F3na1 Plat nmt 1ater than t~e,zonths: aftsr the_ date af ap- <br /> <br /> prmval of the pre1imir~sry gr2an; atbarvisc, :t1e preliminary p1an and f3nai <br /> p1at wi.I1 becons-idered. void m1.~~~ exteAsi4n is requasted fn writing by <br /> <br /> the subdivider and. for good cuum gras3ted byr the Vi11ag~ Councii. Z"he ewner <br /> <br /> ~ or subdividcr sbail alsa subaft at thi~ time an up'-ta-datea certified_abffitract <br /> <br /> of tit1e or ~ i~s~d rrt <br /> ~ l~ ~ 3~ repor~ ~,such<other evidence as the Vi11age <br /> <br /> -9- <br />