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<br /> STATE OF MINNESOTA flood plain lands on both sides of a stream are capable of Use Permit as provided in Section VII-B of this Or-
<br /> COUNTY OF RAMSEY conveying a proportionate share W flood flows. dinance. 7hese uses are also subjeci to the provisions W
<br /> CITY OF ARDEN MILLS 4. Flood - a temporary increase in the flow or stage Section IV-C, which applies to all Floodway Special
<br /> ORDINANCE NO. 218 of a siream or in the stage of a lake ihat rewlis in the Uses.
<br /> FLOOD PLAIN MANAGEMEN7 ORDINANCE inundation of normally dry areas. 1. Extraction of sand, gravel and other matertals.
<br /> CITY OF ARDEN HILLS, MINNESOTA 5. Flood Frequency - the average frequency, 2. Boat, docks, pien, wharves, and water coMrol
<br /> SECTION I STATUTORY AUTNORIZATION, statistically determined, for which it is expected that a siructures.
<br /> FINDINGS OF FACT AND PURPOSE specific flood stage or discharge may be equalled or 3. Railroads, sTreets, bridges, utility transmission
<br /> A. Stafutory Authorinfion The Legislature W the exceeded. lines, and pipelines.
<br /> State of Minnesota has, in Minnesota STatutes Chapter 6. Flootl Frinqe - ihat portlon of the flood plain 4. Storage of materials and equipmentexcept as
<br /> 104 and M.S.A. 462.357, delegated the responsibility to outside of the floodway and one of the three zoning provided in Section IV-C.3(1).
<br /> local governmental units to adopt regulations designed disiricts created hereby, the boundarles of which are 5. Siructures accessory to open space uses.
<br /> to minimize flood losses. Therefore, the City Council of shown on the Official Zoning Map. Flood fringe is 6. Placement of fill.
<br /> Arden Hills, Minnesota dces ordain as follows: synonymous with the term "floodway fringe" used in 7. Other uses not specifically listed but similar in
<br /> B. Findings o( Fact the Flood Insurance Study for Arden Hills. nature to uses described in SecTions IV-q and IV-B t
<br /> 1. Existenceof Flood Hazards. The flood hazard areas 7. Fload Plaia - the areas adioining a watercourse ?hrough 6.
<br /> of Arden Hills, Minnesota, are subject to periodic which have been or hereafter may be covered by the C. StandaMs for Floodway Special Uses
<br /> inundation which rewlis in potential loss of Ilfe, loss of regional flood.
<br /> property, health and safety hazards, disruption of S. Flootl-Proofinp - a combination of siructural 1• AlI Uses. No structure (temporary or permanent),
<br /> commerce and governmental services, exiraordinary provisions, changes, or adiustments to properties and fill (including fill for roads and levees), deposit, ob-
<br /> public expenditures for flood protection and relief, and siructures subject to flooding, primarily for the siruction, storage of materials, or equipment, or other
<br /> impairment of the tax base, all of which adversely af- reduction or elimination of flood damages. uses may be allowed as a Special Use which, acting
<br /> fect the public health, safety, and generol welfare. 9. Floodway - the channel of the watercourse and alone or in combination with existing or reasonably
<br /> 2. Methods Used to Analyze Flood Hazards. This those portions of the adioinin9 flood plain whlch are anticipated future uses, adversely affecis the capacity
<br /> Ordinance is based upon a reasonable method of reasonably required to carry and dlscharge the regional °f the floodway.
<br /> analyzing flood hazards which is consistent with the flood and one of the ihree zoning disTricts created Fill. Any fill proposed to be deposited in the
<br /> standards established by the Minnesota Department of hereby, the boundaries of which are shown on the Of- floodway musT be shown to have some beneficial pur-
<br /> Poses and the amount ihereof must not exceed that
<br /> Natural Resources. ficial Zoning Map.
<br /> nC. Statement of Purpose It is the purpose of this Or- 10. Obsfructfon - any dam, wall, wharf, em- ~essary to achieve the iMended purpose, as
<br /> dinance to promote the public healih, safety, and bankment, levee, dike, pile, abutment, proiection, tlemonsirated by a plan submitted by the owner
<br /> general welfare and to minimize those losses described excavation, channel modification, culvert, building, showing the uses to which the filled land will be put and
<br /> the final dimensions of the proposed fill or other
<br /> in Section I-Bl by provisions contained herein. wire, fence, stockpile, refuse, fill, strucTUre, or matter materials. Such fill or other materailsshall be protected
<br /> SECTION II GENERAL PROVISIONS in, along, across, or projecting into any channel, against erosion by rip-rap, vegetative cover, or
<br /> A. Lantls to Whith Ordinance Applies This ordinance watercourse, or regulatory flood plain which may bulkheading.
<br /> shall apply to all lands within the jurisdiction of Arden impede, retard, or change the direction of the flow of 3. Storage of Materials and Equipment
<br /> Hil Is shown on the Official Zoning Map as being located water, either in itself or by catching or collecting debris (1) The storage or prxessing of materials ihat are, in
<br /> within the boundaries of the Floodway, Flood Fringe, carried by such water. time.of flooding, flammable, explosive, or potentially
<br /> and General Flood Plain. 11. Reach - a hydraulic engineering term to describe injurious to human, animal, or plant life is prohibited.
<br /> B. Establishment of Olfieial Zoiiing Map The Official a longitudinal segment of a stream or river influenced (p) Storage of other maTerials or equipment may be
<br /> ZoningMaptogeiherwith all materialsattached ihereto by a natural or man-made obstruction. In an urban allowed if readily removable from the area within the
<br /> is incorporated herein by reference and declared to be a area, the segment of a stream or river between two time available afTer a flood warning.
<br /> part of ihis ordtnance. 7he attached material shall consecutive bridge crossings would most typically 4. Structural Worksfor Flood Conirol. Levees, dikes,
<br /> include the Flood Insurance Study for the City of Arden constitute a reach, and floodwatls shall not be constructed within the limits
<br /> Hills prepared by the Federal Insurence Administration 12. ReAional Flood - a flood which is representative of the Floodway Disirict. Other sTructural works for
<br /> dated January 2, 1981, and the Flood Boundary and of large floods known to have occurred generally in flood conirol such as dams and channel enlargements
<br /> Floodway Maps and Flood Insurance Rate Maps Minnesota and reasonably characteristic of what can be thaf will change the course, current, or cross-section of
<br /> iherein. The Official Zoning Map is on file at all times in expected to occur on an average frequency in the a public water shall be sublect to the provisions of
<br /> the Office of the Administrator. magnitude of the 100-year recurrence interval. Regional Minnewta Statutues 1974, Chapter 105.
<br /> C. Interpretafion flood is synonymous with the term "base flood" used in 5. Utilities, Railroatl Tracks, Sireets and Bridges.
<br /> 1. Interpretation of Ordinance Provisions. In iheir the Flood Insurance Study. Public utility facilities, roads, railroad iracks, and
<br /> interpretation and application, the provisions of ihis 13. Requlatory Flood Protection Elevation The bridges within the flood plain shall conform to the
<br /> Ordinance shall be held to be minimum requiremenis Regulatory Flood Protection Elevation shall be an requiremenis of Sections IV-CI and IV-C2 and shall be
<br /> and shall be Iiberally consirued in favor of the gover- elevation no lower ihan one foot above the elevation of designed to minimize increases in flood elevations.
<br /> ning body and shall not be deemed a Iimitation or repeal the regional flood plus any increases in flood elevation protection to the regulatory flootl protection elevation
<br /> of any other powers granted by State statutes. caused by encroachments on the flood plain that result shall be provided where failure or interruption of these
<br /> 2. Determination of Boundaries. The boundariesof the from designation of a floodway. public facilities would result in danger to the public or
<br /> zoning disiricts shall be determined by scalin9 14. Structure -anything consiructed the use of which safety or where such facilities are essential to the or-
<br /> distances on the Official Zoning Map. Where in- requires more or less permanent location on ihp ground derly functioning of the area. Where failure or in-
<br /> terpretation is needed as to the exact Iocation of the or attachment to something having a permanent terruptionofservicewouldnotendangerlifeorhealih,a
<br /> boundaries of the disirict as shown on the Official Ixation on the ground. lesser degree of protection may be provided for minor
<br /> Zoning Map, as for example where there appears to be a SECTION III ESTABLISHMENT OF ZONING or auxiliary roads, railroads, or uTilities.
<br /> conflict between a mapped boundary and actual field DISTRICTS SECTION V FLOOD FRINGE DISTRICT (FF)
<br /> conditions, the City Council shall make the necessary A. Designation of Zoning Districts. The fload plain A. permitted Uses Land in the Flood Fringe District
<br /> interpretation based on elevations on the regional (100- areas within the iurisdiction of this ordinance are shall be used only for the uses permittetl in the Zoning
<br /> year) flood profile and other available technical data. hereby divided into three Dlstricis as follows: Disirictin whichihe land islxated, provided, however,
<br /> Persons contesting the location of the disirict boun- 1. Floodway Disirict. The Floodway Disirid shall ihat no use shall be permitted which will reduce or
<br /> daries shall be given a reasonable opportunity to include ihose areas designated as floodway in the Flood otherwise adversely affect the capacity of the channels
<br /> present their case to the CiTy Council and to submit Insurance Study. or floodways or any tributary to the main stream, or of
<br /> technical evidence. 2. Flood Fringe DisTrict. 7he Flood Fringe DisiricT any tlrainage tliTCh, or any oiher drainage facility or
<br /> D. Compliance No structure or land located within the shall include ihose areas designated as floodway fringe system. The following uses shall be permitted uses
<br /> Floodway, Flood Fringe, on General Floadplain in the Flood Insurance Study. within the Flood Fringe Disirict to the extenT ihat ihey
<br /> Disiricts shown on the Official Zonin9 Map shall 3. General Flood Plain District. The General Flood are not prohibited by any other ordinance:
<br /> hereafter be used and no siructure shall be located, Plain Disirict shallinclude those areas designated as 7. qny use permitted in Section IV-A.
<br /> extended, converted, or structurally altered without full unrtumbered "A" zones on the Flood Insurance Rate p, Residences and other siructures consTructed on fill
<br /> compliance with the terms of ihis Ordinance and other Map. so ihat the basement floor or tirst floor, if there is no
<br /> applicable regulations which apply to uses within the The Boundaries of ihese districts shall be shown on basement, is at or above the Regulatory Flood
<br /> jurisdiction af ihis Ordinance. the Official Zoning Map. Protection Elevation.
<br /> E. Abrogation and Greater Resirictions It is not in- B. Prohibition of Uses Other ihan Permitted or 3. Accessory siructures provided ihey are consiructed
<br /> tended by this Ordinance to repeal, abrogate, or impair Special Uses. WiThin ihese districts all uses not allowed and placed on the lot in a manner to minimize the ob-
<br /> any existing easements, covenanis, or deed restricitons. as Permitted Uses or permissible as Special Uses shall struction to the flow of flood waters and are flood
<br /> However, where ihis Ordinance imposes greater be prohibited. proofed in accordance with the State Buflding Code.
<br /> resirictions, the provisions of ihis Ordinance shall SECTION IV FLOODWAY DISTRICT (FW) B. Special Uses. The following uses may be permitted
<br /> prevail. All other ordinances inconsistent with this A. Permitted Uses Thefollowing uses have a low flood in the Flood Fringe District only after the issuance of a
<br /> Ordinance are hereby repealed to the extent of the in- damage potential and do not obsTruct flood flows. These Special Use Permit as provided in Section V I I-C of this
<br /> consistency only. uses shall be permitted within the Floodway Disirict to Ordinance.
<br /> F. Warninp and Disclaimer of Liability This Or- the extent ihat ihey are not prohibited by any other 7. Residences which cannot meet the requirements of
<br /> dinancedoes not imply that areas outside the flood plain ordinance and provided They do not require siructures, Section V-A.2 because of lot size or the elevations of
<br /> disiricts or land uses permitted within such districfs fill, or storage of materials or equipment. In addition, sireets and utiliTies but which can demonstrate other
<br /> will be free from flooding or flood damages. This Or- no use shall adversely affect the capacity of the chan- methods of elevating the first floor above the
<br /> dinance shall not create liability on the part of Arden nelsorfloodwaysoranytributarytothemainsireamor Regulatory Flood Protection Elevation antl are flood
<br /> Hills or any officer or employee thereof for any flood of any drainage ditch, or any other drainage fac(lity or proofed in accordance with the State Build(ng Code.
<br /> damages ihat result from reliance on this Ordinance or system. 2. Non-residenTial siructures with first floor
<br /> any administrative decision lawfully made thereunder. 1. Agricultural uses such as general farming, pasture, elevations below the Regulatory Flood Protection
<br /> G. Severability If any sedion, clause, provision, or grazing, outdoor plant nurseries, horticulTUre, truck Elevation, but are flood proofed to the FP-1 or FP-2
<br /> portion of This Ordinance is adludged unconstitutional farming, foresiry, sod farming, and wild crop har- classification in accordance with the State Building
<br /> or invalid by a court of competent jurisdiction, the vesting. Code.
<br /> remainder of This Ordinance shall not be affected 2. Private and public recreational uses such as golf C. Siandards for Flood Frinpe Uses
<br /> thereby. courses, tennis courts, driving ranges, archery ranges, 1. The finished fill elevation for buildings wiTh first
<br /> H. Definitions Unless specifically defined below, picnic grounds, boat launching ramps, swimming floor elevations above the Regulatory Flood Protection
<br /> words or phrases used in this Ordtnance shall be in- areas, parks, wildlife and nature preserves, game Elevation shall be no lower than one (1) foot below the
<br /> terpreted so as to give them the same meaning as ihey farms, fish hatcheries, shooting preserves, target Regulatory Flood Protection Elevation and shall eztend
<br /> have in common usege and soas to give this Ordinance ranges, trap and skeet ranges, hunting and fishing at such elevation at least fifteen (15) feet beyond the
<br /> its most reawnable application. areas, and single or multiple purpose recreational l;mits of any sirucTUre or building erected thereon. Fill
<br /> 1. Accessory Use or Strudure - a use or siructure trails. shall be compacted and the slopes shall be protected by
<br /> which is customarily incidental to the principal use or 3. Residential uses such as lawns, gardens, and play riprap or vegetative covering. Residences constructed
<br /> structure of the lot on which it is maintained or con- areas. on fill shall- be subject to the vehicular access
<br /> siructed. B. Special Uses The following open space uses in- requirements in Section V-C.2.
<br /> 2. Administrator - the duly appointed Zoning Ad- volving structures (temporary or permanent), fill, or p. Residences ihat do not have vehicular access at or
<br /> ministrator for the City of Arden Hills. storage of maTerials or equipment which have high above an elevation not more ihan two feet below the
<br /> 3. Equal Degree of Encroachment - a methotl of flood damage potential may be permitted in the Regulatory Flood Protection. ElevaTion shall not be
<br /> determing the location of floodway boundaries so that Floodway Disirict only after the issuance of a Special permitted unless granted a variance. Such variance
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