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<br /> y ~ ~ ~tq <br /> <br /> _ STA77E OF 71dIId1+1E60TA ~ charged #o the bratperty. <br /> OOZJFITX fl~F RAM3EY ~ 1~ ~ <br /> (t) When »ew LuiidIaBe "are awte& Snaft~r <br /> af <br /> VILLAGE UF A.EtITEN HILLS on the sifis oi old oaes. uad it ie de- this mwlvlm ` bo b0ay;` <br /> ORDINANCE NO. 103 aired to ino;eaee oa changethe uld water asrplneatim 'SCrr #or m~: b8, <br /> ~ <br /> AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING A eerviee, aa eonneaf.ioas with tBe mains inside to 'the t3t=~ °_6~ <br /> MUNICIPAL WATLR 3Y3TEM IN THE sha11 be mede untii all the old aervice agent, ccr yhg 1e1,24 dw , fi p# ~ <br /> ViLLAGE OF .diRDEN HILL$, PBO- ehaA have been removed, and the main <br /> VIDING FOft QONNECTION3 THERE- conneetion Dl~388Cd b9 the Yilctage, Any L4.1 p ~e TO. CHARGE9 THER FFOR ANb PEN- eicpense of the VilIage in ontALTILS FOR VIOLA,TION. therewltJ~ aha11 be oharged to the. prop- The Villege Couaeil af the Village of eirty Notwlthstanding the foregoim~, the ; <br /> Arden Hills does her@by aa fol- Commissioner shaPl have vower, in hia (e) A ayeter spaeer n•fth ta,g:j,pieag ~ <br /> ~ows: discretion, to Permit continuance o4 the cmLplittgs wi2l lie fuvilished t4 the coa- <br /> 9FICPIOtN 1 - old eervice until the new service ie con- ttaCtOr or pllkfIIlraT slt k33e fiantg a ooatiorcs. <br /> bIUNICiPAL VPATER $Y$TEM nected to the property, wheu immediate L3on permi# ie }wjuo8.: MOtet spwent` aekH <br /> 1:1 General Operation and Adminietra- removal of the o&1 eervice would consti- be picked up when khe me£er 9ra fhiaWled <br /> tion. The Village of Aivlen Hills munici- tute a hardship. uader Village supervision ttftt:r <br /> bal water eyatexn (hereinafter caUed the 1.10 $ervice Fipea Every aervice pipe Dletian of vcatxr seryyr,e', irsatedlation. <br /> ~ water eystem) sha13 be operated as a must be laid in such manner aa to a11ow (f) The plumbor, shO notd£g the Clgck <br /> Dublie utility and oanvenience from-which not ]ess than one foot of eactra length aiittttn 24 houra aEtsr jAping f8 complerte , <br /> revenue will be derived, subject to the and in such manner as to prevent rup- and re$dy for mater instxtlmtidp, gfvilog. <br /> Droviaiona of this chapter. ture by settlement or otherwise. The ' streeE addrem and aervice instatlatian <br /> The Seneral administration of the service pipe mnst be placed no lese than permit nnmber. ${gch ftespectfofq as t}te <br /> Arden Hills water system ahall be unde; seven feet below the aurface and in all Cammiesioner shsal dee;m apgropriata <br /> khe direction and control of the Commis- cases so arranged $s to prevent rupture shall then be atade oa bthalf o£ the <br /> sioner of Public Works, who shall report by freezing. Service pipea muat extend Vi}Iage. Tn 'a]1 eases eonneeLihn tn -ths <br /> to the Council uDOn requeat of the Coun- from the curb box to the inside of the eyatem must 15e matie withia 60 daye <br /> ~ eil. The Commisaioner of Publfc Worke is building; or, if not taken into a build- a£ter the permit fa issued. <br /> Lereinafter referred to as the Commis- ing, then to the hydrant or other fistures (g) Water bilitngs ahqll atazi at Lip <br /> eioner. He is authorized to apDOint repre- whieh it ia intended to sapply. Type K~ ?ame uf the, faetallatian of the wates <br /> aentatives, either salaried or non-salaried, soft temper ooDDer tnbing shmll he-used meter;' or in the event the water meter <br /> to discharge the duties provided by this up to' and ineluding two inch services. ia nflt inatalled wlEhin th;rty ($0) d~y <br /> Ordinance and euch o~ther responsibilitien All underground joints sha,pl be tiuecliani- ahm~11 eommence uppn the t]urty-ftis~ <br /> as may arise in adminiatration of the cal, unlesa otherwiee approved by the' (Slat) day from tke date oE the permiu <br /> water aystem. The Adminiatrative alerk Commissioner. Joints on cogper tubing and ehell bs caltulated upun the mini- <br /> ahal•1 be'prompbly and fnl}y adviaed aa to ahall be kept to a minimum, with not mum quarfi,erjy rate, proiated on s <br /> the aDDOintment of such representatives, more bhan one splice or coupling joint monthly baeis. ' <br /> The Admirriatrative Glerk of the Vil- used for aervice up to 70 feet in length. E:E $erviee Chergee. (a) Fermits msst <br /> 1age, hereinafter referred to as the Glerk, All jointe and connections ehall Le left be obtained to oanneet to (I) the exfat. ' <br /> Bhall be respons'rble for the keeping of uncovered until inspected and teated at aug vcater service leads at the curb lae,. <br /> reoords relating to the wsfsr aystem, one and oae-half times normal water line ~(2) inteni6r plusyb3ng: ~'1tt psrmit <br /> u <br /> - 9ncluding recorda of permits and finances preesure and fouad free of leaks for at fee fnr (1) ehall he Ten I7ollars ( 1 <br /> in connection therewith, bnt shall reDOrt least fiftetsn minutea. AIl services over snd the permit Yee for (2) shal! l <br /> thereon to the 468mmisaioner., two inch ahall be eset iron; Conneetiuns Dollare' ($5,00); in the event one appli• <br /> The Vil~lage Engineer ehall perform the with the maina for rasidentiat domestic catiom js made for both conneetions, tlo ~ <br /> dutiee provided for him in this Ordinance suHD1y ahmll be at least one inch fnside total 'charge fee ahalk be Fifteen Dallars <br /> and shall provide auch additianal consnl- diameter. (#15.00), Na Parniit e24a11 he ieaued ex- <br /> xation and ELdvice as the Comm;ssioner 1.11 Private Wstear SnpDl~ea. No water S:ept 'to a liaeased plumber. <br /> r <br /> shall requeat from time to time. yipe of the wster epstem shall be con- (b) Ia the evexit that, througfl the ~ <br /> $eferencea herein to the water ayetem nected with ane DumA well, tank, or fsu3t ar omiesian uf the owwner af ther ~ <br /> ahall nat be deemed to apply to yrivatelp- piping that ie connected with any other sub5eot PropeiEY, a earb box "d serviae <br /> owned wella unlesa the language used source of water supply unleae such con- lead has not, been inatalTod fnr tke prop- <br /> apecifical}y requirre such apPlieation. neet9on fa appmved by tke Commisaioner erCy, then atlditionsl feea shaYl be pai$ <br /> 1.2 YTae of Water Restrictwl tu Aatttoe- in accordance with contract responsibil- st Lhe time of making appl3catian for. <br /> i$ed Pereona. No pereon, firm, or cor- itiea of the Vi}lage and any other per- bapFing the water,, xnain, which charges <br /> poration shall mske, cons8ruct, or inatall tinent regulations. elall be as follows: <br /> any water servioe inaCe,ilation or make . 1.12 Uee Confined to Ptemiaes: No per- (1) The fee shall be $166.00 fqr a 7. <br /> vse of any water service which is connect- ~ aon shall yermit water from the waY,er iaeh serviee cesanectlon. wheze ths ed to the water eystem excePt in the svatem to be used Yor any Hprpoee except inatallatton ia to tie in an unertr- <br /> manner provided in this chapter, upon hip own prewiaes unleaa wriCten faccd street, whiah fee altall 9n• <br /> 1.$ Wilfnl Damage to Water $yetem. conaent ia obtained from the C7ommie- clude fhe tappiAg oR' the wateY <br /> No yereon s$slY remove, alter, dammge, sioner. main, the instatlakisn of f.hg servipg <br /> or treepaas upon any atructure, appur- 1.13 Conneetione at or Beyond Villaqe line, and the SnsUllatio$ of 'Ehe <br /> tenance or property of the water;system, Boandsries. W~tere water mains of Ar- • enrb etop antl hox: > <br /> or cauae water to be consumed, diverted~ den Hilig ar an adjacent municipality are In the eoent the 3nstaBat5an ie fo <br /> reatricted, wasted or contamfnated in any in any street or alley adjactmt to or be upon a sarfaeed street the Ia« <br /> manner unlesa the eeme is permitted outeide the corporate limits of the Vill- location of ' the main shall be, ab= - <br /> pursuant to a written authorization or age; the Commissioner _ may issue per- tained from the Village Engiseer. <br /> - Derrat from t0e Xillsge. mits to the ownera or occupante of proB- A fee of $60.00 sha11 be chargea'i €at <br /> 1.4 Discontinuance of 3ervice por Vio- erties secessible to sueh water msine to restoration of a typical mad.mis <br /> latiotis. Water service may be shut off at make ' water service pipe conaet+tions bituminous street, and for restor• <br /> any stop box conneetion wltenever: ` with snch maina and to be supDlied . ation of a higher` type stiets# the . <br /> (a) The owner ur cecupant of the prem, with water therefrom in accordance with Vil]age Engineer shall set f.Le <br /> ises served, or any otHer pereon the applieable Drovisions of this Ordin- fee on the basis af the coat at <br /> working on sny pipas or equipment anee and all pertinent and apPlicable restoratian. Such fees shsll be in <br /> thereon connected with the water conLraet provieions. ' addition to the fees set in Para- <br /> syetem, hae violated or bhreatens 1.14. Restrisiione Against 9pritckling graph (a) hereof. All baek€i11 ma- . <br /> to violate any of the provisions of and Other Limitations of Water Uae. All terials shall be xnechaniea}ly com• <br /> this chapter. water customers, shall be aubject to ap- pacted in twelve inch layers fu <br /> (b) Any charge for evater, aervice, plicable regulations of the Villa~ ge or place in roadway ares to e~sting <br /> meter, or any other financial obli- other requlations to whiah tbe Village atreet grade: <br /> gationa impoaed hereunder for the is subject by contraet-relating to limita- (3) In the event af conneetions }arger <br /> piemises aerved by the conneetion tions ' in the tfine and manner of nsing than 1 ineh the fee in additian tu <br /> axe unpaid. mater or relating to the preaervation; that set forth in Paragraph (a) <br /> (c) Fraud or misrepresentation by the regulatipn and protection of the watet hereof skall be fixed by the Vi}- 1 <br /> owner or occupant of the premises supplq, ]age Engineer an the baeie of the <br /> served in connection with the ap- 1.16 Private Wells. Frivate wel•9s may estimated eost af instaltittg - the <br /> plication 'for service. be maintained and continued in uae after serviee,. <br /> , 1.5 Deficiency of Water and 9hntting connection ia made to the water eystem, (c) A aervice charge of F"ive'Ikatiare <br /> Off Water. The Village ahall not be lia- provided there is no meana of croiss- ('$5.00) will be made for turit9ng oa <br /> ble for any deficiency or £ailure in the connectiun between the private well and water where sernice has been tetrned - <br /> supplq of water to consumers, whether municipal supply at any time. Hose aff for violation of aay provisYoa of <br /> occasioned by sbutting tbe water off for bibbs or faucets eqnipped with hose this Ordinance, exeept for caam sub9ect <br /> the purpose nf making repairs or con- threade that will enable the crose•con- to- Paragraph , 1.$ hereaf; arbere' the <br /> nections, or from any ather cauae what- nectioM of the two systems are Brohibited hipher charge shall he matle. <br /> ever. In ease of fire; or alarm of fire, on interna] piping of the well aupply 2.3 Tixite For Goanmctieas. If, for anp <br /> or in making repairs or eonstruction of system. The threada on the drain or the cause, the plumber or contraeEnr IagYng <br /> - mew works, water rasy be shut aff at any bibb of the well volume or compression the eervice pipe shouFd fat} to have the <br /> time and keyt strut off as long as necee- , tank shall be removed or the drain bibb aonnection made at the'Liaeie spoc3#ied fn <br /> sary• reBla.ced with a eink fancet without hoee his apDlioation, notice -muat be ~''iven t~ <br /> 0 <br /> 1.8 Snpply From One Service. Na more thr~ds. Where both private and Village Olerk fixing another day- o~i mhiah ho <br /> than one housing unit or buiiding aha11 ayetema are in use outside hose bibbs wishes tio make ecinrtectioa. The msEite <br /> be aupBlied from one service conneotfon wi11 nat be inata}led on both syatems. muat be given at least Lwo daya prev;.. <br /> eaccept by special permiaeion of Che Cam- 1.16 Use af Water for Air Condition- ovs to the eaccanation far 1$ying u£ the <br /> miasioner. Whenever two or mare euch ing: All air conditioaing systems which . eervi¢e pipe, and the connection iqasL kl <br /> houaing nnits or huildjngs are suppifed are oonnected direetly or indireetly with lse made before 4:36 g.m„ exeegt in <br /> from one pipe connecting to a distributiou the publia water egefsm must be e9uip- epeaisl cases, and then the w+tt~ic s$a!1 <br /> main each building or paet of building ped with water conserving and water be done only vpen veri$ten oikier from. - <br /> 7nust have a seyarate atop box and a regulating devieee as approved by the the Commieainner. In any evenE, ag <br /> separate meteT• Commissfonei. ~ hereinbefore grovided, conneotioq -mnst ; <br /> 1.7 Tapping of Maine Prohfbited NFo 1.17 Permits'Reqaired for Air Condi- be made within six4y days a##er the <br /> Deraoa except thbae dul,y auChorijed by tioning. Permits shatl be required for the Dermit ia obtained. <br /> the' Villsge shall tap any distributing inatallation of -all now air eonditioning 2.4 Property Asseastaents. Befpre g <br /> main or pipe of the water aupp}g sya- s9atems eonnected directlp or indfrectly oerinit for water aia€a tavpiag ss pro-- <br /> tem. or ineert stop-cocks or ferrules . to the Dtiblic waEer system. 3aiti- qermit vived in Section 2.E l4re4 aW be 19- <br /> therein. shall be on forma aa provided b9 the aned ths follawing - conditioAt, ~hall bg <br /> 1.8 Repair ef LeaJca. It ahall be the re- Village. emnplied wiCh; <br /> ~ sponsibil•ity of the conaumer or ownet, 1.18 Connect3ona Bqrred. No canneotion (a) A conneetian germ3t to ser'aic <br /> to maintain the service piqe from the shall be allowed to a bu4lding pipIng direct}y or indirectlq, aay tot o7p tract• <br /> curb box into the honee or building. In eyatem that contains any, .oonnection, uf ]snd shall itot be 4saped imki2 t.ho • <br /> case of fai3ure apan the part of any fixture, or eource o# pollulion ant allowed (Ilerg shall have aertified ta atzt8 af the <br /> consumer or owtFer to repair any leak by the ffiinnesote Plumlring Code, the 3t foilowiag: - <br /> ocenrring in hie piye wibhin twentg-four Paul Water Department; or regulatibna (1) That such lot oC fratt ,pf lan(} hag <br /> hours after verbal or written notice of the ViF1age of ILosevLlle: been ass4saed Eor tiie aaet of ean. ` <br /> hhereof, the water will be ahut off and $p7MON :0 structton of the veater maii) with <br /> w311 not be tumed on until tLe aum of WATEB CONNECTIdN3 which the eonnePt`xdn, ia ts he made; <br /> ten dollare ($10.00) hae been paid snd 2.1 APDlicafiona. (a) AII aDDlicationa or <br /> the leek repaired. Wlten. the waste of - for p8rmitg #or aervice 3neta}lationa and (Z) TP no aweaftoftt hms PevW <br /> water ia great, or when damsge ie likely for water aervice conneetione ehall be for, aucfi ' ~t, <br /> to r~ult from the leak, the water may made to tlie Clerlc on printed {p~ ' proc~eding~ f'ar lavpring sueh - as- <br /> be turne8 aff immediatelY Dending re- 4urniehed ToY t3ie VillaSe. ment <br /> 'Pairs. (h) ADPlicatTons for nermite for serv- Plsted in due euureb:' Qr r" <br /> 1.9 Abandoned 3ervices. (1) All service ice inataIlation efia11 be made hq the (8) if no ent kss t+eea Ioviod <br /> ' inatallations that have been abandoned owner of the psoperty to be seraed or and xco saesongnt pxoosed,iiajp *Sll { <br /> or have not been nsed for threm years by the owaer's ftent and shall state Lhe 4e a+am pieW itt Aue emrse, tl** <br /> shall be disoonnectxd at the main by eiae and ]ocation, af service connecLion '6he 1t411age has 1-bo" "'id s,* <br /> the Vi11a8e. All qiPo and aPBttrtensxtces required. The aBDlicant aha}l. at the amount eqaa1 1D'tbe . _estimated <br /> . <br /> removed therefrom shal3 be the Y tizne oY' makfns a~rplieatiaa. Bs,e to the ~eme~st •a~~rdt sai8 . <br /> of the Village and aaq expense~~ ~e - Village t.he amount of fees or -dayoeit fai+ ttie eee5i t~ ~~'msa41~. <br /> Villase 9n aonnection theieavith shall be <br />