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<br /> STATEOFMINNESOTA system. Wi}h respect to ihese
<br /> COUNTYOFRAMSEY ProperTies and others similarly-
<br /> VILLAGEOF ARDEN HILLS siTuated it is not equiTable to require
<br /> ORDINANCE NO. 141 installaTion of a water meter nor is ii
<br /> AN ORDINANCE REPEALING ORD. equitable To base the sewer charge
<br /> upon water usage, which cannot be NO. 114 AND ORD. NO. 116 AND metered or reasonably calculated.
<br /> AMENDING ORD. NO. 49, ALL WiTh respect To cases which may be
<br /> RELATING TO THE MUNICIPAL calledfotheaTtentionofiheCouncil
<br /> SANITARY S[WER SYSTEM, BY in the future, 8nd upan recom-
<br /> ~ CHANGING THE RATES AND mendation of the Clerk-
<br /> AdminisTraTOr and the Supervisor of
<br /> SEWAGE DISPOSAL, AND Public Works of Arden kills, such -
<br /> PROVIDING FOR PENALTIES AND properties shall be charged for
<br /> COLLECTION PROCEDURES. municipal sewage upon a flat
<br /> The Village Council of the Village of quarTerly raTe to be determined by Arden Hills does hereby ortlain as the Council upon recommendation of
<br /> follows:
<br /> Seciion 1. Repeal the named officials. In the eveni the
<br /> of Ord. No. 114 and circumstances change with
<br /> Ord. No. 116. Ord. No. 114 and Ord. No. sTaTed respeci to any properTy so exempted, -
<br /> 116 are hereby repealed, wiTh the rates upon writTen notice to the property
<br /> and charges, penalties and collecTion owner the Council may review the
<br /> procedures herein with respect To the siTuation and, if circumstances municipal sanitary sewer system To warranT such action, the exempTion supersede Those provided in Ord. No. 114 shall be lifTed and the property shall and Ord. No. 116 as of January 1, 1971. be required to insTall a meter as
<br /> ?JSection 2. Amendment of Ord. No. 49 provided in the following Paragraph a by adding a new Sec. 11, Rates and (8) hereof.
<br /> Charges. Ord. No. 49, relating to the
<br /> operaTion of the Municipal SaniTary (8) All owners and occupants of
<br /> Sewer System, is hereby amended by buildings included wiThin the
<br /> adding ThereTO a secTion to be known as category of Paragraph (5) hereof,
<br /> SecTion 11, RA7ES AND CHARGES, to and not excepted under Paragraph ~ read as follows: (7) hereof, which buildings are not .
<br /> The following schedule of raTes and r_pnnected To the municipal water .
<br /> charges shal I apply to all properiy in sysTem, shal I insTal I a meTer on iheir
<br /> Arden Hills cantaining buildings water supply as a parT of any
<br /> now or hereinafTer connecTed to and buildog program on the premises,
<br /> using the Arden Hills Municipal and in any evenT wiThin ten (10) days .
<br /> SaniTary Sewer System: after noTice Thereof from the Clerk- .
<br /> (A) (1) A charge of $9.50 every ihree AdminisTrator. Such meter shall be months shall be imposed for single ciesigned in such manner as to ac-
<br /> family residential dwellings. curately measure water con- (2) The charge for duplexes or iwo- °sumption, shall beof a type approved -
<br /> familydwellingsShallbeS19.00every by the Arden Hills Supervisor of
<br /> ihree months. public Works, shall be maintained in
<br /> (3) The charge for mobile homes or good operating canditian wiThout irailers shall be at the rate of $9.50 expense To the Village, and access -
<br /> every Three monihs, and the bill Yheretoshallbegiventaemployeesof .
<br /> fherefor shall be to the managemenT Ihe Village at all reasonable times -
<br /> of the courf or park in which such tor the purpose of testing or making
<br /> mobile home or Trailer is located. readings.
<br /> (4) A charge of E9.50 for each apart- If the Supervisor of Public Works ment, with the billing for said cieTermines ihat a porTion of the
<br /> apar}ment to be made to the water measured by the water meter managemenT of the apartment cioes noT and cannoT enter the
<br /> building. rnunicipal sanitary sewer system, .
<br /> (5) The charge for sTructures connected then the Village may permit or .
<br /> totheArdenHillsMunicipal5anitary require the installation of other Sewer System and noT included eidditional meters in such a manner
<br /> within the foregoing categories, fhat the quantity of water which which non-included categories eictually could enter the sewer comprise commercial, industrial, s,ystem may be determined.
<br /> tax-exempT properties and 7he owner or occupanT in charge of
<br /> propertiesotherihanapartments,as ziny premises shall supply the
<br /> -
<br /> well as dormitories, moTels and \/illage, upon requesi, with such
<br /> hotels, shall be at the rate of $0.63- informati0n as the Village may 1000 per gallon of water consumed on reasonably require relaTed to the use
<br /> the subject premises durin9 the of a privaTe water system. fourTh quarter of the preceding year. (g) StaTemenis for toTal sewer char9es
<br /> caTegory In the event ihat property wiThin the f,or the preceding quarterly period
<br /> described in ihis Paragraph l be mailed To each customer on
<br /> (5)isconnectedToThesaniTary sewer shal or before the Sfh days of January,
<br /> system and no water usage basis for
<br /> the preceding fourih quarter is APril, July, and OcTOber of each
<br /> available, as will be the case with Year. The balances shown due
<br /> ihereon shall be due and payable at
<br /> new consirucTion, ihen the sewer rate the oftice of the Clerk-Administrator
<br /> charge for such property shall be on or before the lasT day of said
<br /> based on the estimateq water usage monih. PrepaymenTS or over- - of such properTy as made by the paymenis of charges may be
<br /> Clerk-Adminisirafor af}er con- retained by the Village and applied
<br /> suiTation with the Arden Hills on subsequenT quarterly statemenis.
<br /> Supervisor of Public Works, with The Clerk-Administrator, by -
<br /> suchtleferminationtobemadeonihe direcfion of the Council, may
<br /> basis of iheir best judgmenT with designaTe anoTher office to mail
<br /> respect To similar usages in Artlen notices and receive paymen}s
<br /> Hills and elsewhere. Sewer billings hereon.
<br /> shall be made on such estimated basis antl ihen adiusTed for the (C) Any amounTS payable hereunder
<br /> particular property on the basis may be collected in a civil action
<br /> of actual water usage for the
<br /> property during the fourih quarter of brought for }haT purpose in the name
<br /> Thecalendaryear,whenihaTfigure is of the Village; or the Village Clerk-
<br /> available, and the esTimated charges p,dminisTraTOr, upon direction
<br /> shall ihen be atl- thereon by the Council, may certify
<br /> as made and paid
<br /> to
<br /> jusfed by crediT To the account or the Counfy AudiTOr the amount
<br /> additional charge To the accouni. due, together with the legal
<br /> descripiion of the premises served,
<br /> In no evenf, however, shall any
<br /> and
<br /> property connected to the Municipal the Clerk-Atlminisirator in so
<br /> Sanitary Sewer System be charged ceriifying shall add to such amount
<br /> less than the rate charged a single- as a separate item B percenT ihereof
<br /> as a tlelinquency penalty. The County
<br /> family residence as provided in p,udiTOr shatl ihereupon enter such
<br /> Para9raph (ll hereof, amount as part of the tax levied on (6) In the evenT ihat property is con-
<br /> ~ necfed to the sanitary sewer system
<br /> for the disposal of intlusirial sewage said premises to be collected during
<br /> wastes, or other sewage wastes the ensuing year.
<br /> which, by virTue of fheir sTrengih and (D) The charges due as provided herein .
<br /> volume, are subject to sup- - shall be effecfive and commence
<br /> plementary charges by the City of St. upon ihefirst day of January, 1971, to ,
<br /> Paul or the Village of Roseville, the be billed April 1, 1971.
<br /> Village may impose a supplemental SecTion 3. Effective Date. This or- charge, over and above any charges dinance shall be effective from antl after
<br /> as deTermined under the preceding iTS passage and publication, but sublecT
<br /> paragraphs, based generally upon to the effecfive dates hereinbefore and af IeasT equal to the amount of specifietl. the aforesaitl St. Paul and Roseville Adopted by the Council of Arden Hills
<br /> supplemental charges. fhis 8Th day of March, 1971. (7) The Council has notetl ihat cerTain Henry J. Crepeau, Jr.
<br /> properties in Arden Hills use water MayorofTheVillage basically in the summer monihs and of Arden Hills are not presenfly connecied to the ATte-st:
<br /> municipal water sysfem and Lorraine E. STromquisT
<br /> probabiy will not be connected in the Clerk-AdminisTratar
<br /> future to the municipal water (Bulletin: March B, 1971)
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