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<br /> STATE OF MINNESOTA sysTem. With respeci to These
<br /> COUNTYOFRAMSEY Properties and others similarly-
<br /> VILLAGE OF ARDEN HILLS siTuaTed it is noT equitable to require
<br /> ORDINANCE NO. 141 installation of a waTer meter nor is it
<br /> AN ORDINANCE REPEALING ORD. equitable to base the sewer charge
<br /> NO. 114 AND ORD. NO. 116 AND upon water usage, which cannot be AMENDING ORD. NO. 49, ALL metered or reasonably calculated.
<br /> RELA7ING TO THE MUNICIPAL Wiih respect To cases which may be
<br /> SANITARY SEWER SYSTEM, BY called -toiheatfentionofiheCouncil
<br /> CHANGING THE RATES AND in the future, And upon recom-
<br /> CHARGES PRESCRIBED FOR mendation of the Clerk-
<br /> SEWAGE DISPOSAL, AND Adminisirator and the Supervisor of
<br /> PROVIDING FOR PENALTIES AND Public Works of Arden Hills, such
<br /> COLLECTION PROCEDURES. properties shall be charged for
<br /> municipal sewage upon a flaT
<br /> The Village Council of the Village of quarterly rate To be determined by
<br /> Arden Hills does hereby ordain as the Council upon recommendaTion of
<br /> follows:
<br /> Section 1. Repeal of Ord. No. 114 and the named officials. In the event the
<br /> ~ circumstances change wiTh
<br /> Ord. No. 176. Ord. No. 114 and Ord. No. staTed respect to any property so exempTetl,
<br /> 116 are hereby repealed, with the rates upon wriTTen notice fo the property
<br /> and charges, penalTies and collection owner the Council may review the
<br /> procedures herein with respect To the siTuaTion and, if circumstances °
<br /> municipal sanitary sewer sySTem to warrant such action, the exemption
<br /> supersede those provided in Ord. No. 114 shall be lifted and the property shall
<br /> and Ord. No. 176 as of January 7, 1971. be required to install a meter as
<br /> Section 2. Amendment of Ord. No. 49 provided in the following Paragraph
<br /> by adding a new Sec. 17, Rates and (8) hereof.
<br /> Charges. Ord. No. 49, relating To the
<br /> operation of the Municipal Sanitary (8) All owners and occupanTS of
<br /> Sewer System, is hereby amended by buildings included wiThin the
<br /> adding thereto a section to be known as category oi Paragraph (5) hereof,
<br /> Section 11, RATES AND CHARGES, to and not excepTed under Paragraph read as follows: (7) hereof, which buildings are not The following schedule of raTes and connected to the municipal water
<br /> charges shall apply To all property in system, shall install a meter on Their
<br /> Arden Hills containing buildings water supply as a parT of any
<br /> now or hereinafTer connected to and building program on the premises,
<br /> using the Arden Hills Municipal and in any event within ten (10) days
<br /> Sanitary Sewer System: after noTice ihereof from the Clerk-
<br /> (A) (1) A charge of $9.50 every ihree AdminisTraTOr. Such meter shall be
<br /> monThs shall be imposed for single designed in such manner as To ao
<br /> family residenTial dwellings. curaTely measure waTer con-
<br /> (2) The charge for duplexes or Two- sumption, shal I be of a Type approved
<br /> familydwellfngsshallbeS19.00every by the Arden Hills Supervisor of
<br /> three months. Public Works, shall be maintalned in
<br /> (3) The charge for mobile homes or good operating condition wiThout
<br /> irailers shall be at the rate of $9.50 expense to the Village, and access
<br /> every Three monThs, and the btll fheretoshallbegiventoemployeesof
<br /> Therefor shall be to the managemenT the Village aT all reasonable times
<br /> of the court or park in which such for the purpose of testing or making
<br /> mobile home or irailer is located. readings.
<br /> (4) A charge of $9.50 for each apart- If the Supervisor of Public Works
<br /> ment, wiTh the billing for said determines ihaT a portion of the
<br /> apariment to be made To the water measured by the water meter
<br /> managemenT of the apartment does noT and cannot enter the
<br /> building. municipal sanitary sewer sysTem,
<br /> (5) The charge for siructures connecTed lhen the Village may permit or
<br /> totheArdenHillsMunicipal5anitary irequire the installation of other
<br /> Sewer SysTem and not included additional meTers in such a manner
<br /> within the foregoing cafegories, that the quantity of water which
<br /> which non~included categories acTUally could enTer the sewer
<br /> comprise commercial, industrial, sysfem may be determined.
<br /> Tax-exempT properties and The owner or occupant in charge of
<br /> properiiesotherihanaparTmenis,as +3ny premises shall supply the
<br /> well as dormitories, motels and Village, upon request, with such
<br /> hotels, shall be at the rate of $0.63- informaTion as the Village may
<br /> 1000 per gallon of waTer consumed on reasonably require related to the use
<br /> the subjecT premises during the of a private water system.
<br /> fourTh quarter of the preceding year. (g~ Statements for tofal sewer char
<br /> In the evenf ihat property wiThin the 9es
<br /> categorydescribedinihisParagraph Ipr the preceding quarTerly period
<br /> (5) is connecTed to the sanitary sewer sihall be mailed to each customer on system and no water usage basis for or before the Sih days of January,
<br /> the preceding fourth quarter is APril, July, and OcTOber of each
<br /> available, as will be the case with year. The balances shown due
<br /> }hereon shall be due and payable aT
<br /> new consiruction, ihen the sewer rate
<br /> charg fhe office of the Clerk-Administrator
<br /> e for such property shall be n or before the lasT day of said -
<br /> based on the estimaTed water usage a
<br /> of such properTy rnonth. Prepayments or over-
<br /> as made by the aymenTS of charges may be
<br /> Clerk-Administrator after con- p retained by the Village and applied
<br /> sultation wiTh the Arden Hills
<br /> Supervi c~n subsequeni quarterly statemenis.
<br /> sor of Public Works, with 'he Clerk-AdminisTrator, by
<br /> suchdeTerminationlobemadeonThe 1 direction of the Council, may
<br /> basis of iheir best judgmenT with . designate another office to mail
<br /> respect To similar usages in Arden motices and receive paymenis
<br /> Hills and elsewhere. Sewer billings hereon.
<br /> shall be made on such estimated
<br /> basis and ihen adlesTed for the (C) Any amounts payable hereunder
<br /> particular property on the basis may be collected in a civil action of.acTUal water usage for the
<br /> property during the fourTh quarter of ~~rpughT for ihat purpose in the name
<br /> ihecalendaryear,whenihatfigure is of the Village; or the Village Clerk-
<br /> available, and theestimated charges GdminisiraTOr, upon direction
<br /> fhereon by the Council, may cerTify
<br /> as made and paid shall then be ad-
<br /> to justed by credit to the account or the CounTy Auditor the amounT
<br /> additional charge to the accouni. due, together with the legal
<br /> description of the premises served,
<br /> In no event, however, shall any
<br /> and
<br /> properTy connected to the Municipal the Clerk-AdminisTrator in so
<br /> Sanitary Sewer SysTem be charged cerfifying shall add to such amount
<br /> less Than the rate charged a single- as a separate ifem 8 percent Thereof
<br /> family residence as provided in asadelinquencypenalTy.TheCounTy
<br /> Paragraph (1) hereof. Auditor shall thereupon enter such ,
<br /> (6) In the event That property is con- amouni as part of the tax levied on
<br /> nected to the sanitary sewer system said premises to be collected during
<br /> for the disposal of industrial sewage
<br /> wastes, or other sewage wastes the ensuing year.
<br /> which, by virtue of iheirsirengTh and (D) 7he charges due as provided herein
<br /> volume, are subject to sup- shall be effective and commence
<br /> plementary charges by the Cify of ST. upon ihefirst day of January, 1971, To
<br /> Paul ar the Village of Roseville, the h,e billetl April 1, 1971.
<br /> Village may impose a supplemental Section 3. Effective Date. This or-
<br /> ~ charge, over and above any charges dinance shall be effective from and after
<br /> as defermined under the preceding its passage and publication, buT sublect
<br /> paragraphs, based generally upon ro the effective dates hereinbefore
<br /> and aT least equal To the amouni of specified.
<br /> the aforesaid ST. Paul and Roseville AGOpted by the Council of Arden Hills
<br /> supplemental charges. fhis Bfh day of March, 1971.
<br /> (7) The Council has noted ihat certain Henry J. Crepeau, Jr.
<br /> properties in Arden Hills use waTer MayOrofTheVillage
<br /> basically in the summer monihs and of Arden Hills
<br /> are not presenTly connecTed to the /+tTest:
<br /> municipal water sysTem and Lorraine E. STromquist
<br /> probably will not be connected in the Clerk-Adminis}rator
<br /> future to the municipal water (Bulletin: March 8, 1971)
<br />