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<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> and in their appropniate relation to the subdivision Irorders on or cdntains a ed to secure the manamvm tot area spe- <br /> proposed uses of the land to be setved by railroad rig}~R-of-way or limited access cified in the zaning ordinance of the <br /> such streeks, highway nght-of-way, the Village Village of Arden Hills. <br /> The arrattgemeat of streets in new aub- Couucil may require a streef apprqxi- 3. Butt Lots. Btrtt lots shall be <br /> divisions shall make provision for the ap• xnately, parallel to and on each side of platted at leaat fnve feet wider than <br /> propriate ca4tinuahion of ihe existing streets such nghrt-af-way at a distance suit• ihe average wid'th of interior lots in <br /> in ad¢oining areas. able foT the apgropriate use of the in- the block. <br /> Where adjoining areas are not subdivid- Yervening land, as for park purpdses in 4. Side Lot Lines. Side lines of lots <br /> ed, the arrangement oE streets in new sub- residential districts, ar: far commercial sh~all be substantia2ly at right angles <br /> divisions shall make QCOVISlOII for the pro• or industrial puTpases in appropriate or radial td the street line. <br /> ro1e~ction"of the streets. districts. Suck distances shall also be 5. Water Covrses. Lots abuttiag:np- <br /> ~s streets determined with due regard Eor the re- on a w~ater course, drainage way,.chan- <br /> 9 Widtha All right-of-wap widths quuements of approack grades and 'fu- nel or stream shall have an addrtional <br /> shall conform to the follavcing mini- ture grade eeparations. depth or width, as reqnired, to assure <br /> mum dimensioast 15. Private Strerts. Private streets honse sites that are not subject to <br /> Thoroughfares - 80 feet or mere as shall nat be appa-oved nor shall public flooding. <br /> may be desirable improvements be approved #or any pri- 6. Features. In the swbdividing af <br /> Collcator - 70 feet waLe street. any land, due regard shall be shown for <br /> Minor'- 60 ftet all natvral features, such as tree <br /> Cul-de-sac - 60 feet 16. Hardship td Ovcners of Adjoining growth+ water cvurses, historic spots <br /> Mar nal accass - 50 feet Property Avonded. The str~t arrange- <br /> ~ ents shall aat be such as to cause or simil-ar conditions, Rhich if preserv- <br /> 2. Street deEltctions. When connect- m ed x•ill add attrac2iveness and stability <br /> ing street lines deflect from each oth- hardship to owners of adjoining proper- to the pr sed development. <br /> I er at suy ~e point bp more fhan ten ty in platting, their own land and pra 7, ~t~g~nants. All remnants of <br /> degrees, the p shall be connected bp a Yiding arnvemextt-access to it. 1MS below minirnum size left over af- <br /> curve with a radims adequate to iasttre 17• Street Interval. In geueral, pro- ter sabdividin of a Iar <br /> visdons shall be made at intervals not S. ger tract mast <br /> a sight distance of nat less than 300 be added to ad7acent lots, rather than <br /> feet for minor and collector streets.and exccedin$ one-hal£ mile fer thrdugh <br /> - + streets (streets ranning throu allowed to remain as unusable parcels. <br /> of sueh greater radii as the Village gh the <br /> Council shall determine for sgeoial cas- subdivision in a fairly diTect manuer). SECTION 10. <br /> es. (D) Alleys and Ped~trfan Waya pUgUG SITFS AND OPEN SPACES <br /> 3. Revtuse Curves. Tangents of at T Alleys shall be at least 20 feet (A) Draieage Channela. Where a prdpos- <br /> IeasL 40 feet in lengtfi' shall be intro- wide in commercial and industn"aI ar- ed drainage channel shawn in the Village <br /> dtxed btts'een reverse curves on col- eaa The Village Conncil may require pban is located in whale or in gart within <br /> lector streets. alleys in ' non-residerntiai afeas where a proposed subdivision, the subdivider shall <br /> 4. Srtreet Grades. All centnr ]ine gra- adeauate off•street loading space is not dedncate adequate space for such purpose <br /> dients shall be at least 0.5 percent, and available in such area within the subddvision when <br /> shall ndt exceed the foliowing: Z, pedestriaa Ways shall be at least fhe Village Council 6inds tha.t the channel <br /> Colleetor streets - 4 percent 10 feM wide. is reasonably necessary to the public health <br /> Minor streets - 6 percent (E) Easements and welfare. . <br /> 3. Vertioai Curves, Differernt connect- <br /> in 1, prQVided far Utilities. Easements (B) Parks and Playgrounds. Where a <br /> . ~ atreet gradients shall be connected at least 12 feet wide,centered on rear Pr°T~~d park or..playground shdwnin the <br /> wrth vertieal parabolic carees. ~ini- <br /> mum length, in feet, of theae ctxrnes, and other lat 9ines, shall be provided Village Plan- is lceated in whole ar in, part <br /> shall lac 15 times the arithmeYical dif- for utilides, where necessary and shall Rithnn a peoposed subdivision, the area of <br /> fereuce in the percent of grade of the ~ de(Licated tv the Village by appropri- suoh prapased park or playground shall <br /> two adjacent siopes. ate langtuage in the owner's certificate, be desngnated as svch upon the subdivision <br /> 6, Minor StreeYS. Minor streets shall They shall have continuity of a]ign- plat and suladivided into idks. If the land <br /> be so aligned that their use by through ment from b[ock to block, and at de- included 'iu the strtTddvision is appropriate <br /> trafEic mll be discouraged. Ylection points easeanents far pole-line for *esidential uses, the Village Gouneil <br /> 7. 5tzeet Jogs, $treet- jogs with cen- anrl2ors shall be provided where neces- maq requdre that the said area desiAnated <br /> ter-line dffsets of less than 125 feet ~TY• far parks or playgroun.ds be seY aside and <br /> shall 6e avoided. 2. Yrovided for Drainage. Where a dedicated ta the public for public use as a <br /> bdivision is traversed bn a water ~rk and p]ayground as atrthorized by 9~ec- <br /> S. Safe I4tersections. It must be ev stream, tion 27130 Minnesota 5tatntes. Tf such <br /> idenced that all street intersections en- ~swurse, drainage way, channei dr dedication is not reqvired, the Village Coun- <br /> courage safe and efficient traffic flow. there shall be Erovided a storm-aater cil will determnne whether within a reasan- <br /> 9. Alle s. Alleqs will not be permit- easement or drainage riqht;of-way con. able rime a6ter su~b~nissioki oE the tentative <br /> ted ih res denteal areas unless there is forminq suhstantial'ly wrth the lines of pl,at to a uire the area of the sed <br /> such wa,ter caurse, together with such <br /> no other reasOnabk solution far ac- further width or construction or both, Park '°~r pl~ayg1'°und by purchase or pcon- <br /> cess. a5 w+11 be adequate far stortn-water demnation proceeclings, <br /> 10. Ca1-de-Sac. Maximum lengih for run a'f£ $ECTIdN 1 L <br /> cul-de•saa streets shall be 506 feeY (F) Blocka <br /> meaaured along the center line from REQDIRED IMPROVEMENTS <br /> the intersection of ori td end of 1• Factors Governinq nimenvions. <br /> g'n Block length and width or 'acreaee (A) Nd final piat shall be approved by <br /> right•of-way~ unless there are 18 or within boumdin roads shall be such the V~~1age Council unless the owner or <br /> less l~s abu2ting the cu?-de-sac. Each as to accommrdate tbe size of residen- ~bdivider• <br /> cvl-de-sac shall be provided at the clos- tial Lots required in the area bq the 1• Shall have placed and installed <br /> ed end with a turn-around havin.g an zoning ordinance and to rnovide fnr survey monuments at ail block corn- <br /> outside roadway diametec of at least convenient acxess, ciro+•lation contral ers, angle paints, points- df curves in <br /> 100 feet, and a street property Iine dia- and safety of stTeet trafEic. streMS and at intermediate points as <br /> meter of at laast 120 feet. i2, Non-Residenbial B~ocks. I~'xks in• shown on the fin,al piat required by the <br /> 11. MarRinal Access 9treets. Where Village Engineer; such montrments shall <br /> a sub-division abuts or contains an terded fnr cammercial, institutional and be cast iran, as approved by the Ram- <br /> existing or planned thvroughfare, the industrial use must be designated as <br /> sey County surveyor, and shall be set <br /> Village Cauncil may require marginal such. at each corner or angle on the ovtside <br /> ~ access streets or other such treatment 3 Len-hs. Block lengths shall not bountlary. Pipes or steel rods shall be <br /> as may be necessary for adeqnate pro- exceed 1000 feet. placed at the comers of each lot and <br /> tection of residential properties and to 4. Arrangement. A hiack shall be at each intersecticm of street center- <br /> afford separation of through and local so designed as to nrovide two tiers of tines. All United States, state, county, <br /> traffia lots, nnless it ad+'oins a railroad or or othrr official benchmarks, monu- <br /> 12. Half Strcets. Halt streets shall limited accecs highwav or ]ake or mmts or triangulation stations in or <br /> be Prohibited, eccept where essential backs on other subdivisions where it adjacent to the propertq shall be pze- <br /> to the reasonable deueldpment of the may have but a sinq}e tier df lots. served in precise position, and <br /> sabdivision ia conform" <br /> rtY tsith the oth- 5 Pedestrian Wavs. ln blocks 2. Shall ]rave determined the most <br /> ~ <br /> e <br /> ov feasible methad of obtaiwing water for <br /> er requyrements of these regulations; 900 feet lang, nedestrian crosswalksr <br /> and where the Village Council finds may be required bv the Village Goun- the suhdivisidn, be in a position to <br /> it will be praebicable to reqnire the cil in locations deemed neccssary to demonstrate such feasibility to the sat- <br /> dedication of the other half when the r••Yic health, convenience and neces- isfactuon of the Village Councii or such <br /> a8ioining property is qubdivideKl ~tp, teChnical agents as it may designate, <br /> Wherever there is an adsting haiE (G) Ltrts. and be willing and able to contract <br /> street adiacent to a tract which is to with the Village (as a condition of sub- <br /> G L~cation: Atl lots shatt abut by p pproval) tp produce the <br /> be subdivi <br /> street shall ded be , the other half af the division lat a <br /> latfed tv~ithin such their full frantage on a publicly de~li- type of: water sttpply demonsttated <br /> . P pro• . posed tract. ca,ted street or a street that has reGeiv- most feasible fur the subdivision; wat• <br /> ed legal status as such or will receive er may be provided by individual house <br /> 13. Reserve S~trips. Reserve striPs such status upon approval of the sub- yoells or l~y consisting of qen- <br /> controUing access to streets shall be <br /> , j~ plat. tra] tcell{s) a andsystem pumpin,q station(s) and <br /> prohibuted except under conditions aP- 2. Size. The lot dimensions in suMti- piping to supply individual homes. It <br /> proved by the Village Council. riGi~s desiKned for single-famiIy de- is the announced po?icy of the Village <br /> 14. Railroad oc Limited Access High- tached dwelling use shall not be less that a centraL well system 'for each new ' <br /> ways Abittting Subdivision. Where a than the minimnm dimensions requir- ' subdivision is favored ott the basis of ' <br /> PAGF. 3 <br /> I <br />