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<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> Ordinance 218 - PO9A tW0 Council shall consider all relevant factors specified in and sewage facilities ihat comply with the provisions of <br /> ather sections of ihis Ordinance, and the Flood Plain Management Ordinance and have road <br /> (a) The dangertolife and property due to increased access both to the subdivision and to the individual <br /> shall specify limitations on the perial of use or oc- flood heighis or velxities caused by encroachmenis. building sites no lower ihan two feet below the <br /> cupancy of the residence. (b) The danger that materials may be swept oMO Regulatory Flood Protection Elevation. <br /> 3. Non-residential accessory land use5, such as otherlandsordownstreamtatheinjuryofothers. SECTION IX MOBILE HOME PqRKS <br /> sforage yards, railrpad tracks, and parking lot5 may be (c) The proposetl water supply and sanitation systems New mobile home parks and expansions to existing <br /> at elevations lower than the Regulatory Flood and the ability of these systems to prevent disease, mobile home parks shall be subject to the provisions <br /> Protection Elevation. However, a permit for such contamination, and unsanitary conditions. placed on subdivisions by Section VIII of this Or- <br /> facilities to be useq by the employees or the general (d) The susceptibility oi the proposed facility and its dinance. <br /> public shall not be granted in the absence of a flood contenis toflood damage and the effect of such damage SECTION X NONCONFORMING USES <br /> warning system ihat provides adequate time for on the individual owner. A siructure or the use of a siructure or premi5es <br /> evacuation if the area would inundate to a depth greater (e) The importance of the services provided by the which was lawful before the passage or amendment of <br /> than two feet or be subject to flood velocities greater proposed facility to the community. ihis Ordinance but which is not in conformity with the <br /> ihan four feet per second upon occurrence of the (f) The requiremenis of the facility for a watertront provisions of ihis Ordinance may be coMinued subject <br /> regional flood. location. to the following conditions: <br /> SECTION VI General Flootl Plain DislricY (GFP) (g) 7he availability W alternative locations not 1. No such use shall be expanded, changed, enlarged, <br /> A. Permitted Uses. Any use PermitTed in Section IV- subject to flooding for the proposed use. or altered in a way which increases its nonconformity. <br /> A. (h) The compatibility of the proposed use with 2. No siructural alteration or addiTion to any non- <br /> B. Special Uses. All other uses are permitted only existing development and development anticipated in conforming structure over the life of the siructure shall <br /> after the issuance of a Special Use Permit as provided the foreseeable future. exceetl 50 percent of its assessed value at the time of its <br /> in Section VII-C of ihis Ordinance. The General Flood (i) The relationship of the proposetl use to the com- becoming a rwnconforming use, unless the entire <br /> Plain Disirict includes the entire flootl plain and does prehensive plan and flood plain management program siructure is permanently changed to a conforming use <br /> not differentiate between ihose areas that are floodway for the area. or unless the alteration or addition would substantially <br /> and ihose areas ihat are flood fringe. Because of }hi5, (j) The safety of access to the property in times of reduce potentialflood damagesforihe entire siructure. <br /> the City Council shall determine whether the propo5ed ilood for ordinary and emergency vehicles. 3. Any alteration or addition to a nonconforming <br /> use in the floodway or flood fringe using procedures (k) The expected heighis, velocity, duration, rate of siructure or use which would rewlt in substantially <br /> established in Section Vll-C3. If it is determined ihat the rise, and sediment irartsport of the flood waters ex- increasing the flood damage potential of that use shall <br /> use lies in the floodway, the provisions of Section I V of pected at the site. require ihaT the structure or use shall be flood-proofed <br /> this Ordinance shall apply. If it is determined ihaT the (I) Such oTher factors which are relevant to the in accordance with the State Building Code. <br /> proposed use lies in the flood fringe, the provisions of purposes of ihis Ordinance. 4. If any nonconforming use is discontinued or <br /> Section V of ihis Ordinance shall apply. 5. Filing with Commissioner of the Minnesota abandoned or a nonconforming siructure is left unoc- <br /> SEC710N V I I ADMINISTRATION Depariment of Natural Resources, A copy of all cupied for 12 consecutive months, any future use of the <br /> A. Builtling Permits decisions granting Special Use Permits shall be for- building premises shall conform to this Ordinance. The <br /> 1. Building Permit Required. A Building Permit warded by mail to the Commissioner of the Minnewta Building Inspector shall notify the AdminisTrator in <br /> issued by the Adminisirator in conformity with the Depariment of Natural Resources within the (10) days writing of instances of nonconforming uses which have <br /> provisions of ihis Ordinance shall be secured prior to the of such action. been discontinued for a period of 12 monihs. <br /> erection, addition, or alteration of any building, C. Variances 5. If any nonconforming use is desiroyed by any <br /> siructure, ar portion ihereof; prior to the use of change The Council may authorize upon appeal in specific means, including floods, to an extent of 50 percent or <br /> of use of a building, siructure, or land; prior to the cases such variance from the terms of this Ordinance as more af its assessed value, it shall not be reconsiructed <br /> change or extension of a nonconforming use. will not be conirary to the public interest, where, owing except in conformity wiTh the provisions of ihis Or- <br /> 2. Application for Building Permit. Application for a fo special conditions, literal enforcement of the dinance. However, the City Council may issue a Special <br /> Building Permit shall be made to the Adminisirator on provisions of the Ordinance will result in unnecessary Use Permit for reconsiruction if the use is located <br /> forms furnished by him-her and shall include the hardship. No variance shall have the effect of allowing outside the floodway and, upon reconstruction, i5 <br /> following where applicable: plans drawn to scale, in any disTrict uses prohibited in ihat disirict, permit a adequately flood-proofed, elevated, or otherwise <br /> showing the - nature, location, dimension5, and lower degree of flood protection than the Regulatory Arotected in conformity wiTh the provisions of this <br /> elevations or the loi; existing or proposed structures, Flood Protection Elevation for the particular area, or Ordinance. <br /> lill, or storage of materials; and the location of the permit standards lower ihan ihose required by State 6. Nonconforming uses located in the Floodway <br /> foregoing in relation to the siream channel. The site law. Disirict shall be eliminated or brought into conformity <br /> plan review prxedure specified in Section V I I I-E of the 1. Application, Review and Approval Procedure. The with the standards contained in ihis Ordfnance within a <br /> Zoning Ordinance shall be followed for non-residential application, review and approval procedure specified in reasonable periotl of time as determined by the City <br /> buildings and uses. Section VIII-D. of the Zoning Ortlinance shall be Council, after a hearing for each such rronconforming <br /> B. Special Use Permits followed for all requesis for variances from the use. The City Council shall make its determination upon <br /> 1. Permit Required. A Special Use Permi} shall be provision of ihis Ordinance. the basis of the normal useful life of any improvemenT <br /> requiredforallsiructuresandusessodesignatedbyihe 2. Notificafion af Commissioner of the Minnesota upon the premises. In addition, the monetary value of <br /> provisions of ihis Ordinance. Depariment of Natural Resources. Applications for any campeTitive advantage derived by the operaTion of <br /> 2. Application for Special Use Permit, Application for variances shall be submitted by mail to the Com- such nonconforming use, by reason of the limiTation on <br /> a Special Use Permit shall be made to the Ad- missionerof ResoVrcesatleastten(10)dayspriortothe establishment of competing businesses as a result of <br /> minisirator in accordance with the procedure specified date on which the City Council will hear and act on the ihis Ordinance, shall be considered as a reduction of <br /> in Section V I I I-C of the Zoning Ordinance. In addition to variance request. A copy of all decisions granting losses resulting from the requirement of term,ination of <br /> the documentation required iherein, the following in- variances shall be forwarded by mail to the Com- the use under ihis Ordinance. _ <br /> formation may be required at the discretion of the missioner of the Minnesota Department of Natural SECTION XI AMENDMENTS <br /> Adminisirator. Resources within ten (10) days of such action. Theflood plain designation onthe Official Zoning Map <br /> (a) A fypical valley cross-sedian showing the channel D. GENERAL REOUIREMENTS shall not be removed from flood plain areas unless it can <br /> of the siream, elevation of land areas adjoining each 1. State and Federal Permits. Prior to granting a be shown ihat the designation is in error or that the area <br /> side of the channel, cross-sectional areas to be occupied Building Permit or processing an application for a has been filled to or above the elevation of the regional <br /> by the proposed development, and high water in- Conditional Use Permit or Variance, the Zoning Ad- flood and is contiguous to lands outSide the flood plain. <br /> formation. minisirator shall determine ihat the applicant has Special exceptions to this rule may be permitted by the <br /> (b) Plan (surface view) showing elevations or con- obtained all necessary State and Federal Permits. Commissioner of Natural Resources if he determines <br /> tours of the ground; pertinent siructure, fill, or storage 2. CerTificate of Zoning Compliance for a New, ihat, ihrough other measures, lands are adequately <br /> elevations; size, location, and spatial arrangemenT of Altered, or Nonconforming Use. It shall be unlawful to protected for the intended use. <br /> allproposedandexistingsiructuresonihesite; location use, occupy, or permit the use or occupancy of any All amendmenis to ihis Ordinance including amend- <br /> and elevafions of sfreets; photographs showing exisfing buitding or premises ar part Thereof hereafter created, menis To the Official Zoning Map must be submitted to <br /> land uses and vegetation upsiream and downsiream; erected, changed, converted, altered, or enlarged in its and approved by the Commi55ioner of Natural <br /> and soil type. use or siructure until a Certificate of Zoning Com- Resources prior to adoption. Changes in the Official <br /> (c) Profile showing the slope of the bottom of the pliance shall have been issued by the Adminisirator Zoning Map also require prior approval by the Federal <br /> channel or flow line of the siream for aT Iea51500 feet in stating ihai the use of the building or land conforms to Insurance Adminisiration. <br /> either direction from the proposed development. the requiremenis oF this Ordinance. Where a non- SECTION XII ENFORCEMENT <br /> 3. Upon receipt of a Special Use Permit application conformingusearstructureisextendedorsubstanTially A. Enfarcing Officer. This Ordinance shall be en- <br /> within the General Flood Plain Disirict, one copy of all altered, the Certificate of Zoning Compliance shall forced by the Adminisirator who is appoiMed by the <br /> the materials and information listed in Secfion V11-B.2 specifically state the manner in which the non- City Council. The Adminisirator may institute in the <br /> shall be submitted to a designated engineer or other conforming sfruciure or use differs from the provisions name of the City of Arden Hills any appropriate actions <br /> expert person or agency for technical assistance in of ihis Ordinance. or proceedings against a violator as provided by statute <br /> determining whether the proposed use is in the or ordinance. <br /> Floodway or Flood Fringe and to determine the 3. Consiruction and Use to be as Provided in Ap- B. Penalty for Violation. Violationof the provisionsof <br /> Regulatory, Flood Protection Elevation. Procedures Plications, Plans, Permits, and Certificate of Zoning This Ordinance or failure to comply with any of its <br /> consisteniwith Minnesota Regulations NR 86-87 shall be Compliance. Use Permits, Conditional Use Permits, or requiremenis (including violations of conditions anq <br /> followed in ihis expert evaluation. The designated Certificates of Zoning Compliance issued on the basis of safeguards established in connection with granis of <br /> engineer or expert shall: approval plans and applications authorize only the use, Variances or Conditional Uses) shall constitute a <br /> arrangement, and consiruction set forih in such ap- misdemeanor. Any person who violaTes this Ordinance <br /> (a) Estimatethe peak discharge of the regional flood, proved plans and applications, and no oTher use, or fails to comply with any of its requirements shall <br /> (b) Calculate the water surface profile of the regional arrangement, or consiruction. Any use, arrangement, upon conviction ihereof by fined not more ihan $500 or <br /> flood based upon a hydraulic analysis of the siream or consiruction at variancewith ihat authorized shall be imprisoned for not more ihan 90 deys, or both, and in <br /> channel and overbank areas. deemed violation of ihis Ordinance, and punishable as addition shall pay all costs and expenses involved in the <br /> (c) Compute the floodway necessary to convey the provided by Section IX of This Ordinance. The applicant case. Each day such violation continues shall be con- <br /> regionalflood without increasing flood stages more ihan shall be required to submitcertification by a registered sidered a separate offense. <br /> O.Sfeet, An equal degree of encroachment on both sides professional engineer, registered architect, or C. Other Lawful Action. Nothing herein coMainetl <br /> of the siream yaithin the reach shall be assumed in registered land surveyor ihat the finished fill and $hall prevent the City Council from taking such other <br /> computing floodway boundaries. building elevations were accomplished in compliance lawful actian as is necessary to prevent or remedy any <br /> Based uponthe technicalevaluation ofihe designated with the provisions of ihis Ordinance. Flood-proofing violation. <br /> engineer or experJ, the City Council shall determine measures shall be certified by a registered professional SECTION XI I I EFFECTIVE DATE. <br /> whether the proposed use is in the Flopdway or Flood engineer or registered architect. This ordinance shall be Affective from and after it5 <br /> Fringe and the Regulatory Protection Elevation at the 4. Record of First Floor Elevation. The Adminisirator passage and publication. <br /> Site. shall maintain a record of the elevaTion of the fir51 floor passed by the Arden Hills City Council ihis 26th day of <br /> 4. Review and Approval Procedure. The review and (including basement) of all new siructures or, additions May, 1981. <br /> approval procedure specified in Section V I I I-C of the ta existing siructures in the flood plain districis. He-She Robert L. Woodburn <br /> Zoning Ordinance shall be followed for uses requiring shall also maintain a record of the elevations to which Mayor <br /> Special Use Permits under the provisions of this Or- siructures or additions to siructures are flood-proofed. <br /> dinance.The5lateCOmmisSionerofResourcesshallbe SECTION VI11 SUBDIVISIONS Attest: <br /> Charlotte McNiesh <br /> notified of all hearings for Special Use Permits within All lots subdivided within any flood plain disirict shall Clerk-Administrator <br /> the Fload Plain. contain a building site at or above the Regulatory Flood (gulletin: June 25, 1981) <br /> In passing upon Special Use applications, the City ProtecTion Elevation. All subdivisians shall have water <br />