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<br /> <br /> <br /> (b) If for any reason the Clerk can- dor Wtal water chargea far . the preced- ouiiant of the vremisea shall uauee to <br /> not iasue a certifioate as pravided by the ang quarterly period shall be mailed by be inrnished and inata}led- tm fhe line <br /> isreceding paragraph (a), aad there the Glerk to each customer on or before tt5rving auch purpose afl aPproved ds- <br /> has been an asaeesment proaeedin8 Zn the &th day of January, April, July end tector check-type af raeter. aPp`roved as <br /> eoanect[on with hhe constniction of. eaid Octaber `of eaoh year. Such atatements bo make by the Commisaicmer. <br /> main, then the Village Engineer shall shall lse due bn or befare the last day 4.2 Water bleter SetLift. A11 watet eompute the assessment whiuh would of the month following the quarterly meters hereafEer inetalled shall be in- <br /> have bcen ]evied against the eubjeot lot peri8d oocered by such atatement. A Den- . stalletl ia aacordance with the following <br /> or parcel on the same baeis aa asseas- a]ty charge of One Dollar ($1.00) shall rules: <br /> ments Dreviously levied againet other be added to all utatements not gaid when (a) The service gipe fr4m the vvmter <br /> property for said main, and the Glerk's ' due, Any yrepayxnent or overvayment maia to tha meter, w3sen Lhe same en- <br /> certificate may be iseued upon BBY+nent of chasgea may be retained-by the Vil- ters the building; shall be broaght <br /> of said amount to the Glerk. In Lhe bge and applied on subseguent qwar- throngh the floor or bottxrm couree af <br /> event that there has been no assesament terly atatementa. aoncrete block fovndation: Hawever, this <br /> proeeeding in connection with the IariIIg 3,4 Action to Collect Chatgeo: Any may be waived by the CommisaioAer if <br /> of eaid main, the Village Engineer shall amounts due for water charges hereunder strict complianee with the provision wonld <br /> compute the charge to be made for the may be eollected in a civil action, or the ereate a hardship in a particular aitua- <br /> connection on the basis of the benefit Clerk may certify to the County Audi- tion. <br /> to said Broperty from the construction tor the amount due, together with a (b) The meter shall ~be located eo that <br /> of said main, and the Clerk's eerti£icate legal description of the premisea eerved, the bottom is from 12 inches to 24 iaches <br /> shall be issued upon payment. of such and the County Auditor shall thereupon above the finiahed flopr line. The meter <br /> chaxge. enter such amount as part of the tax shall be set not less thast B inehea nor <br /> In lieu of requiring payment of the ]evy on said premiaes to 6e callected more than 12 inches measured horizontal- <br /> charge as computed hereunder at the during the enauing year. ly from the inside line of the basement <br /> time the connection permit is'issued the SECTION 4 wall, unless an alternate mekhod is <br /> Counci4 may, uDOn requeat of a property WATER METEI;3 AND HYDRANTS ' approved by the Commiesioner. <br /> owner desiring such connection, Dermit 4.1 Water Metera. No person shall use (c) All meter fnatallations shall have <br /> payment of the fee hereunder on the water from the water aystem or permit a gate valve on the etreet side of the <br /> same deferred basis, with interest, as water to be drawn thereftom unlese the meter. In no case shall there be more <br /> pmvided for assesaments in Chapter water ia metered by passing through a than 12 inches of pipe exBOSed between <br /> 429 of Minnesota Statutes Annotated, as meter aupplied or approved by the Vil- the point of entrance through the base- <br /> amended, to the extent that thia mag be lage; provided, however, this re4uire- ment floor and the valve. A gate valve <br /> permitted by law. ment shall not apply to water with- shall aiso be installed on the houae <br /> 2.5 Location of Stop Boxes. CurH atop . drawn by suthorized Village employeea • side of the meter. All fittings and pipe <br /> boxea will be inata.lled at a Doint on the acting on Village bueinese or to water shall be red brasa or bmnze, exeept tktat <br /> pyroperty line most suitable to the prop- withdrawn for use in fire-fighting. Uniesa pipe over 2 inchea in diameter may <br /> erty and shall be ]eft in an accurate authorized by the Commiseioner, no Der- be iron. Gate valves shall be brasg 125 <br /> vertical eosition when back-filling is son shall connect, disconnect, take apart, pounds standard, except yalves larger <br /> completed. Curb stop boxes will be in- or iq any manner change br cause to be ihan 2" may be iron body. There shall <br /> stalled at an apDroximate depth of 7 changed, or interfere with any anch alsa be inatalled on the house aide of tLe <br /> feet below the grade eata6liahed by the meter or the at+tion thereof. meter gate valve a three-quarter inch <br /> Village Engineer. TsPe K cogper tubing, (a) Water customers shall make a ae- side outlet tee and.plug to provide for <br /> or cast iron as hereinbefore specified, curity deposit for water meters beforein-- future installation of a 2 inch air , shall be used for installation of water atallation of the meter, in aeoordance chamber or shock abaorLer. <br /> servicea. with the following schedule: 4.3 Use of FYre Hydranta. No person <br /> 2.6 Sapervision 6y Plamber. A11 piBing 6/8" thru 3/4^ meter with ' ahaYl operate fire hydrante or interfere <br /> connections from curb box to house aup- remote reading device $ 60.00 in any'way with ,+,he water system with- <br /> ply piping shall be made under the sug- 1" meter with remote reading aut £irst obtaining "a permit to do so <br /> ervision of a]icensed plumber. device $ 80.00 from the Commissiuner, with the excep- <br /> 2.7 Tutning on Water. No person ' 1-1/2" meter with remote tion of authorized Village emplayeea on <br /> other than an aubhorized Village employee i reading device $140.00 Village business or fire-fighting per- <br /> shall turn any water supply 6n or off 2" meter with remote sonnel. Permits may be issued by the <br /> at the stop box wibhout Dermission reading device $200.00 ' Oommiseioner in accordance with the <br /> from the commiasioner. At the time the security deposit ia following proeedure, to-wit: <br /> $ECTION 3 made on the water metera ]ust deacrib- (a) Permit to use a fire hYdrant 'shall <br /> Water Rates and Collection of Chargee ed a fee of $10.00 shall be paid to be issued for each individual job or con- <br /> 2.1 Keeping Water Accoanta. Alt water cover the expense of inatallalion of eaid tract, for a minimum of 80 days and for <br /> accounta shall be kept by the Clerk by meters, which charge shall only be made sueh additional 30 day periods as the <br /> houae and etreet number and under the upon installation of inetere on rea',- Commissioner shall determine. The per. <br /> account number assigned thereto, and • dential propertp. mit shall state the location of the hyd- <br /> also by the naxne of the owner or of the The aecurity deposit will be refunded rant and shall be for the use of that . <br /> person signing the apDlication for aerv- when the ownerehip of the sub]ect,BroD- hydrant alone, escepii as otherwise ape. <br /> ice. Billa and" notioea sent out by the erty ia transferred, but charges against cified therein. <br /> Clerk shall be seat to the honse or atreet the property under the Droviaiona oP (b) The appliean£ for a permit shall <br /> number of the party. If non-reaident ~his Ordinance may firat' be dedueted make a$25.00 advance caxh deposit to <br /> owners or agenta wish notice sent to a from such deposit. The new prope~cy guasantee payment for water used and to <br /> different addreas they shall file sn ap- owner shall 'be required to make a sim - cover any breakage or damage to the <br /> plication therefor mith the Clerk. Any 1as security dsposit on the eame con. hydrant. Such deposit shall be refunded <br /> ermr in addresa shall be piomDtly ze- ditions and for the eame purpoae. Re- upon expiration of tihe peimit, after de- <br /> ported to the Clerk. mate reading devicea on water meters duction for any applicabYe charges for use <br /> 3.2 Water Ratea. (a) The rate due and ' will be required. or damage. <br /> Meters on a sereice liae larger 4`han (c) The user shall pay a rental charge <br /> payable by each water user within the kwo inehes are to be furnished and in- " of $10.00 for each 30 daq period or <br /> Village for water taken from the water stalled at the expense of the Dioperty fraction thereof coyered bF the permit, <br /> system shall be 50c per 1.000 gallona, owner, and according}y no security de- and 60c far each 1,000 gallona of water <br /> payable quarterly; provided however, Dosit shall be required therefore. used. <br /> that the minimum amount due and pay- (b) The Village shall maintain and 4.4 Hydrant Rentals. In the event <br /> able by each water user far each quar- repair alI meters when rendered un- pmperty owners or occupants request the <br /> . ter yeas period during which water aerv- serviceable through ordinary wear and Villsge to install fire hydranta on their <br /> ice is furniahed shall be as follows: tear and shall replace them, if neces- -pmperty, an annual rental fe2 of $15.00 <br /> Quarterly aaiy. However, where replacement, re- per hydrant shall be eharged for each <br /> Meter Size Minimum Charge pair, nr adjustment of any meter ia hydrant so installed. This rental shall <br /> 6/8 thru 3/4 inch $ 6.00 rendered necessary by the act, neglec:, not apply to the hydrant insLalled in the <br /> i inch 12.00 inoluding damage. from hot water back_ uaual manner on boulevasds or street , 1-1/2 inch $ 24.00 uB, or carelessness--of the owner or Yigkt-of-way, bnL -only~to those specific- <br /> 2 inch $ 86.00 occupant of any premises, any expeu+e ally re4uested as herein provided, <br /> 3 inch $ 72.00 caused the Village thereby ' shall be 4.5 UL9lities Snperintendent. The Coun- <br /> 4 inch $108.00 charged, againet and co1le!Sed "feom the cil, in its descretion, may appoitxt a Util- <br /> 6 ineh $180.00 water conaumer: itiea Superintendent to assume and dis- <br /> 8 inch $360.00 (c) A consumer may have hia meter charge the reaponsibiiitiee imposed,upon . <br /> 10 inch $540.00 2eread by making written requeat there- the Commissioner nnder thia Ordinance> <br /> 12 ineh $720.00 for and depositing-the amount s.*ated along with such other duties -as may- <br /> (b) In case the meter ia found to have below with the Clerk at the time auch be required or assigned to him `by the, <br /> etopped, or to be operating in a faulty request ia made. In the event the test Council, but until such time the. Com- <br /> manner, the amount of water used will Bhowa ap error of over 6% of the water missioner shall continue to have the <br /> be eatimated in accardance wiEh the allegeclly consumed the deposit will be powera herein set forth. ` <br /> amount used previous]y in comparable refnnded to the conaumer and a cor- 4.6 Permits Renuired For Private Use <br /> periods of the year. If no comparable rectly-registering 'meter shall be `n- of Water Towere. No person, firm or <br /> period ia available the Commissioaer tt,alled, with the bill to be adiusted corporation shall install anP radio aerial <br /> shall set an estimated chaige on the in accordanee wibh-Lhe correoted reading. on, or 31Lq $hy way use, any municIpal <br /> basis of his best jndgment. If there ia no erior or the etror is legs water Eower for privatp use withouti ` <br /> (c) Wheie service is for leae than a than 6%n the deposit shall be retained by firat obtaining a permit from the Coun- <br /> quarterly period the quarterly cha,xge klie Village. Any adjustmeat shall not ex- eil ta dn sa <br /> will be prorated on a monbhly basis. tend far mare than one billing Period be- (a) Terma af Permit. Any person; firm <br /> (d) Where a conneetion is made to an . bore the date of the regueat for test. or corporation deefxing fa a pex- <br /> automatic sprinkler aystexn for standby The depoait charges for meter testing are mit to inatall a private radio aexial on <br /> service only on either municipal or priv- as iollowa: a water tower shall file an. application <br /> ate water mains, a'charge for such serv- For testing 5/8 ineh to 1 ineh wiYh the Glerk and have the same ap. <br /> ice shall be made on an aanual basis as metere $10.00 proved by the Village Engineer and <br /> followa: For teating 2& 3 inch meters $20.00 Qhief of Police. I€ the permit ia isaued <br /> Pipe oonnections af 4 inchea For testing 4 inch meters $40.00 _ bY the Conncil it shall be valid unly as <br /> and under ____________________$120,p0 For testing B inch metera $60.00 1Qng as the applicant payyj to the Vil-' <br /> 6 inch pipe connection $160.00 The deposit for testing metere in ex- inge $100.00 per year, and said permit <br /> 8 inch pipe connection $200.00 ceae of 6 inch shall be the estimated muat be renewed annually: The.origina2 <br /> 10 inch pipe connection $520.00 coet thereaf, which shall be determined Payment must be made ab the time of <br /> 12 inch pipe wnnection $600.00 by the Commiasioner. applieation for the permjt. <br /> These ratea shall apply in all cases (d) Ali metera, whether furrtiahed by (b) Cancelling PermikiL The Counoil <br /> where sutoma?ac aDrinklera are instailed the Village or otlierwise, shall be the mSy at any time cancel any such permit <br /> and w,here fire gates and other outleta property oY the Village. issned to any private geraon, firm or <br /> are sealed. Metera ar deteotor check (e) AuLhorized Village employees shall corporation by returning to the holdws <br /> valves must be inatalled on enc+h services ihave free accesa to premiaes connected of the permit the nnused Dortion of the <br /> as required by the Commisaioner. with the water a9stem at reaaonable aaaual fee. <br /> (e) Rates due and payable by each hours of the day for the purpoee of Ef a~ng of 6 ~he prov€sionB <br /> water user located beyond the territorial reading meters and making inspeetions 51 Violation o boundaries of the shall be de- thereof. • of this Ordlnanee shall conatitute a mie.. <br /> termined by epecial contract. (f) Where a potable water service ]iae demeanor punishab3e bq a fine ot aot to ` <br /> (f) In case a service pipe ie connected Iarger than 2 inches is installed or exceed $100.00 or imprisonment ia the <br /> to the stop box and laid into the build- where flowa are eufficienLly large in the county jail for a period not to esceed <br /> ing, bwt the DroDertY owner does not opiaion of the Oommiasioner to requira 80 daye. s <br /> wiah to connect immediately to the a meter larger than 2 inchea the oecupant EFNECTIVE ' DAT?3 <br /> building piping for uae, the minimum or owner of the subjeet premisee shall <br /> rates shall be eharged as provided in cause to be furniahed and installed a 6•1 Thia Ordinance shall be ia full <br /> Sec. 3.2 (a) hereof, eomppund meter eonaisting of dua] in. force and effeet from att@ g{},er its D8ss_. <br /> (g) In the event the water,' cuatomer , tegral meaanring elements for high and aBe and pnblication. <br /> elects to discantinue. uae of mun9cipa1 law flow ratea. The tyPe and mannfactur- bxted this of November, 1964. <br /> water the minimum charge shall continue er shall be as designated by the Commia- Robert t• Netherdnt, Maeor <br /> unkil sach date ae the service pipe is eioner. Aktest: . <br /> excavated and, disconnected at the stoD (g) Where a service line ie inetalled Lorraine E. Stramquiat ~ <br /> 1wx. to serve: in total or in part, a PMVate Administrative Clerk <br /> 43> 19B'7 <br /> 3:3 rayment of Chargea. Statementa i'ire Drotection aystem the owner or oc- ( ) <br />