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<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> , <br /> ~ <br /> 31'ATE OF MINNESOTA plaa adopted by the Village Gouncil indicat- access to the hack ar the side of pra ~ <br /> GpUNTY OF RAMSEY wg the general locatiotts recrnrunended for percies abutting on a street. <br /> YILLAGE OF ARDEN HILL3 the various functional classes of public r, "Stnbdivider" is any person cummenc- <br /> pRI3INANCE NUMBER' b9 works, places and structwres, aad 'for the ing oceedings under thas Ordinance to <br /> general physical developanent of the Vil- effeatpra subdivision of land hereunder for <br /> AN QRDINAiNGE REGULeITING THE lage of Arden Hills, and includes any unit himseff or for ax~other. <br /> SUBDIVISION AND PLAT1'ING QF pT part oE suoh ptan separately adopted and s. Stnbdavision" is the division of a pan <br /> LAND IN THE VILLAGE OF ARIIEIV aay amendmeat to such plan or parta cel of land into tun or more lots or par- <br /> HILLS, PROVIbING FOR THE INSTAL- thercof. cels, attp of which resssltant parcels is <br /> LATIdN OR GUARANTEE OF INSTqi,- f. Finm1 P1aY' is the final map draw- less than two and one•half acres in area, <br /> LATION 4F UTILITIES STpEET ing or chart an which the sutx~vider'a for the purpose of transfer of ownership <br /> PAVF.MEN'C$ AND OTHER ESSENCIRL plan of subdivision is presented to the or building developmmt, or, iY a aew street <br /> DEYELOPMENTS BY THE SUBDIV111- Village (:auncit for approval and uhich, is iavolved, any divisian of a parcel of <br /> ER• PROVIDING FOR THE DEDICA- if approved, will be submitted to the Gbun- land. The term mcludes resuhdivision and, <br /> T1tlN AND ALG@%Y1'ANCE OF LANll tq Register'of Deeds or Registrar ef Ti- when appropriate to the contexh, shali rr <br /> FOR PUBLIC USE; PROYIDING FOR ties. late to the pracess of subdividing or to <br /> THE tA4POSING OF PLAT APPROVAL g. "LoY" is a parcel of land in a sub- the 'land subdiv9ded. <br /> FEFS• PRESCRIBING PENALTIES FOR divisian, or plaYof land, disringuished from <br /> THE ~VIOI.AT`ION OF ITS PROVIS10N5; other parcels by description as on a snb• SECTION 5. <br /> AND REPEALING'ORDIIVA.NCE NUM- division or' record-vf-survey map or by PROCEDURE <br /> gEg metes and bounds, for the purpose oF sale (A) PRELIbtINARY PL.AN <br /> or iease or separate use theceoT. 1Before dividin <br /> THE VILLAGE OF ARBEN HILLS h. "Easement" is a right granted by to fwo or more lots or y trcels, af an a~ wner <br /> ORDAINS: an owner af land foc the specific use oE or subdivider shall, tsnless a variance is <br /> SECTION h said land bq the public generally, or to s authorized, file with the Village Clerk: <br /> REPEAL OF QRDINANCE NUMBER 7 Pe=sott or Persons a. Fotir oopies of the preliminary <br /> i <br /> Ordinanee Number 7 of the Village of Minimum SubdivisSon Design Stan- dards are the ~ides, principies and sgeci- p~$°' <br /> ,qrden Hills, relating to the platting of b. A eash fee of $25.00 glns one dal- <br /> fieatiaais for the preparation of snbdivision <br /> praperky in Arden Hills and the establish- plans indicati~ among other thiags, the ~~Z~•00) for eaclt lot up to a maxi- <br /> ment of the platted property iu Ardea muw amount af $150.00. This fee wilt <br /> Hi11s, is hereby repealed. minimum aMt max~imum dimensions of the be used for the expense of Lhe Village <br /> various elemeats sgY forth itt the prelimin• qn connection with approval or disap. <br /> SECT3ON 2. ary Dlan. proval of said plan and any final plat <br /> PURPOSE AND INTERPRETA7ION j. Owner" is aay individual firm, as- ~hich may thereafter be submitted. <br /> sociation, syndicate, co-partnership, corpd• <br /> Each nevct subdivision becomes a perman- C. Tf the subdivider requests that <br /> ent unit in the basic physical struGtute of Tation, ing tntsi suffic~ent or pra anp rietary other , i legal nterest entifln hav- the any ~+sting special assessments ahich <br /> the future community a unit to which the land sought to be svbdiorded to commence have beea levied against the premis- <br /> future community will of necessity be fore- and maintain proceedings to subdivide the es described in the snbdiviion be divid- <br /> ed to adhere. Pieceineal plaauing od sush ~me under thi dinance. ~ and allocated to the respective lots <br /> subdivisiams, without correlatiou to the Vil- k. ' Pedestrian Waq" is the right-of-way in the subdivision plat the Village <br /> lage Plan, wili ba-ing a dicastrous &~on• 8~y,oss or within a bldck, for use by pedea- ~ak shall estimate the clerioal oost <br /> aected patchwork of plats and poor circu- Yrian tzaFfic whether destignated as a pe• ~~eparing the revised assessment <br /> lation oE traffic. In order that new subdiei- destrian way, crosswalk or howevu othec- ~'OIIR filing the same with the county <br /> si~ts will eantribute toward an aitractive, ise designated: sudua'r, aad making such division and <br /> ordezlp, stable and wholesome community N, allocatioa, and upon approval by the <br /> I, Person" is any individual firm, as- <br /> envitonment, adequiate municipal aerrices, Cous ndicate or partners{~ip, rnrpo- nci1 of such estimated cost the <br /> and safe streets, atl sssbdivisions hereaftu r ya~tion,qation, trust, yor any other legal entity. same shall be paid to the Village Trea- <br /> glatted, withia the incdrPorated limits of M <br /> . ~~pYanning Committee" is the person $nrer in addihon to the fee meniioned <br /> the Viliage ad Arden Hilts shall, I. aU in subparagraph b above to cover the <br /> or geraans designated by.the Village Coun- + <br /> respects, htiliy com~ply: with the reBUiationa cost of preparing and fsling such ro- <br /> heranafter set f~th in this oYdinance, In cii to advise it on planninF matters. vised assessmemt. <br /> n. °Prelimdnary Plan" as the prelimia- <br /> chart indicating the 2• At its ne7ct regu]ar meeting follovr• <br /> their intecpretatioa and applicattoa the aFq map, drawing ar ing the filing af such preliminary plaa, <br /> pravisians of this O~dittance ahall be the <br /> minimt~t reciuirements adapted for the pro- F'T~P°.sed layout of the subdivision to be the Village Council shall: <br /> tectioa of tbe public health. safetp aad s~~ltted to the Village Govncil fot its a. Set a public hearin on the re- <br /> consideratian. liminar ~ <br /> generat vt'elfaiY. o: Pmtective Covenants" are cvntracts be not m~e ,thanic o ty ive 45) days <br /> entered into betKeen Frivate parties and ~ <br /> ~ $ECT'ION 3. ronstitute a restrictionon the use of all after the datt of such setttng. The <br /> SCOPE <br /> Exeept in the case of a rasvbdivision, Private property withm a subdivision Eor Village Plann,ing CCaouncmil mittee may to cond authorize uct the <br /> fhe <br /> thia Ordirtance sha1L not app~ly to any Yot the benefit of the property owners, and to hearing. T'he Villa e Cauncil shall <br /> or lots Faamin a part of subdivision plats provide mutval protection against unde- cause notice oB sad hearing to be <br /> reoarded in tg he office of the Register of sirable aspects of development which would pubtished in the official Yi11agtend to impair stability of valnea. e n~g' <br /> Deeds Registrar of Titles prior to the ¢aper at least five (5) days prior to <br /> eHeccivc date of this Ordinancg aor is it p., "Setback Line, Building" is a line the hearing. <br /> intersded bx this Ordinance to impair or withm a lot between which line, and the b. Refer tmv copdes of the prelimin- <br /> interfere wdh existing provisiona of oth- adjacent streM, the erecYion of an enclos- ary plan to the Planning Gornmittee for <br /> u laws or ordinances ezcept those speci- ed structure or fence, or pottion thereof, its examination and report and one <br /> ticallg repealed by, or ia confiict with, is prohibited. copy to the Village Engineer for his <br /> ihia Ordinance, or withpr ivate restrictions q, ~~gtreets and Alleys" eaaminatian and repoa~t_ Copies of the <br /> placed upon, property by deed, covea9nt 1 "Street" is a way for vehicular report of the Village Engineer shall be <br /> ar other pzxvate agreement, or with re- traffic, whether designated as a street, given to the \7illage Cotmeil and Plan- <br /> strictive rnvenants nxnning with the land highway, tharoughfare, parkway, mng Crnnmittee at least ten (10) days <br /> ta which the Viflage is a party; provided throughway, road, avenue, lane. place <br /> PFio'=' to the date of public heariug. <br /> bovvever, that such private restrictions ar ~ however otherwise designated. 3. Iit the event the Council has provid- <br /> restrietive covenants map impose stric[er i-a ` Collector StreeY' is a streM ed that the utrohlic hearing shall be conduet- <br /> requuements than established by this Ot- , which carries traffic from minor streets ed by the Planning Committee, the Plan- <br /> dinance; but may not descrease the require- to thoroughtares. It includes the prin- ning Committet sIvall make its report ta <br /> ments amposed herein. cipal entrance streets ot a residentiat the Village Council at the ~rst regular <br /> SECTION 4' development and streets far circulation meMing af the Village Cauncil following <br /> DEFINITiONS within such a development. such pt~blic hearing. <br /> For the 1•b "Cul-de-5ac" is a minor street In the event the Council dces not refer <br /> purpose of this Ordinanee, the with onlpone outlet. the blic hearin <br /> fdlowing terms, phrases, words and their i-c "Marginal Access Street" is a ~ S to the Planning Com. <br /> derivations shall have the meaning given minor street which is parallel and ad- mi2tee, then the repart of the Planning <br /> in this section 'When not iuconsistent with jacent td a thorouqhfare and which pro- COmmittee shall be given to the Village <br /> the context, Kords used in the present vides access to abutting properties and' C6~eil before the time set for such pub- <br /> tense include the future, wards in the plur- protectinn from' through trafEic. lic hearing. <br /> al number inciude the singular nnmber, 1-d °Miror Street" is a street of tim- 4• The Village Counri} shall act on the <br /> ahd words in the sin.gular number include ited continuity used primarily for ac- Preliminary ptan by resotution approvinq <br /> the plural number. T'he word "shall^ is al- cess to the abutting properties and the or adoptittg dt within thirty (3Q) days af- <br /> ways mandatory and not merely directory. local nePds of a neiQhborhoodr ter reeeipt of the report of the Planning <br /> a. "Bou'evard" is the portion of the 1-e "Street Width" is the shottest rommittee, if the Planning Committee is <br /> street right,of-way between Yhe curb line distance betwetn the lines delineating &signated td conduct the public hearing. <br /> and thP pmperty line. the right•af-wap of a strcet. if the Planning Committee dces not con- <br /> b. "Bntt LoY" is a lot at the end of a 1-f Thorow,qhfare" is a fast or heavy duct the public hearing, then the Vitlage <br /> btvck and located between two corner lats. traffie street of considerable continuity ~~1 shali take action by resolution <br /> c. "Village" is the Village of Arden and used primarily as a traffie artery a'ithin thirty (30) days aYter the Public <br /> Hilis. for intcrcommuttication among large ar-• hearing. <br /> d: "Village_ Conncil" is the Village Coun• eas. If the report of the Planning Committee <br /> cil of the Village of Arden-Hills. 2. "Alley", is A minor Way which is has not been receaved within seventy-five <br /> e. "Village Plan" is a comprehensive used primanIp far vehicular service (74) days aftar referral of said matter to <br /> PAGF. 1 <br /> i <br /> j <br /> ~ <br />