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<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> '`~'~A/itFy~+^~respecY ~FO" tFr6Sj <br /> STA7E'6F MI'NNESOTA a <br /> COUNTYOFRAMSEY ' Prq~ertie5 an~ others str~.iilarfy~ <br /> I~LLAGE OF ARDEN HILLS`~ itoaTed itis noY equitable To:reqtliYE. <br /> s " insTal lation of a water meTer,nor i <br /> ORDINANCE NO. 141 ;:equiTable To base the sew@Y ch ~ <br /> AO ORDINANCE REPEALING OR upon-waTer u, which-cannot~~~ 0.~.14 AND ORD. NO.116 `,G ~meTered or e~"'asonably calcul~~qd <br /> M DING ORD. N <br /> Wiih re~cT tocases whiC m <br /> E~TING TO THE MUNICI;RAL,. x . - . <br /> SANITAR-Y SEWER.SYSTEMBY' in eure, n upon recom- <br /> -CHA:AGING THE RATES ;P.NCfF : mendaTian of ihe Clerk-~ <br /> `CH .iGE$' P-R ESCRIBE~D `FOR~ : AdminisTrator and ihe Supervispl?,: <br /> E , GE,- D95POSAL,' AND.i Public Works of Arden Hills ~c <br /> R DIIy~ F~~PENALTIES-~AND~, properTies shall be charged..foOL-CT~ P,`~ROCEQURES. - a ? my~nicipal sewage. upon af,•fat <br /> .T <br /> .h~ ill ~g Council of the Villag~_ of, ? quarTerly: rate to be determined:by <br /> . rde <br /> i*i Hil . does hereby ardai €>asl the,COUneil upon recommendahocn ofIlo ~ ihe pam2d officials.:e,~m the evertY-The, <br /> y Se"ron 1 Repeal of Ord 114'~`and~ - <br /> sfated circumsYan tiflnge withj <br /> - d. w 116:,Ord No l,3 ,4 an~Ord-:kNo.+ c <br /> respecTto any prope~ soexemp)ed,~ <br /> 6 are here ~y reqealed'~wit he r,aTes~ : ugon writTen noticelo iheproR~e,rty~ <br /> hd charge, pe~ndlties'~d nd~olleCtlon <br /> ,ocedures1F~erei ~ witlesjit T e' o~er The Council "~ay revie ihesrtuation and if'circw.c~sTa~cesunaal ita ~ s r temto`Nfie p-~ id n No 114i arrant such actior~ the.exemption <br /> persede T ~nd QW. Np~16 o <br /> f u1, 1971. shall belifted -and the"prop,erty shall, <br /> be required to ins I a meter a <br /> 'lSec n 2~4ne e f . No. 49 . ~ <br /> t~jsi%, <br /> provided°in ing follo~nng Paragraph <br /> ag a ne ec. es and <br /> erg~. ~s, rg~s Or N ~ 49, Y to }he <br /> r a n of The u al5anitary 0) Aal o~;fers and':,occ'yqanYS of~ <br /> e <br /> yst f is ere ded y: buildings iRCluded wiThin the; <br /> n <br /> i ~ er ~ a sechonbe„ s categor~r~of Raragraph (5) heceofiy <br /> io 1. ES ANDCH ES ioj and not~~excepTed ypder Paragraph <br /> d ollo ~ (7) hereof w ichsTal~ ~iuildings are`nohe pllowiqg sch~dule',Qf ras and' connect~ed Tahe umcipal vEtater~ <br /> arges sh~{J appJ,~l To allpro 'erTy in Temt hall i me~2r on,~heir} <br /> rden HilIS. corliaining buin~ ter as P@r? of,anw or here7nafte~conn burldin rog.~am oru Th~;premi5es,ing the +:rderi :Hills MunicipalIII in event wiT1im te,~a(10)-Qay <br /> SaniTary Se!aer System. r nq~'ce 4hgreof• from,~;lhe C;4erk <br /> (A) (1) A charge of $9.50 eve,ry ihre~ ini~rator` Such' meter sha,}1b <br /> -monThs shall be"-imposed fOt sin'l, dp§jgned~ in ~ h r~annec`-ras ac- <br /> family residential dwellings~ - c ate~ rt~54r,e wa,f`er ~on- <br /> (2) The charge for ; duplexes 'or iw s pTi~~i; shal rYR,e app~ove <br /> , familydwellmgsshallbe819:00eve, b The~°Arden Hi11S Supervisor oH <br /> ihree months. R plic Work;~'shall;be mdintained ir1~ <br /> (3) The charge for4';mobij~ homes I gQgd oPerating cqndition without~ <br /> . trailers shdll be`at ihe'rate`of $9 e;Gpense-?o TI! VillAge, and aCCess,; <br /> every° ihree, months, -,and the b" ihereto.shallb~givemtoemploy~sof.3 <br /> Therefor shal-I beto ihe;managemeRt TFy~ Vill'age aT1all reasonable ;~j;[nes? <br /> ;,'of ihe courr;or park in`+which such ' fo~The-purpose of fe9Ting,or ming? <br /> ' I mobile home or trailer'%is IocaTereadings. a <br /> 1 (4~A charge of_ $9.50_ for__each"apaM ~ If~'the Supervisor of Puqlic orkst <br /> - ment, with The billing for said~ ~deTermines ThaT ar portio,n o -ihe~ <br /> - apariment to be made To The+ ~ waler measured by~The ~er rt}eteri <br /> management of the apartment ~ does no.T and cannoT nTer~!the~' <br /> building. r municipal saniTary; <br /> g sewe~; sy5tem„ . <br /> (5) The charge for sirucTres connecTed F then The Villae <br /> may perortoTheArdenHillsMunicipalSaniTary require the insllaTion~~-of aT;her <br /> ta <br /> Sewer System and not induded add.iTional meters in such.a mannerwiihin ihe foregoing categories, thaT The quanTity of waTer which`' <br /> which non-included categories,, actua,{,ly could enter the se.wer <br /> comprise commercial ipduSTrial,`, sysTem may be determined. W : <br /> tax-exemptproperfijes - and The owner or-occupanT in char e of, <br /> propertiesoYherih@napzytme[its,a~ amy premises: shall supply~~;thej <br /> well as do,rmiTOCies, motelsu- an~ ; Village,` upon';;requ,est, wiTh such~ <br /> hoTels, shall~te aTThe r,ate of'~$0.6 information as The;Vil;lage 'Gnayj <br /> 1000 per gal lii ot wsaTer FAnsurroed oR; '.re~sonably require relaTedYO The,use the subiect"u°prertjises -'during' th~ of:apr[vate water§'j6,s,te[~_ <br /> fourthquarter of tMe-precedingyear.,~; STatemen#s for'tofa~li~`sew`@r changes <br /> .'-1,n the evenT,ThaT q~operTy wiTFiin Th_ for The <br /> teg= de~cribedsinThiS.Paragra preceding quarterly period <br /> ~ shall,be'mailed to each customer on <br /> ~ isnnecledTo4hesanitary,sew--or before the Sih days of?January, <br /> ysTem~and±ip water usage basis f- qril' Jul <br /> f~~e precedimg fourthquarter P~ Y~~'and OcTOber;of each <br /> ~~vailaFile, a$ will' be the case wi Year. The balancss shown due- <br /> ihereon shall be due!~ nd yable at~ <br /> ~i.ew construction, ihen the sewer r~ ~}he off ice=bf the CIer~Ad islraTor <br /> eharge for such properFy sF~.all :on or before the laT day~ of said. <br /> based:on the esTimaTed waTertusa month. --PrepaymQrd,is [ over- <br /> '.of suCh prapertri~as made':~y t paymenYS of ~cha, esay~be <br /> , ~;CIer~dminisTCaTor afTer?- co' reTained,.by ihe Ville and applied. <br /> 'sulta , on wiTh The Arden';: H i on subsequent quart~ly statemerlts. <br /> Supervisor.of Public,,Works,.~ wi The: Clerk-Admir~l~sirator, by <br /> ' .suchdeTerminationTObe>madg:ontk --;direction of -The ~,Council, m'`ay <br /> basis of their besT judgment wi~" designaTe another office To mail: <br /> respect To similar usages inArde. <br /> ;noTices- and receiye payme,n(f~ <br /> . Hills and elsewhere. Sewer-billin - a,her~on. <br /> shall be made on such esTimaT ' - - - <br /> basis and ihen adlusTed for Th~ <br /> (g) Any' amounTS`7payable fie-i-e-unBd <br /> ~'-ma be collecfed in a civil acTron~ <br /> of acTual . water usage for ihej Y <br /> property during ihe fourTh quarter of~ brought for ThaT purpose in the name <br /> - thecalendaryear,whenThatfigureis'~ of The Village; or ihe Village CIeCk- <br /> available, and TheestimaTed charges~ AdminisTraTOr, upon direction~ <br /> as made and paid shall then be ad•, fhereon by the Council, may certifY; <br /> - .to ihe County AudiTOr ihe amount' <br /> jusTed by crediT To The accounT oq -,--due, TogeTher with The legal- <br /> addiTional charge to ihe account. description of ihe premises serveSJ; <br /> In no event, h,owever, shall any~ E,and ihe Clerk-AdminisTraTOr in s~ <br /> property connected to the Municipal~ certifying shalLadd to such amounf <br /> Sanitary Sewer SysTem- be charg as a separate ifem 8 percenT ihere0f- <br /> less than The raTe charged a sing asadelinquency -pehalty. TheCOUnty <br /> family re5idence as ; pro%kded "i. quditor shall Thereupon enter suGl.o. <br /> :Paragraph (1) hereof:,- , amp:ynt a Sj;parTgf the tax ievied <br /> (6)t+ln The evgnT that properTy is co ~ - <br /> san pry' <br /> e iTary sewer syste <br /> nect ' - <br /> , to ::said.premfses Yq;6e cqllected du~ - <br /> :for di~ sal of industrial sewag, :}he-ensuing yeaY <br /> the ;wastes, o,-, oTher sewage ' wast ~ - <br /> `whicry!, by `viriue of their strengTh a.'_ kb) The charges due as provided he[ei~ <br /> . volume, are ~SUbiect to sup ~shall be effecTive and commeAtq <br /> plementary charges by the City of St' i' upon ThefirsT daypf January, 1971> fi <br /> Paul or the Village of Roseville, t. ;be billed April l,, 1971.'. c <br /> rVillage may impose a supplemenT~ - SecTion 3. Effectiye D~fe. This on <br /> charge, over and above any charg,; dinanceshall be effectivefYnm antl a' <br /> . as deTermined under ihe preced]ll, iTSpassage and pub,licahtMi, buT subi <br /> r. paragraphs, based generally u,, ~ tp -The- effectiive ?daTe~-~hereinbef <br /> a ~ cified. ' ° - <br /> and aT least equal to ihe amount ~ ~qdopTed by the Council of Arden Hj _ <br /> The aforesaid ST: Paul "and Rosev1~~' - <br /> ~ supplemental charges. , w:! $his 8ih-day of March, 1771. , > <br /> Henry J: CreReau d~ <br /> sp) The Councll has noted that certq~ AAayOrbf iheVillag <br /> -properties m ACSIen Hills use wat~ 4, basically m, The summer monihs a3~ "fr ~f Arden Hr6F$: <br /> are noT presenTly connecf~ To St <br /> ~ municipaJ w1#er 5ysY~f~~-aritl ~ ~rrairte Er~$?rouisf <br /> probeblywill not be connected in~e.~ lerk.AdmrnasTra~ <br /> ,`4S~R.~~_ihe,~.,lnu.~rcipd~::W~r: ~let <br />