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<br /> ! , . . . ' _ . . . <br /> . . . . . . , " . . ' , , - , . . <br /> STATE OF MIDIDTF150TA eharsed to tlre m"oveztlY. requlred for the Insts11at4os, 411. ap )rese. <br /> OOUNTY OF RAM$EY (2) When new buildiage are erected <br /> VILLAGP OF ARDEN HILLS inafter provided. <br /> on the aite of old anea, and it fe de- Whep the service y~ ~m inatiyile], <br /> ORDINANCE NO. 103 sired to increase or ehange the old water ' epplfcation ior wateY aervie.a mag Le <br /> AN ORDINANCE EST,ABLI$HING A eervice, no connectiona wiEh the maias made to the Clerk by fhe owner; hia <br /> MUNICIhAL WATER SYBTEM IN THE shall be mede until aLl the old service agent, or Y,he tenaat or ocesupant of the <br /> VILLAGE OF t1RbEN IIILL3, p$O- shall have been remaved and the maIn yrem;ges, <br /> VIDING FOR CONNECTION3 THERFt eonnectfon Diugged by the Village: Any (d) The aise of water aerviee metere <br /> TQ, CHARGES THEREFOR AND PEN- exyense of the Village in conneotion shall be aubject to approcal of the Cam- <br /> ALTIES FOR VIOLATION. therewibh ehgA be charged to the prop- miseioner in the case of noa-reaidentf,sl, <br /> The Village Couacil of the Village of ~ erty. Notwit6standing the foregoing, the eerpice, <br /> Arden $i}ls does hereby orda}n a,s fol- (;ommiasioner shall have DQvver, in hie (e) A meter enacer with tailpieere <br /> lows: diacretion, to permit continuatice of the conpliage wi11 be furaisherl to the con- <br /> SECTIaN 1 okl aervice until the new aerviee is con- tractar or plumber at the time a oonnec- <br /> MUNICIPAL WATER SY3TEbI neoted to the property, when immediate tion yermit ie issued. Meter kaeers will <br /> 1.1 Geaeral Operation and Adminiatra- remove.l of the old service would consti- be Dfoked up when the meter is instatle8 <br /> tion. The Village of Arden $ills munici. . tute a fiardship. unde[ Vfllage snpervision zifter wm- <br /> pal water system (hereinaft¢r called the 1.10 6ervice Pipes. Every service pipe pletion of water aervice insWlation. <br /> water sqatem) shall be operated as a mu4t be ]aid in such manner as to allow (f) The plumber shall notify the Clerk <br /> pwblic utility and convenience from which not lesa thau one f9ot of estra length within 24 houra after piping is comp7ete <br /> revenue will be derived, subject to the and in such manner aa to prevent rup- e.nd ready for meter installation> $iving <br /> pmvisions of this chagter. ture by settlement or otherwise. The street ad8rass and aerdice installation <br /> The general administration of the service gipe must be placQd no leas than permit nntnfier: Such inspection ae the <br /> Arden Hills water system shall be under ' seven feet below the aurface and in all Coramiasioner shall deem appropriate <br /> the direction and control af the Commis- cases so arranged as ta prevent rupture shall then be made on behalf of the <br /> sioner of Public Works; who shall report by freezing. Serviee pipes must exfiznd Vi}lage. In a11 cases connection to the <br /> , to the Council upon request of the Coun- from the curb box to the inside of the sfstem must be made within 60 days . <br /> , cil. The Commiaeioner of Public Worka is building; or, if not taken into a build- after the permit is issued. ~ <br /> hereinafter referred ta as the Commis- ing, then to the hydrant or otiher fixturea (g) Water billings shall sf;art at the <br /> sioner. He is authoriaed to appoint repre- which it is fntended to supply. Type K tfine di the instatlation of the water <br /> aentativea, either salaried or non-aalaried, , soft temHer'copper tubing shall be used meter; or in the event the water meter <br /> to dischxrge the duties -provided by this ' up to and including two ineh serviea9. is not installed within thirty (30) days, <br /> Ordinance and such other responsibilitiea All undergrnund ioints shall be meehani- shall commence upon the thirty-fixst <br /> as may arise in administration of the cal, unTess otherwiae apDroved by the (31at) day from the date of the permit, <br /> water avstem. The Adxninistrative Clerk Commissioner. Joints on copper tubing and shall be calculated upon the mini- <br /> shall be promptly and fuily advised as to shall be kept to a acinimum, with not mum quarterly rate, prorated on a <br /> Lhe appointment of such reHresentp~tivea: more than one splice or coupling joint manthly baais. <br /> The Adminiatrative Clerk of the Vil- used for serviee up to 70 feet in length. 2.2 3ervice ChBrges. (a) Permits must <br /> lage, hereinafter referred to as the Clerk, All joints and eonnectiope shall be deft be obtained to connect to (1) the exist- <br /> shall be responsible for the keeping of uncovered until inspected and tested at 5ng water service ]eads at the curb box <br /> records relating to the water syatem; one and one-half times normal water line and (2) interior pFumbing. The perxnit <br /> including records of permits and fittances preasure and found free of leaks for at fee-for (1) shall be Ten Dallars <br /> in connection therewith, but shall report ]east fifteen minutea. All services over and the permit fee for (2) shall e ive <br /> thereon to the Commissioner, two inch shall be cast iron.. Connections Dollars in the event one appli- <br /> The Vitlage Engineer shall perform the with the maina for residential domestic eation s ma e; for hoEh oonneetions the <br /> duties provided for him in this Ordinance supply shall be at least one ineh insIde total charge fee shall be Fifteen DoTlars - <br /> and shall provide auch additiona] conaul- diameter. ($15.00). Na permit Shall be isaued eac: <br /> ta.tion and advice as the Commissioner 1.11 Private Water Snppiies. No water cept to a licensed plumber. <br /> shall request from time to time. pipe of the water system shall be con- (h) In the event that, Ghmugh the <br /> Iteferencea herein to the water eystem nected with any pump, well, tank, or fav9t ar omission af.the owner of t,he <br /> shall not be deemed to apply to privately- piping that is connected with any other subject property, a curb box and service j <br /> owned wells unlesa the language used source of water supply unless such con- leed has not been installed for the praP- <br /> apeoifically requirea auch apDlieation. nection ia approved ky the Commissioner erty, then additionat fees shall be paid ' <br /> 1.2 Use of Water Reatricted to Anthor- in accordanee with contract responaibil- at the time of xrxaking sppljcation for <br /> iaed Persons. No person, firm, or cor- ities of the Village and any other per- txpping the water main, which chargea <br /> yoration shall make, conatruct, or inetall tinent regulations. shall be as follows: <br /> mn,y water aervice insballatfon or make 1.12 Use Confined to Premises. No per- (1) The fee shall be $160.00 for a 1 <br /> use of any water service which is connecb son shall permit water from the water inch aervice connection where the <br /> ed to the water eyatem except in the system to be nsed for any purpose except installation is to be in an unsur- <br /> manner provided in thia chapter. upon hia own premisea unless written faced street, which fee shall in- <br /> 1.3 Wilful bamage to Water 3yatem. consent is obtained fmm the Csmmia- clude the tapping of the water <br /> No person shall remove, alter, damage, sioner, main, the installation of the service <br /> or trespaae upon any structure, aypur- 1.13 Connections af or Beyond Villsge 7ine, and the installation of the <br /> tenance or Broperty of the water system, Bonndaries. Where water maing of Ar- curh stop and box. <br /> or cauae water to be conaurned, diverted, den FIilla or an adjacent municipalitp are (2) In the event the inatsllation is to <br /> reetrieted, wasted or contaminated in any in any sEreet or alley adjacent to or be upon a surfaced atreet the la <br /> manner unleas the same is permitted outaide the corporate limits of the Vill- loeation of the main shall be ob- <br /> purauant to a written authorization or age, the Commissioner may issue per- tained from the Viitage Engineer, <br /> ,Dermit £rom the Village: mits to- the owners or occupants of prop- A fee of $60.00 shall be charged for <br /> 1.4 Discontinuance of Service for Vio- erties accesaible to such water tnaina to restoration o€ a typical road-mix <br /> letione. Water eervice may be ahut off at make vaater service pipe connections bituminous street, aMl for restor- <br /> any etop box connection whenever: with such mains and to be supplied ation of a higher type street the <br /> (a) The owner or occupant of the grem- with water therefrom in $ccordance with Village Engineer shall set the <br /> ises 'served, or any other person the applieable provisions of this Ordin- fee on the basis of the cost of <br /> working on any pipes or equipment ance and all pestinent and applicable restorstion. Sach fees shall be in <br /> thereon oonnected with the wster contraet provisions, ad&ition tio the fees aet in 7'ara- <br /> syatem, has violated or threatens 1.14.. Reatrictione Againat 3prinkling graph (a) hereaf. All baekfill ma- <br /> to violate any of the proyisions of and Other Limitationa of Water Use. All terials shall be mechanically com- <br /> this chapter. water cuatomera shall be subject to ap- pacted in twelve 9neh layers in <br /> (b) Any charge for water, serviee, ,plicsble reSUlationa oi the Village or place in roadway area f.o existing <br /> meter, or any other financial obli- other regulatione to which the Village street grade. <br /> Sations imposed hereunder £or the is subjeet by contract re3ating to limita- (3) In the event of connections larger <br /> premiaes aerved by the connection tions in the time and Tnanner of using than 1 ineh the fee in addition to <br /> are vnpaid. water or relating to the preservation, that set forth ia Paragraph (a) <br /> (c) Fraud or misrepreaentation by the regulation and protection of the water hereof shall be fixed 6y the Vit- <br /> , owner or occupant of the Hremiaea aupply. lage Engineer an the basis oP the <br /> aerved in conneetion with the ap- 1.15 Private Welta. Private wells may estimated cost of instslling the <br /> plicatian for service. be maintained and continued in nae after service. <br /> 1.5 Deficiency of Water and Shntting connection is made to the water system, (e) A service charge bf Fide Do}la.rQ <br /> Off Water. The Village shall not be lia- provided there is no means of croga- ($6.Q0) will be made f rni on <br /> ble for any deficiency or failure in the conaeetion between the private well and water where service ha;~ 55Fn---f0?%M <br /> supply of water to consnmers, whether municipal supF19 at any time. I3ose r vi <br /> occasioned by shutting the water off for bibba or faucets equipped with hose '~Ltlls Ordinance, except for eagea aubject <br /> the purpose of making repairs or con- threads that will enable the croas-con- to Paragraph 1.8, hereof, where thg , <br /> nectiona, or from anp other cause what- necEion of the two aystems are prohibited higher charge shall be made <br /> ever. In case of fire, or alarm of fire, on internal piping of Ehe weR supply 2.3 Time For Cennect3ana. If, for any <br /> or in ma.king repairs or construction of ayatePn. The threada on the drain or the cause, the plumher or contraetor laying <br /> aew works, water maq be shut aff at any bibb of the wel] volume or compreasion the service pipe ahould fail to have the <br /> time and kept ahut off aa long as neces- tank shall be removed or the drain bibb connection made at the time speeified in <br /> sary• replaced with a sink faucet without hoae his applioation,'notiee muat be given the <br /> 1.6 Sapply From One Service. No more threada. Where both private and Village Clerk fixing .anather (Jay on which be <br /> t11an oree housing anit or. building shall syatems are in use outside hoae bibba wiahee to make c€+nnection. The notiee <br /> , be suppHed from. one aervice conneation will not be instaUed on both ayatema, must be given at ]east two daya previ- <br /> except by speeial permisaion of tite Cam- ' 1.16 Use of Wster for Air Conditfon- oua to the excavation for laying of the <br /> missioner. Whenever two or morg euch ing. All sir conditioning eysteras which serviee pipe, and the cwnnection must <br /> ~houeing unita or buildfnga are aupDlfed are oonnected directly or indirectly with be made before 4:30 p.m., except in <br /> from one pipe connecting to a distribution the public water system must be e4uip- svecial cases, and then the work shall <br /> main each building or part of building ped with water conserving and water be done only upon written ordet from <br /> mast h&ve a separate atoF box and a regulating devices as appmved by tlre the (3ommisaioner. In an9 eVent, sa <br /> separate meter. Commiesioner. hereinhe£ore provided, conuection must <br /> ' 1.7 Tspping of Maina Prohibited. No 1.19 Pcrmita Reqqired for Air Condi- be made within sixty days atter the <br /> pereon exceHt those dnly authorized by tioning. Permits shall be required for the permit is obtsaned. <br /> the Viliage shall taD a*iY disEributing inatallation af all new air conditioaing• 2.4 Properity Asseserwmti. Before a <br /> main or pipe of the water supply sys- ayatema connected directly or_ indirectlg Permit for water main ta.pping as pro. ' <br /> tem, or inaert stop-cocks or ferrules tq the public water system. Said permit vived in Section 2.2 hereof shall be is- ' <br /> kherein. shall be on forns as Dravided by the aued the following conditions shall be <br /> 1.8 Repair of Leake. It shall be the re- yillage, complied with: <br /> SPOnaibility of Che conaumer or owner 1.18 Connections Barred. No conneeti4n (aj A connection permit $o servfce; <br /> to maintain the aervicg pipe from the shall be allowed to a bnilding Dipittg direetly ur indirectlq, any lot or tract <br /> eurb box Snto the house or buildih8. In system that eontains any connection, af . land ahe}1 not be issned unti2 the <br /> oase of failure upon the part of any fixture, or source of pollution not allowed Clerk shall have eertified to one af the <br /> consumer or o.waer to repair any leak by the Minnesota Plumbing Gode, the St: - fo}lowing: <br /> occurring in hie pit* within tweaty-four paul Water Department, or regulaGoaa (1) That such lot ar tracE of lsad hag <br /> hours after verbal or written aotice of the Viklage of Rosevi118, been assened for the coat af con- <br /> thereof, the water will be ahut off and 3DCTIOIV 2 struction af the water mixim ivith. • <br /> will not be turned on until the eum of WATER CONNECTIONB which Che connection is to be inade;, <br /> ten dollars ($10.00) has been paid and 2.1 ' Applicationa. (a) At} applieations oa <br /> the leak repaired: When the wa,ste of • tor germita for aervfce inatsllations and (2) If no assesaxnent has been.levled <br /> water is great, or when daidage is likely for water service connectibne shall be for aueh ` eunsLruetian c"t, <br /> t-h <br /> to result fram the leak, the water map made tA the Clerk on printed forme proceedings far levying anch $s- <br /> be Lvrned off immediately pending re. fUrniahed by the ViYlage. sesament hane been or wfli he cam. <br /> Paire. ('6) Applications for permits for 'serv- pleted in due eaurse; ox <br /> 1.9 Abandoned Setvieea. (1) All service ice installation shall be made by the If no assessment has been leei¢d <br /> installationa that have been abandoned owner of the property to be served or and no assessxnent procaedings will <br /> or have " not been used for thYee yeara by the owner's aaent and shall atate the be comipleCed fn due epures; tbs.t ~ <br /> shall be disoonnected at the main by s9ze and loeativn of service connection . the Yillage has b§:ea pai$ an <br /> the Village. All pipe and apPurtenances requ[red. The apDlicant ahall, at the amount equa.l tq the "mate ' } as-- <br /> removed therefrom shaN be the property time of making application, pay to tihe sessment aga.inat said lat or traet _ <br /> of the Village and any expenae of the Yi}lage td3e amount af feea or deposit ~ far the qoastiruction o~ adi Xxain. <br /> Village in connectioa therewith shall ba - <br />