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<br /> ~ <br /> <br /> STATE OF KINNHSOTA charaed to the D-ver~ty'. a~eCuired !ar bhs'imbsllalion, all sti Lere• ' <br /> OOUNfY OF RAM~SEY (2) When new htxildin6a are erected 4aafter provided. <br /> VILLAGE QF ARiDEN HILI.3 on the eite oi ald anes, and de- (e) W3iea the ~v5ce hes heea iostalle$, <br /> ORDINANCD NO. lUS sired tn increase or ehxnge the old water ~plice~ian for water eera€ce may be <br /> AN ORDIAiAPTOE ES1'ABLISHING A eervice. no connectione wltL the asains " roede to the Clerk D8 the awner. his <br /> MiTNICIPAL WATEB $YSTEM IN T$L ahall be made nntil all the old ee?wiee agsnt, ur Ehe teaaaL or aceaDant of the <br /> yILI,AGE OF ARDEid HILLS, PRQ- shall have been removed am1 the main yrom3sm, <br /> VIDING FOR CONNECTIONB THEAE- eonuectioa yiugged by the Village. Any (d) The e3ae af water aervice metera <br /> TO. CHARGE3 THERER`4R AND PEN- expense of the village in conneoFaon sha}1 be stub3cxct to sDBroaal of the Crun- <br /> ALTIES FOR VIOLATION. therewi4h sha11 be charsed to the prop- mfnsiotter in the oase of nan-residential <br /> The Village Couacil of the Village of erty. Natwithatartdiag the foregoing, the seiv3lm <br /> Arden FIi11s daes" heleLy ordain as fol- C-ammieaioner aha14 have pawer, in his (e) A meter sDacer with ts4lpieee , <br /> loW'8. $iecretion, to pertait continuattce of the cotplings will be furaiahed to the can- <br /> 9DCTIdN 1 old ser¢iee unbil the new aervice is ebn- traotor or Dlvmber at the time a connec- <br /> MTTNICIPAL WATER BYSTEM neoted ta the Droperty; when immediate laon perniit ia issued. Meter spacers yvFll <br /> 1.1 General Operation and Adtolnietra- removal of the old service would consti- be picked up oahen tdre meter is installed <br /> tion. The Village of 2,rden Hills munici- tute a hardship. nnder \Tillage aupexyision after com- <br /> pal water ayatem (hereinafter called Lhe 1.10 3eevice Pipea. Every aerviee Bipe Dletion of water servide installation. <br /> water aystem) ahall be operatei as a muat be laid in auch manner sa to allaw - (f) The Dlumber shs11 notify the Clerk <br /> public utility and oonvenience from whir,h not leas than one foot of extra length within 24 houra after piping ia complete <br /> revenue will be derived, aubjeet tp the and in auch manner as Lo prevent rup- and ready for mzter fnstallation, giving <br /> Drovlaions of this chapter. ture bg aettlement or otherwise. The street adrlress and service inatallation <br /> The genera] admini-stration of the service BaDe muat be placed no lese than permit number. Such inxDeation as the <br /> Arden Hills water system ahall be under . geven feet below the aurfa,ce and in all Commissioner ahal] deem appropriate <br /> the direction and control of the Comm[s- caee.s so arranged as to prevent rupture ehall then be mxide' on behalf of the <br /> sioaer of Public Works, who shall report bp freezing. Serviee pipes must extend Vi}lage. In all caees connection. #o the <br /> to the Council apon requeat of the Coun- firom the curb box to the inside of the syetem must be made withitx 6p daya <br /> cil. The Commisaioner of Public Wqrks is building; or, if not taken into a build- a£ter the permit is issued. <br /> Lereinafter referred to as the Gommis- ing, then to the hydrant or other fixturns (g) Water billings shall etart at the <br /> sioner. He is suChorized to appoint repre- which it is intended to supply. Type K time of the insta,IlaEion of the water <br /> sentatives, either aalaried or non-aslaried, soft temper oopper tubing shall be used meter; or in the event the water meter <br /> to discharge the dutiea provided by thia up to and Inaluding tmo inch servicea. is not inatalled within thirty (30) days, <br /> Ordinance and such other reaponsibiTities All naderground Soints shall be mechaiti- shall commence upon the thirty-fiist <br /> se may arise in administration of the cal, unless otherwise apBroved by the (31at) day from the date of the permit, <br /> water syatem. The Adminiatrative Clerk Commisaioner. dointa on oopper tab9ng and Bhall be csalculatgd upon the mini- <br /> sha11 be prompbly and fully advieed ae to ehall be kept to a minimum, with not mnm quarterly rate, prorated pn a <br /> the aDDointment of auch reDresentatives. more than one aplice or coupling joint moatAly, basis. <br /> The Adminiatrative Clerk of the Vil- nsed for service ap to 70'feet in' length. 2.2 3eroiee Charges. (a) Permita must <br /> lage, hereinafter referred to as tHe Clerk, A11 jointa and connections ahal} be left be abtafned to conneeC to (1) the' exisG <br /> sha31 be reaponsBble for the kceping of uncovered until inspected and teated at 3ng water serviee lesds at the curb hax <br /> records relating to the ~vater syatem, o~ and one-half times narmal water line aat] (E) interaor pbumhing. The permit <br /> includi~}g recorda of permits and finances presaure and found free of leake for at fee for (1) sha3] be Ten Dallarg ($10.00) <br /> in connection therewith, but shall report leset fifteen minutes. All servicea ever snd the permit fee for, (2) shall 6e F'ive <br /> • t,hereon to the Commissioner. two inch ahsl] be csst iron. Connections Dol•lsra ($6.00); in the event one appli- <br /> The Vil~lage Engineer ahall Perform the with the mains £or reaidentia3 domestic cation ia made for hoth oonnectfons the <br /> duties provided for him in thie Ordinance eupply ahall be at least one iach inside tataI charge fee ahall be Fifteen DoY3ars <br /> and ahall provide such additional co4aul- diameter. ($15.00). No permit ahsl} be issued ¢x. <br /> Lation and advice as the Commisaioner 1.11 Private Water 3nppliea. No water cept to a lieenaed plumber. <br /> shall request from time to time, yiDe of the water system shsll be con- (b) In the event that, yhrongh the <br /> References herein to the water syatem nected with any Dump, well, tank, or" fault or omission b£ the owner of the <br /> shall not be deemed to apply to privately- piping that ia conneeted with any other subiect property, a eurb box, aad serqice <br /> owned wells unless the language used source af water aupply unless such con- lead haa not been installed for tie prop- <br /> apecifically requires such apPlication, nectian ie agproved by the Commiesioner erty, then addiEional fees shall be paid <br /> 1.2 Uee of Water Aeetricted to Aathar- in accordance with oontract responaebil. at the'time of makimg application for <br /> ized Peraons. No peraon, firm, or oox- ities of the Village and any other per- t,apDing the water main; whiah eharges <br /> poration ahall make, conetruct, or'inef,a,ll tinent regulatibna. slall be as followsa <br /> any water service inatallation or mske 132 Use Confined to Premises. No per- (1) The fee shall be $I50.00 for a 1 <br /> use of anp water service whieh ig connect• son sha11 permft water from the water inch aerviee conneetion where tha <br /> ed to the water syetem except in the s9$tem to be uaed for any purpose excePt installation is to be in an uasur- <br /> manner provided in thia chapter, upon Lis own premfses unless written faced street, w}xich fee aha3] in• ` <br /> 1.3 Wilfnl Damage to Water 3yetem. conseat is obtained fmm the Cammie- olude the -kapping af the water <br /> No peraon shsil remove, alter, damage, sioner. main, the installation of t5e sarvice <br /> or trespass upon any atructure, apDUr- 1.15 Connections at or Beyond Village line, and tM 'inatailatiuri of the <br /> tenance or proDerty of the water system, Boundaries. Where water mains of Ar- curb atop and box: ' <br /> or cause water to be consumed, diverted, den Hillss or an ad]acent municipality ase (2) In Lhe:event the instatlation }a to <br /> restricted, wasted or contaminated in sny in any street or alley adjacent to or be upon a anrfaced etreet the lo- <br /> manner unlesa the eame is permitted outaide the corporate limits'of the Vill- iocation of the main shall be ab- <br /> pursuant to a written authorisaLion or age, the Commisaioner mae is8ue per- tained from the Vi}]age Engineer. <br /> permiE €rom the Village. znits to the owners or occupanta of proD- A fee of $60.00 shall be charged for <br /> 1.4 Diaconfinaance of Service for Vio- ertieg accessible to Bueh water maina to' restoration af a typical road-mix <br /> latione. Water aervice may be shut aff at make water aeraice pipe connectiona bituminous atreet, and for restor. <br /> any stop box connection wheaener: with euch mains and to be supplied ation of a h3gher type atreet the <br /> (a) The owner or oecupant of the prem- wfth water therefmm in accordance with Village Engineer shall set the <br /> ises served, or' any other peraon khe applicable Hroviaions of this Ordin- fee on the basia af the cost of <br /> working on any pipes or equipment ance and all pertinent and applicable restoration. Sueh fees shall be in <br /> thereon connected with the water contract provisions. addition to the fees set in Para- <br /> system, has vio]ated or threatens 114. Restrictione Againat Sprinkling graph (a) hereaf. All backfill ma- <br /> to violate any of the provisiona of and Other Limitstiona of Water Uae. All terials shal] be meehanically com- <br /> this chapter. water cusf,omera ehall be subject to ap- pacted in twelve inch ]ayers in <br /> (b) Any eharge for water; service, plicable regulations of the Village or place in roadway area to' existing <br /> meter, or any other financial obii- other regulationa to which the Village street grade.. <br /> gations impoaed hereunder for the is aubject by contract relating to limita- (3) In the event of cannections larger <br /> premises served by the connection kiona in the time and manner of using than 1 inch the fee in addition to <br /> are unpaid. water or relating to the preservation, that aet forth in Paragraph <br /> (c) Fraud or misrepresentation by the regulation and Drotection of the water hereof ahall be fixed by the Vl~ <br /> owner or occupant of the premiaes supply. lage Engineer on the basis of the <br /> served in eonnsction with the ap- 1.15 Private Wells. Private wells may estimated cost of installing t6e <br /> plication for service. be maintained and continued in uae aftee service. <br /> 1,6 Deficiency of Water and Shutting connection ia made to the water system, (c) A serviee charge af Five Dollars <br /> Off Water. The Village shall not be lia- provided there ia no meana of erose- ($6.00) will be made for turning on <br /> ble for any deficieney or failure in the connection between the private weIl and water where service hsa been Curned <br /> aupply of water t;o consamers, whether municipa,l supply aL any time. Hose bff for violation of any provisipn o# <br /> occasioned by shutting the water off Por bebbs or fauceta equipped with hoae this Ordinance, except for cases subject the purpose of making reBaira or con- threada that will enable the oroas-con- to Paragraph 1.8 hereof, vahere the <br /> nections, or from a,ny other cause what- nection of the two aystems are prohibited higher charge shall be made. <br /> ever. In case of fire; or alarm of fire, on internal piping of the well supply 2.3 Time For Connections: If, for an9 <br /> or in making repa5rs or constrnetion of ayatem. The threade on the drain or the csuse, the plnrnber or contrabtor laying <br /> new works, water may be ahat off at any / bibb of the welt volume or compression ` the aerviee pipe ahould fail to have the <br /> time and kept ahut off ae ]ong as neces- tank ahall be removed or the drain bibb connection made at the time epeeified ia <br /> sai'Y• replaced with a-sink faucet without hoae his appli6ation, notice must be given the <br /> 1.6 $apply From One 3eroice. No more threade. Where both Drivate and Village Glerk fixing another day . on which he <br /> than one housing unit or building shall ssatema are in uae outside hose bibbs wislxs to make aaaneetion: T&e notice <br /> be auDnlied fram one eervice conneotion will not be instal3ed on boCh eyatems. must be given at leaet twa days Drevj_ <br /> Pxcept by apecial permisaion of bhe Gara- 1.16 Uae of Water for Ait Condition- oug to the e,tcavatiern for laying of the <br /> miasioner. Whenever two or more euch inB. A1T air conditioniag syatems whiuh eervice pipe, and t,he oonneetion must <br /> housing units or buitdings arz supplied are oonnected direct3y or indirectly wilh be made hefore 4:30 y.m., exc+ept in <br /> fram one pipe cannecting to a distribution the pUblic weter system mnst be equip- epecial 'ceses, and thett the mork eha11 <br /> main each building or part of building yed with water cormetwing and water t+e done only upon written order from <br /> muat have a separate stop box and' a regulating devicee sa approved by the the Commissioner. In tag . everit, as <br /> separate meter. CommSeseoner. hereinbefore Provided, conaection musC <br /> 1.7 Tapping of Maine Prohibited. No 1.17 Permite Requued tor Air Condi- be made within aixty dape after the <br /> Ferson exceDt thaee duly autbarized by t[oning. PeriniCs aha11 be required for the Dermit ia obtadned. <br /> the Village shall tm,p any dietributing installation of a11 new sir conditioning 2.4 Property Aieseseiehte. BefQre s <br /> saain or pipe of the water supply ays- systems conneeted dtrectly or lndirectlp 'Dermit for water main 'Capping ae yra <br /> tem, or insert stop.cocke or ferrules to thg gublie water ayetem. Said permit vived in Section 2.2 hereof shal1 be ie= <br /> kherein. shall be on forms, ae providEd by the eued the following cunditiona ahe.ll' he <br /> 1.8 Repair of Leake: Et shall be the re- Vil}age. eomplied with: <br /> apona'rbil-ity oP bhe eonaumer or owner 1.18 Conneetions Baned. No coanection (a) A connection permit to service, <br /> to maintain the service pipe fmm the ehall he sllowed to a bnilding pipfng directly ar indirectty, say lot or tract <br /> curb box into the houae or building. In eratem that containa any connectioa, of land shall not be issued until the <br /> case of fsi~lure npon the part of any fixtvre, or eonrce oP pollution not ellowed Clerk sha11 have eertified W one af the ' <br /> coneumer or owner to repair any leak by the Minnesota Plumlring Cor}e, the St. [oWowiag: <br /> occurring in hia pipe within twenty-four Paul Water Department, or regulationa (1) 1`hat euch lot br tracE af Iand Has <br /> • hours after verbal or written notice of the Village of Roseville. been assessed for the abat of eon- <br /> hhereof, tlie water wiLl be shnt off and SHCTION 2 struction of the water maia with <br /> will not be turned on until the sum of WATEH CONNECTiON3 mhich the connecCion fs ta be made; <br /> ten dollars ($10.00) has been paid and 2.1 ApBlications. (a) All applications or <br /> the leak repaired. When the waste o£ !or permita far service inateIlations and (2) If no asaesffimftt has beea ]evied <br /> water is great, or when damage ia likely for water aervfce eonnectiona shal] be } for euoh construction east, the <br /> to resalt from the leak, the water may made to the Clerk on printed iorme Drooeedings far letying sueh as- <br /> be turned off immedietely pending rr furniahed hy the ViUage. eessment have been or wi11 be ebm- <br /> ,Pairs. (b) ApPlicativns far Denmita for serv- Pleted in due couise; or <br /> 1.9 A6andoned 8ervices. (1) All service 9ce insf,allation aha11 be made by the , (8) If no seseasm¢ni has been levied <br /> insta3lations that have been abandoned owner of the property to be served or and no a.a.seesment proeeeedings will <br /> or have not been used for three yeara by the owner's agent and ahall sta,te the be completed fn due course, that <br /> shall be disconnected at the main b9 siae and ]ocation af service coanection the Vil}age has been paid an <br /> the Village. All pipe end appnrtenanees required: ' The applica,nt ahall; at the amount equal to the estimated as- <br /> removed therefrom ahaPl be the giogerty time of making apDlfcation, pay to the sesament againsE said lpt or trtict <br /> af the Village and any expease o(f the Village the amoanb aP fees or deposik for the conatrueticm of sax8 main. <br /> Village in connection therewith shall be <br /> . r <br /> . . . . . . . . . . - . , - . i r <br />