<br /> . . ~ ' ' . . . . , ' :;f• "v,
<br /> Ai t;
<br /> et
<br /> (b) I4 for anY reauh theClerk can- dor -Y,otal water aharges-for the precetl- '-tsfuF~~t af 1he ~~a&a~1+~~ a
<br /> not issue a certificake as Drovided lr' the Sng qnarterly period shsll be xnaitrad bY bb .#urai~BSl and 0 3d ~Lb
<br /> Dreeedins PsnaSi'aDh (a). sad there the GYerk to each eustomer on or before e~vfns such
<br /> has been an asseesment yroceeding in the 6th day of Jannary. ADril, Ju}y and I~ectar ehedk.t~pe
<br /> ebnnectian with Ehe conetruction of said Octaber of esoh yeaa. Such atatemenfis to make b9 the
<br /> main, then the Village Engincer shall shall be due ou ar bdore the laat day 9.2 Water BI~' S3~tttg. a1}t, watr
<br /> compute the assessmeut which would of the month following the quarterly meters het'eafter iacetslied shadl be Itk- .
<br /> have been levied against the aubject iot -period covered by anch statement. A pen- etalled fn aecotdance w8#dt the follvwiziv
<br /> or yarcel on the aame baais as assesa- alty eharge of One Dollar ($1.00) shall rules:
<br /> ments previously lev9ed against other be added to ali etatements not paid when (a) The aervice gipe fruin 1he w4ataa
<br /> property for said main, and the Clerk's due. Any DreDSYment or overpayment maiu to the meter, when_ tke' gavx4 est.
<br /> certificate may be issued upon Dayxxtent ` o£ charges may be retained by the Vil- tera the butltiing, eha!T bo 8rodkM
<br /> of eaid amount to the Clerk. In the -1age aud apPlied on aubaeqnent quar- through the floor oY boEtom:: 0ourAM a
<br /> , event that there hae been no sesessment' terly atatementa. concrete bloek fountlation. I3owever, this
<br /> Proceeding in connection with Ohe laying 8,4 Aetion to Collect. Charges. Any . taaY be waived bp the CbxnmSssicsner If
<br /> af said main, the Villsge Engineer ahall amounts due for water chargea hereunder ' strict compliance with the provisioa vvuuId ~
<br /> compute the chazge to be made for the ' may be collectsd in a civil action, or the ereste a hardship in a p$rtiaular sitoa-
<br /> ~ conneetion on the basis of the benefit Clerk may certify to the Count9 Audi- tioa,
<br /> to said property from the construction tor the aunount due, toSether with a (b) The mefrer sha11 ba loestsd so, thsC r
<br /> af aaid main, and the Clerk's certificate legal deacription of the premises eerverl, the bottom ia from 12 in[;ben to 24 iAetwo
<br /> shall be isaued upon payment of such and the County AudStor ahall thereupon above the finished floor 1ine. The mefi.er
<br /> charge. enter such amount, as 'part of the tax shall be set not lesA than G YIIchm rto8
<br /> In lieu of reguiring payment of the levy on said premises to be collected morQ than 12 inches measureil horizontilr
<br /> charge as computed hereunder at the during the enauing year. ]y #rom the inaide $ne of the basemexit r
<br /> time the connection permit is issued the SECPION 4. wall; unless an alternate method ia
<br /> Council may, upon requeat of a property WATER bIETERB AND HYDRANTS approved- by the Commiesioner,
<br /> . owner desiring such connection, permit 4.1 Water Meters. No peraon ahall use . (c) All meter insts]]ations shall have
<br /> payment of tH'@ fee hereunder on the water ftom the water syatem or permit a gate valve on the etreet aide aP t$e
<br /> same deferred basis, with interest, as . water to be drawn therefrom unlees the meter. In no case shalk there be more
<br /> pmvided for asaesaments in Chapter water ia metered by pasaing through a than 12 inches ot pipe exposed, hebwwn
<br /> 429 of Minnesota Statutes Annotated, as meter aupplied or approved by the Vil- • the point of entrance through the Dase-
<br /> amended, to the extent that thia may be lage; provided, however, this require- ment flonr and the valve. A gate valve
<br /> permitted by ]aw. ment ahall not &pp19 to water with- shall also be inatalled on the hovse
<br /> 2.6 Location of Stop Boaea. Curb stop drawn by authorized Village employees side of tAe meter. AII fi8tings and pipe ~
<br /> boxes will be inatalled at a point on the acting on Village business or to water - ahall be red brasa ar brdnze, exceDt thaE
<br /> property line moat auitable to the prop- ivithdrawn for use in fire-fighting. Unlesa pipe oyer 2 inches in diameter maq
<br /> erty and ahall be left in an accurate euthorizecl by the Commiasioner, no Der- be iron. Gate valves sha.}1 be brass 126
<br /> vertical positioia when back-£illing is son shall connect, disconneeE, take apart, pounds standard; exeept valves lar$e+t
<br /> coinpleted. Curb stop 6oxes will be in- or in any manner change or causa to be than 2" ma9 be imn body.. There shsA
<br /> atalled at an approximate depth of 7 changed, or interfere with any such also be installed on tlxe house aide of the '
<br /> feet below the srade established by the meter or the aeyion thereof. meter gate valve a three-quarter inoh
<br /> Vi]]age Engineer. Type K copper tubing, (a) Water customere shall make a ee- side outlet tee and plug to Srovide for
<br /> or ca.at iron a.s herqinbefore speeified, - curity deposit for water metera before in- - future installation ' o# a- 2 inch afr
<br /> shall be uaed for installation of 'water stallation of the meter, in acoordance chamber or shock absorber.
<br /> services. with the.following achedule: 4.3 iJse of Fire Hydrapte. No gersun
<br /> 2.6 3wpervision by Plamber. All DiPing 5/8" thru 3/4° meter with shall operaEe fire hydrants or interfere
<br /> eonnectione from curb box to houae aup- remote reading device $ 60.00 in any may with ~he water system with-
<br /> ply piping shall be made under the aup- 1" meter with remote reading out first obtaining a pesmit to do so'
<br /> erviaion of a lieensed plumber. device $ 80.00 from the Commissioner, with the excep- ~
<br /> 2.7 Tarning on Water. No i person 1-1/2" meter with remote tion oY authorized Village emplopeee on
<br /> other than an anthorized V911age emBloyee rea[Ling devic¢ -$140.00 , Village buainees - or -fire-fighLin,g per- ahall turn any water aupply on oi off 2" ineter with remote sonnel. Permits may be issaed by the
<br /> at the etoH box withaut Dermisaion reading device $200A0 Commiasioner in aeeordance with the
<br /> from the commissioner. At the time the security depoeit is following procedure, to-wit:
<br /> SECTION 3 made on the water metere just deacrib- (a) Perxnit to use a fire hy3rant sha13
<br /> Wster Rates and Collection of Chsrgee ed a fee of' $10.00 ahall be Daid to ~ be issued for eaeb individual iob or cab-
<br /> 3.1 Heeping Water Acconnts. Alf water c+over the expense of instaliation of said tract, for a minimum of 30 days and fog
<br /> $ccounts sha11 be kept by the Clerk by meters,- which charge shakl only be made euch additional 80 day ' geriods as , the
<br /> house and etreet number and under the upon inatallation af inetera on reai- Commissioner shall determine. The. petM
<br /> account number aasigned thereto, and dential property: mit shall state the locat'sqn of the bgd.
<br /> alao by the name of the owner or of the The seeuritq deposit will be refunded rant and shall be for the use af Ehat
<br /> peraon signing the apDlication for eerv- when the overnrahip of the subject D-P- hydrant alone, except as otherwise spe-, -
<br /> ice. Billa and noticee sent out by the erty is tranaferrad, but chargee aaainst cified therein:
<br /> Clerk shall be aent to the houee or street the Hrnperty under the provisiona of (b) The applicant £or a permit aha11
<br /> number of the party. If non-resident thia Ordinance may firat be deduct,ed make a$25.00 advanee caah deposit to
<br /> owners or agenta wiah notice sent to a fmm such depoait. The new prope.zy gua'rantee payment ~or wa#sr uaed and to
<br /> different addreas they ahall fIle sn aD- owher aha11 be required to make a sim'- cover any breakage or damage to t,he
<br /> plication therefor with the Clerk. Any 1a•r security deposit on the same con- hydrant. Such depoait shall be refnntYed .
<br /> ermr in addreas ahall be Dromptly re- ditiona and for the eame purpose. Re- upon eacpiration af the permit, after de•
<br /> yorted to the Clerk. mote reading deSices on w8fzr meters duction for any applieable charges for use
<br /> will be required. ' or datnage.
<br /> 3.2 Water Rates. (a) Tlie rate due and Meters on a service line larger than (c) The user ahall pay a rental charge
<br /> payable by esch water user within the two inches are to be 4urnished and in- of $10.00 for eaeh 30 day petiod or
<br /> Village for water taken from the water atalled at the expense of the property + fraetiun t3iereof covereci by t&e permik,
<br /> system shall be bOc per 1,000 gatlons, owner, and accordingly no security de- and 50c i°br each 1,000 galFons of water
<br /> payable qnarterly; provided however, posit shall be re4uired therefore. ueed.
<br /> that the ~inimum amount due and pay- (b) Tne Villag8 ahall maintain and 4.4 Hydrant Itentals. In the eyent
<br /> able by each water user for each quar- repair aill meters when rendered un-` property ownera or occupants request the
<br /> ter year Period during which water aerv- aerviceable through 'ordinary wear and Village ko install fire hydrants on their
<br /> ice is furnished ahall be as followe: tear and shall replaee them; if neces-' prnperty, an annu4l rental fee of $15.09
<br /> Qusrterly sary, However, where replacement, re- per hydrant sha4 be charged fdr eseh
<br /> Meter 3ize Minimwn Charge pair, or adjustment of any meter is hydrant so inst,~,lled. ThIs iental ' eh~i]
<br /> 6/8 thru 3/4 inch $ 6.00 rendered neceasary by the act, neglec., nat apply to the $qdraxit installed in the
<br /> 1 inch $ 12.00 - ineluding damage from hot , waterback- - uaual manner„ oq - boulevards or streat 1-1/2 inoh $ 24.00 up, or oazelessness of the. uwner ur rlght-of-way, bu~ only to those speci£ie- ,
<br /> . 2 inch - $ 36.00 , occuDant of any , premisea, any exDenae a13y-- requeated as herein grovided, . 3 inch $ 7E.00 caused the Village thereby shall be 4.5 Utflitieg Superintendertt:tThe Coun-
<br /> 4 inch $108.00 charged against and colle:sed from_ the ciL in i€s descretion, xnuy appoint a'Util-"
<br /> 6 inch $1$0A0 water eonsumer. ities Superintendent to assume and d'ys- '
<br /> 8 ineh $860.00 (c) A eonsumer msy have his meter charge the responsibilitiea Impoked upon
<br /> 10 ineh $640.00 reread by making written requeat Yhere- the qbmmissioner under this Ordinance,
<br /> 12 inch $720.00 for and depoaiting the amount s'ited along with such other dutieg as may
<br /> (b) In case the meter is found to have below with the Clerk at the tifne auch be required or aasigaed to him by tbg
<br /> stopped, or to be operating in a faultp request is made. In the event the ,te9t Couneil, but untpl such time the ~'iarn-
<br /> manner, the amount of water used will ahovas an error uf over b% of the cbater aiissioner shall continue to havs tie
<br /> be eatimated in -accordanee with Ehe allegedly conaumed the depoeit will be powers herein eet forth.
<br /> amount used Dreviously in eompsrable refnnded to the consumer and a cor- 4.6 Permits Reqaired F'or Private Uge
<br /> perioda of the year. If no comparable rectly-regiatering meter shall be :n- ' af Water Towera. No person, firm or
<br /> period ia available the Commissioner etalled, with the bill to be adjusted corporation shsll inatall any radio asrisl
<br /> shall set an estimated' charge on the in accordance wibh the corrected reading. on, or in any way use, any munfeiFai .
<br /> basis of his best judgment. If there is no error or the error is less water tower for pnivate use withonx
<br /> (c) Where service is for lesa than a than 6% the deposit shall be reta,ined b9 firat obtaining a permit fmm the Cciun_
<br /> quarterly period the quarterly eharge the Village: Any adjuetiment ahall not ex- cil to do ao.
<br /> will be prorated on a monthly basie, tend for more than one hilling period be- (a) .Terme of Fermit. Any person, flrm
<br /> (d) Where a connection ie made to an bore the date of the request for te8t. or corporation desiring to.obtaio a per,
<br /> automatic sDrinkler syatem for standby The deposit charSee for meter testing are mit to inatall a private iadio aerial on
<br /> service only on either municipal or priv- ge fopew$; a water tower shall fi}e aa applieation
<br /> ate waEer mairu#, a charge for sneh serv- For teating 6/8. inch to 1 inch with the Clerk,and 'have the saine aq.
<br /> ~ uce shall be made on an annual basis ae meters E10.00 Droved by the Villaga Engineer aad.
<br /> follows: For testing 2 8s 3 inah metera $20.00 Ohief of Pulice. If the permit ie Issuey1
<br /> 'pipe conneetions uf 4 inches For testiag 4 inch metera $40.00 by the Council it shaYt be valid artilp ag
<br /> and under L-------- $120.00 For t,esting 6 inch metera $60.00 long as tihe applicant paps to tLe ViT.
<br /> 6 inch pipe connection $160.00 The deposit for testing m8ters in ex- lage $100.00 per qear, and said pertgit
<br /> 8 inch pipe connection $200.Q0 cese of 6 inch shall be the estimabed must be renewed annnalty, '.Che origin#1
<br /> 10 inch piDe connection $820.00 cost thereaf, which shall be determined Pasment must be `made at Lhe titne vp
<br /> 12 inch pipe connection E500.00 by tbe Commisaioner. appliention for the permiL.
<br /> These rates ehall apply in all cases _ (d') All meters, wheLher furniehed by (b) Cancelling Permmita. Tbe Counctt
<br /> ~ where sutomatic sprinklers are installed the Village or otherwiee, sha11 be the mey at any time canoel 8ny euc(h pertnit
<br /> and where fire gatea and other outlete yroperty of the Village. iesucd to any grivate peason, firin or
<br /> are sealed. Metera or deteotor oheck (e) Authorized Village employees ahall <wrParation by returniag to tke hqldor
<br /> valves muat be instailed on snoh services liave free access to: premiaes eonnected of tke permit the unvsed pprrtim ot the
<br /> as required by the Commissioner. with the water system at reasonable aAnual fee;
<br /> (e) Ratea due and payable by eaeh hourfl af the day for the purpuse of S$CTif)N tl
<br /> water user locatcd beyand the terrritorial reading metera and making inspect9ons 5.1 Violation of aaq of bhe g~pqq~jotts
<br /> boundaries of the Village ahall be de- therebf. of thi$ flrdinanne Sh~,1l conatituGe a mis•
<br /> termined by apecial contract. ~ (f) Where a potable water service line dameanor punishable by a f4na of nok to
<br /> (f) In oase a aervice pipe is connected lsrger' than ` 2 inchea is inetalled or exeeed $100.00 or impr4so7tmestk fm t~
<br /> to the staD bog and laifl into the build- where flows are aufficientl"y large in the -rtty jail for a perfaei not 'tu qseepa
<br /> ing, bwt the property owner does not apiaion , of the Oammiesioner to reqnire 80 da"•
<br /> wish to connect immediately to the a meter larger than 2 inchea the oceupaat SHI)TIflN 6
<br /> building piping for uae, the minimum or owner of the subject premisee shall E"PICTIVlS". DA!'E
<br /> rates ahall be charged as provided in cause to be flxrnished and inataP3ed a 6.1 This Ordinance aWI be ia fnd3
<br /> . 6ec. 3.2 (a) hereof. aampound meter conaisting of dusl in- fortse and effact fPOM aad a.f$ar i#o Pass.
<br /> ' (g) In the event the water cuatomer tegral meaauring elements for hSgh snd 'a8e and publication.
<br /> eleots to discontinue use oE munieipal ]ow flow "ratea. The type snd manufactur- Dated th4R 18th day tif ~$o
<br /> ! water the minimum charge ahall continue et aha11 be aa designated by the Cmmmis- Robert ~
<br /> urvtul such date ae the service pipe is sioner. Attest:
<br /> excavated and disconneeted at the atoP ~orx+~.ine E. ui8~
<br /> (g) Where a seriiee rine is installed
<br /> box. to aerae, in totaI br in qart, a Privatz AilminiatratSve [7laa+k
<br /> 3.3 PaY~ent of C6arges. Stateanente . fire p~'otectfan sYSf,oa the owner ar bc- ~ (H~1e~: Air~t. 8$ AW)
<br />
<br /> u
<br /> • a x ` ~ . i~
<br />