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<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> the Ptantting Committet, the Council tpay (B) EXISTING G(?NDITIONS ths and the surfacing of streets bg the <br /> act on the preliminary plan withrnat such 1. Boundary line of proposed suh- Village Engineer, and ather public officials <br /> reFwrt. diviseon, clea;ly iudicated. lraving jur;sdiction, prior to the approval <br /> 5. If the preliminary plan is not approv. 2. Existing zoning classifications, of the final plat by the Viliage. <br /> ed by the Village Cowicil, the reasons for 3. Total approximate acreage. D. No plan will be approved tor a sub- <br /> such aotion shall be recorded in the pio• 4. Location, widths and names of all division which oover,s an area subjeat to <br /> cFedittgs of the Council and transmitted eacisting or previousiy pPatted streets periodic flqoding or which oontains extreme- <br /> to the applioant. If the preliu~.inary plan is or ather ptaulic. ways, showing type, ly poor drainage facilities and which <br /> appraved, such appaoval sha11 not consri- width and conduion of improvements, would m.ake adequate drainage of xhe <br /> tute final aaeptanee di the subdivision. if any, railroad and utility right-of-way, streets and lats irapossible, unless the sub- <br /> (B) FINAL YLAT parks and other publia open spaces, per• divider agrees to make improvements <br /> „ 1. The ow3ter ar subdieider shall file manent bunldings and srtrnctures, ease- which will, in the opinion of the Village <br /> RYth the Village Glerk seven (7) copies ments, and sect'van and aargorate lines Engineer, make the azea completely safe <br /> of the Final Plat nat later than three within the tract and to a dishance of one for'occupancy, and provide adequate street <br /> months after the date of approval of the hundred feef beqond the traM. and lot drainaga <br /> preliminary plan; otherwise, the prelim- 5. Location and size of existing'sew- <br /> swary plan and final plat will be considered ers, water mains, culverts or other un- SECTION 8. <br /> eoid nqless an pctension is requested in derground facilities within the tract NECESSARY DATp FOR FINAL PLAT <br /> writing by Ehe sttbdivider and for good and to a di•srtance of one hundred Yeet <br /> cause gran2ed by the Village Council. The beyond the tract. Such data as grades A. General. The final p}at shall be pre- <br /> rnvner ar subdirnder shall also submit at ' of streets, invert elevaticsns and loca- pared by a registered surveyor and shall <br /> this time an up-to•date certified abstract tions of catch basins and manholes confoTm to all state and county requirr <br /> of title or registered proper~ty repor# and sh.all also be shown, ments and the requirements of Section B <br /> such other evidence as the Village Attor- 6. Boundary linee of adjoitting un- hereunder. All information required on the <br /> ney maq require showing title ar control subdividai or subdivided land, within Preliminary plan, except that contained in <br /> in the applicant one hundred feet, identifying by name Subdivision D of Section 6 and topograph- <br /> The ftnal plat will haae iaao=porated all and' ownership. ic data and zoning information, shall be <br /> changes or madifieationa required by the 7: Topograpriic data, inclnding con- accurately_ shoxn. <br /> Village Councii; in a11 dther respects it tours at vertical iutervals of not more B. Additional Delineation <br /> shall confornt to the preliminarq plan. It than two feet, excep2 that contaur I. Accura2e angular and lineal di- <br /> may canstitute onip that portion of the ]ines shall be no more than one hun- mensions fdr all lines, angles, and cur- <br /> approved preliminazy plan which the sub- dred fee£ apart. Water courses, marsh• vatures used to describe baund3ries, <br /> divider proposes to record and develop at es, wnoded areas, rock artcrops, power streets, alleys, easements, areas to be <br /> the time, provided that such Dortian con- tnansmission poles and lines and ath- reserved for public nse, and other im- <br /> forms anth all the requirements of thds er siSnificant features s~hal{ also be Portant features, ffimensions of lot lines <br /> O!rdinaaee. ' shown. shall be shomn in feet and hnndred.ths. <br /> 2. The Village Council shall consider (C) gUBDIVI3ION bESIGN FEA- Z When l'°ts are located on a curve <br /> the final plart officially filed after the Plaa- or when side lot Iines are at angles oth- <br /> ning C.rnnmitteq the Village Engincer and 'tURES er than 90 degrees, the width at the <br /> the Village Attorney have examined it 1• Y-ayout of praposed streets, shqw. buildiag setback line shall be shown. <br /> and advised the Couacil that iY is in prpp. ing right-of-way widths and proposed 3. All blclc{cs shall be identified by <br /> er form aames of streets. The name of auq consecutive numbers. Lots within each <br /> 3. Within rive (5) daqs after the iinal street heretofore ttsed in Ramsey Coun- block shall bear consecutive numbers. <br /> plat is fiteds the Village Clerk shall reEer ty exclwsive dE St. Paul shali ntlt be 4. lrue angles and distances to the <br /> twn conies of the final plat to tht P1aa- used, ttnless the prtrposed street ia an aearest established street lines or of- <br /> ning Cammittee, dne copy to the Village extension of an already named street, ia ficia2 monumeats (not less than three) <br /> EnRineer, and one copy to the Village At- H'hich event the name shall be used. whieh shall be accunately described in <br /> tornep and a aopy each to the telephone Lxation and widhhs of proposed =be piat. <br /> a-d nower and Mher uti!ity companies. alleys, pedastrian ways and utility 5, Municipal, towmship countq, or <br /> The aivtract of title or registered proper• easements. section lines accurately tie<{ to the 7mes <br /> ty report shall be referred' to the Villa~e S. Typical cross-sectioas of propos• of xhe subdivision by distances and an- <br /> Attorney fdr his examirnation and report. ed improvements upon streets and al- SleS• <br /> The Yi11$ge Attomey's report shall be gic- leys, to gether with as indicaticfn of the 6. Radii, intetnal angles, points and <br /> en to the Village Cotmcil within fifteea propased storm water runof£ curvatures, tangent bearings, and <br /> days. The reports of the Village Ptanning 4. Approximate center line gradients Ien ths df all ares. <br /> Gommittee and Vi11aRe En.ginetr shali a1- of pro~posed streets and alleqs, if anp. ~ Accurate loration of all -monu- <br /> s- be givento tht Vil]agC CouaCil aithin 5 Loaatlon, size and app rozimate ments. . <br /> Siftees days. The Village Council shall gradien.t of nroposed sewer lines and 8. Accurate outlines and legal de- <br /> e++her a"nrove or disapprove said final water tmains if anp. scription of any areas to be dedicaYed <br /> plat at its ntxt regular 'mecting following 6. Layau2, idmtifiomion numbers or reserved for pdbTic use, or "for tht <br /> receipt af such reports. and typical dimensions df blocks and esclusive use of property owners with- <br /> 4. IY the final plat ia approved bv the lots. in the subdivision wFth the purposes in. <br /> Vi»ag~e Couneil, •the subdivider shall re- 7. Minimuru front and side•street dicated therein. <br /> - cord it with the County Regis2er of Deeds ' buildin¢ setback lines, indicatin,g di• 9. Certificatidn by a reKistered sur- <br /> or Reqiattar of Titles wihhin sixty (60) mensions. veyor in the form reqaired by Section <br /> daqs after the date of appraeal-- otheravise, Arcas, ather than stre,ets, alleys, 505 03 Minnesota Statutes. <br /> the apprsvaY of the fiaal plat-shali be cort- pedestrian ways and utility easements 10 Execution by ali owners of anp <br /> sidered troid.'Tn the event that dhe plat intended to be 'dedicated or rescroed intereat in the land and any ho]ders <br /> is disapproeed, the grounds for snch dis- for pu~blic use, inctuding the size of of a mortgaQe thereon of the certifi- <br /> apprdval must be reported in proeeedings such nrea crr areae +n acres. cate sequired by Section 505: 03 Min• <br /> oE the Villaqe Co+mr11 and be dulq trans- (D) OTHER INFORMATION nesota Statutes, and s~hich eertificate <br /> m+•~ra to tht applicant. 1. 5tatement of the proposed use oE shall include a dedication of the utilitq <br /> 5. The sixbdivider shali, immediately vn- lots stating type of residential build- easements and any other publie' areas <br /> on remrdinq, furnish the Village Cter& ings with number of pmpcYSed dwel]- in such fUrm as shall be approved by <br /> with a traein.g and three prints of the fin- ing units; type of business or indus- the Village Attomey. <br /> al plat shawsttg evidence of the recarding, trv so as to reveal the effect of the de- 11. Certifications showing that all <br /> ~ SF.CTIbN 6, velopmmt on traffic, fire hazatds or taxes and specia~t assessmenty current- <br /> NECES3ARY DATA FdR PRELIMINARY comqestion of popvlation. ]p due on fhe propert v~jio'be subdivided <br /> PLAN Proposed` protective cavenants if have been paid in <br /> The Preliminary Plan shall be ciearly anp• 12. Form of approval of rllage <br /> and legiblq drawn. The size of the mau 3• Snurse of vrater supply. Council as follows: <br /> shall nat be`7es4 than 12 inches by IS 4. Provisinns for sewage disposal, Apnroved by the Viilage Council of <br /> inches. All st~bdiviaion maps shall be drainave and flond controL the VillBge of Arden Aills, Minnesata, <br /> drawn at a scale of I inch equals 100 feet, 5. If any zoning changes are contem- this - day of , 19-. <br /> vnless otherwise requared by the Village P'ated, the pmnnsed zoninR plan for <br /> CotmciL the areAS, includin.g dimen.sions. Village Clerk <br /> The prelirninarv plam shall contain ;the 13. Form for appro¢ai b <br /> SFCCIpN 7, authorities as required. ~ Gount <br /> y <br /> fal~owing informatioa: QUAI.IFICATION3 COVERNING AP- <br /> SCRI~A1PTION tDENTIFICATION AND gE- yROVAL OF PRELIMINARY PLAN SECI'ION 9. 1. Propo,aed name of subdivision, A. The Villa¢e Council may require such MiNIMUM SUBnIV1StpN DESIGN <br /> STANDARDS <br /> which name shall not duplicate or be ehanges ar revisions as it deems neces- alike in pronunciation of the name of sary for the heaith, safPty, Qeneral wel- (A) Confhrmity with Vitlage Ptan. The <br /> snp plat ' therMdfort recorded ia the fare and canvenience of the Village. proposed subdivision shall rnnform to the <br /> " Govnty~ B.The approval of a pretiminary pl-an Village Plan. 2 L.ocatipn bq seMinn, trran, range by the Village C.ounca) is tentative only, (B) Street Plan. The arrangement, chac- <br /> ar try ather leaal ~1Ascription. invo'ving meiely Yhe general acceptability actet, pctent, widKh, grade and location df <br /> 3. Names aa3 addresses of the own- of 4he lavottt as suhmitted. ail streets shall conform to the Village <br /> er, sul?dividct, surveyor and desigber C. 9ubseqtsent approval will be tequired Plan and shiall be considered in tfieir re- <br /> of the plan. di the enkineering tx^apocals pertaininQ to lation to existiAg and planned streets, to <br /> 4. Craphic soale. water su¢ply, storrn drainage, seaerafte reasonable circulatton of traffic, to topo- <br /> 5. North-Point. and sewa-e disposat,- gas and electtic ser- graohioal - conditions, to ntndff of storm <br /> 6. Date of prAparatiaot. vice, gradnng, gradients attd roadway wid• water, tn publie convenience and safety, <br /> . . . . . . . .PA(:F,2 . . . <br /> . . . . . . . . . . . . . <br /> . . . . . . . ~ <br /> I <br /> I <br />